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EE2202 Introduction to Electronic Engineering 2014/2015

Take Home Assignment 3 (NDJ): Transistors

Directions: This assignment is requested to be done as a small group assignment of 3 to 4 students per
group. You can submit one written assignment per group, Please make sure that all the students in a
group clearly state their names and registration numbers.
1. a) Design a bias circuit for an NPN Si transistor having = 100 to be used in Common-Emitter
configuration. The bias point is to be 1 mA and 5V. The supply voltage is 15V. Use standard 5%
b) Draw a schematic diagram of your design.
2. Figure A1 shows a schematic diagram of an amplifier connected to a source and load.
The voltage and current gains for the amplifier are AV and Ai respectively.
The source voltage and current are vs and is respectively.
The source resistance is rs and load resistance is RL.
a) Derive expressions for the
i. overall voltage gain,
ii. overall current gain and
iii. overall power gain.
(The Norton equivalent current source to be used in your calculations is given in Fig A2)
b) Show that for a matched source and matched load the overall power gain is AvAi /16



vs ~


rin ~ vo

Figure A1



vs ~


is ~

Figure A2


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