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NAME = TSA WAN CHinee SENT 10 + 0305/85 Ggeoun9 Fue STaucTURAe PLAN yerutt PAD d Seamo eeeae 38 Gtordecdized For ll coterteton 3 ecm Jett Weg = 015 OMe ve DERM fom 2 6.62 kelfer > Slee See Weight = 0.05 ve 24 kM Jon + 3b Rk Am™ 3 (ian set weg = 42m 0.15 x 2g KM 15.12 6m OD Ground Beam + B-e/2 ® 0 O at | | | re negate | 4709 —= | mur Tecate \" Q *——* GROIND Float STRUCTURAL CLAM sete e-cfi-2 = 5 21.23 <2 fr Brad e-c /2-3: 4: ‘Slot [23-2 i 2 Le bition Diagram @ oe. 3 me 7 | os oa + aro O i Lae Geant tilt © I bak vuviuy Beam SOP eight 1.62% fen Say UF weight = 3.6 kul” No wal actiag’on slab 6 -€/2 | Dead Load on Slab 6-€/1~2 + 3.6440/m" x( 3-8/2) = 6.84 ed] | Convert tiorgulo land fo vol + 6.R¢ki/mxE — ou spate) 1-2 = #56 Khim 456k Ptod Locd on slob Boe/i-2 = 456km/m Deed Looden Slob B-€/2-32 3.6kN/mn X(3m/2) dL am slob 6 -€/2-3 Convert rioagutee (0d to UDL ~ Jesolo u Deed Laodon Slay G-c/2-3 7 #56KAom Youur Aoter Otod Loed <[).62'+ #56 +456) kAl/m Ps rr 2 [0.1 +A m “Tote Deed Lend bisfane Live Load {ria Theatre. © 4.0 KM/en J tok/n” e CHR™ (2) LL on slab 6 -€/t-2 Sa 68+ KN /m, Nee: "ys oi fom st 6/23 | stole @—¢ (2-3 2B. GEM/m™ £3.80 12) for a re 6.8K Am ve Tl cond tad, 09 Be /p-22(162415.246.blon | | 723.58 kW/m | | foo 2 Hen Ton Sed Lad 0 6-cf3-3 (ene ret 6.) | EA en Mt | ee He “ales Dod Load Viesyam se Lood LLdinmsiab 86/12 Slab B-C[V-2 = H.olen® x (3.8m /2) ce yee peel | Sip Bees a setae #24) tL trom sab 6-€/2-3 66a “si —Ss | ofot tive Lood = (7.6-+ 76) KM/m 2 [5.2 kfm 1a Teta Total Live Leed Diagram Ufirate Land Dead Load [—2 + 29.58KMn Let bn = 33.01 kifm Pend load 2-3 = 23.5E be x Lt kl = Bot kM/m Live Load 1-2 = 76 ba/m ¥ 1.6 kN fm (2.16 kM Lie Lod 2-3 2 7.bAN Im x 1.6 kU 12.16 half on ere ey UHimode Led f-a 2 (33.rf 1? 16) EN/m oO @ ® | = HS.17 kaon 45.06y $5 11m Uttimete Lood 2.3 = (33.0/4 19-16) leM/on vid wW ©4517 ko /m & 4 Utliwate Lod pTegeam a r=) re era) eee, 7 SUN | savin ¥ accede vu vv - J+ [eve econ) +89) m0, «few reer) x (42)] + (C514 ET) 2 H98. 90 279.18 = 1210.56 + Ry (21) RyCB7) = 19 8S CF Ry + 228.58 ka Shy <0 R, + 22858 — 5.11 (40) 9TH (4) + @, = 223 BOW Dt woo @ ocd Piegeeon p sree _@ wo OP 4ST kvm 4 4S Tk Mow ud ved \ i \ 1 | \ Berdng movect legen J _l Grp une FLOR SQUCTORAL PLAY pa fren SBE etree > 2way slob Lood Disteiinstion Plargror ® © Oma | Stole Sef Weight = 2.6 a/en® Oronteeaye® seem See wit Dead Load a iil Boam Sele Weight = 1.62 kM —— twat SeeP Weight = 15--FY/m | Dead (aad rom Sele A-6f | pond Lody on Sab A-@/1*3.6M/m* x(tm/a) oa = 1.21M/m eee: Convert tinngplee (oad to VDL + Tk % E p— -— st 8 En a o©® © € Windows on (ual A -B/ 1 ig.ntnle dead toed on Well A-B] tf = ISI kM /om \ Dead toed on cual C- O/i-# + 15.12 w/m | Dead toed on all B- C/E = EB Mon + 1-6216Mr 26.42 kM im 22 4 efon #16 2mm peed food on well 6- = 642 kfm ov trom con g-cpt-2Liatel Lidtel < Cousin x Duce seth] pene = 0.54 kN /m — ——— (oth B-c/1-2 B Lintel + (6-42 to. & 2 6.ACKAYmn Telol Oved Lood for Well AG be codtayin 2 (162 PRES (512) ho vd | |e est kw hen 4 | Teter ead Lond or Watt CD | 25.0 2bhffe 2 C162 t EE + 15.12) Ml cb - ——4 2 DLSt halen pace Tote! Cod Lend for Wall 8-6 [IF ronieiae 26.42 ku/m tester: - © © Hive tnd 7 5.13 | tei Live Loed = 5.33 kN/m | vo Ultimate Load oan AB (ots) (533416 ) + BB+ kel /m ®6 © wal oHc/3-4 2 (642 ¥I-) F539 %0.6) ' + i152 in |e 41.18 bean toot @-e/y-2 & intel =(6.96 x 1-4) + (5-33 x. ) Une . Yoo ae timate Cond 0766) com @ C Oo { “ae SS tate 8 PON Tpke) (ass ee added wats 6 cf 1-2 | aed wih 6 /1-2 & lite! (onal &lietel foool Rerdion fore 6 © © © fag 000) 0M tons Hae 4g toe vt we et 4775 boy Emo = [maxon dt] ¢ - arsaxae (14 2) +[C etd 1) x GH] + C4) F-23849 —70.0¢ — (67.23 FRoC4) Ro) + 65.3 kw sae Ry + 65.3 - 4118 - 17-52(2) ~ 47.78 +O Ry = 65.3kV Lead Diegeme © @ jroo] 2009 _j tone) ete 171. S2kM hn 7TE vi edou Ww es TT Ty: t 65.3kW ' 65.3 Sheew For 029% ending monet ®D secns 60 Beem + A-O/2% ann Beam Set Wtiget 1.62 bam @_«o © Slav Self tiget = 3 .6kefen* “Ts | On at wou set odeight + 5-7 Fahne | s am Dead Laed om Sine A-B/ 1-2 Letectae-ari = 3.6kW es (4m /2 coe = Q chee sued | ° 1 fea ———| conor |convec Aringte (olf UPL = 1. 26on F tam | | ee = 4B kam 2 ae puton seb 0-6/2-7 Deed Lod on Sh A -6/2-3 a5 Seeowo FLUE STRVCURAL CLAM 4-6/1 = 3.6 foifen x Cm /2 2 eas “| cue ) aemysied cect Uingutee toed to ves T2bM ox F P6/2-32 M2) <2 248 bon ee # Coe on ay A- GS? way A-B/1-3 = 16 -1E NAH 6 CO fie5 = 15. Rl aujmx ose) x 2Hka/en 21,56 kfm uot oes tere Vintel = (aise x0, 15m) eB ea/m® 0.5% ball wa) 6/7 Bintel = (7-56 F054) em + RA kulm Pilot Dead Lond = (162 (SEE FER KM eT, 2 06-34 bm Tetat Deed Coad DT oinpo atest Pape eerd Bye fae gyn coon Af algal fom 9.0 bd /on] 6.67 bof Sey B=B/1-2 = (S-0bMon*) CF) bees 1okM [vm ———| canstet tdagete farm 40 9pt + 10 RM XE 6 | | 667 o/nn a fe 4 | ce | stay 0-6) 2-3 + (33tW lat) x He fz) at al al 5 8 Kin vee v = contett Harguter form fy v9e £ SK Mme F Sop tem 200 = £tYn fo. vente | b uus Tote Live Loed = 6.67 +4) koffen ot Fa tad legen + 10.67 Mon timate Lond ®o © @ Total» (26.3 061-4) £010.87% 1-6 ) Me le 1 balm HORM 19M 53.95 lenffon eer ; wae |e des) ae - a Utfiowe Coad A/oajron deck (ee Rd Mades wat 0-cf 1-2 oat a & fics fooe © fiete| tod pecction Fore emsa {e 1417 % 0.6) x4] +(c Wart) x¢0 ot 4)| 4 ( Cina y24) x (or Bty] + res) 2 ah 5. 1234-108. 82 F Bo CH) RoC) = 115 R= 4d 2 kfm efy -9 Rat ABAD HIF TC 0-6) 1.97 FRAT (3-4) «0 Ry = 24. SKM, 0, ten, 2808 teed Diese 5 6! aC ® @ @ Farha tHe acti vofuy veud ee ® * 7 43.92 tu/o aael Soe Forte verge © second floor Seem = @ on 9 O . an s T | wo a Q_ sommes [onto] | | ee Ca | 5G fi-2 = Demy Heb AB (23 + 207 Hob o-cfi-3 = EIS 2229>2 39 ene ® @ o 0 RS a | 13 ae S ae An b wirdeos on mt 8/23 @9 ci ine ton 6/23) aC) vaten seh oop 9bt Le 7 etl Beam See Weight = 1.52 EM” : Slee Set Weight coat SeeP boeing = 15, 1206rYm Stops 8/1222 Fb kyon Slay A-G/2- 357 HB EMH 3.6 bm Jon x (3.80 /Y 6 Re La bk Sloe @-c 11-3 Tato pera Lead on Sao B/(-3 Aes 6-84 + 1:62) balfe SE oettnot at ett v0 E) ae | ive und Bega, 0m = 20 /en ea [Sie hoes —— Lion competer toom = 3.9K N/mm x (¢mh) real 5 vue = 6 kAlen dingslee © VOL = GR 2 A bln | Ln om bateeny 22-0 kuin” (hers) we Ke/m | | KM youd b st nee ae geelm fatol Live Load Oleg" Qn 200 Pal? slp 3 ean ww Totot Dead Loed on Wall As De fab 152 \ peor 2 2R.28 kale a eo ©® ——*) FAY (Ee | totar bead toed on at! 69 7 Hatt AS | | san BEEN | | 16.51% ved etal end ed on GC bittom) 13.26 + C0.4m xO asm 424 be/n) +165 kelfn | @ 3 Ne sun \ 4 | “Tate pred Loed on OC C foe) 2 13.26 + Chom * 0.15 a ekalo) 16.56 Ku) ss A be 5G Kulm i Liste! basen 01S Im 2H Aan pee noses Tahal oad Coed Tha Dead Load on BC Chee) & Litel = 11.ten foe 60 6 Utimote Locd for wal AG + (2838 X14) + Ce x 6-6) Aisne = 52.53 kN/m loos Ultimate Lood for Gat CD + Ultinate Laed for Wan AB msytte = 62.5 ake /m Ultimate Lavd for wot! @e (etfom) + (16.5 > ta) + Ce x1) 35.9 Kn cena B16 knoe vid) uliwate Loed for wall BC (toe) “los coer oe) 2 @. fe kay > divik by 2 BF 716 kof > At a €D | 35.444 “ruta Wel em weed Lue Utteate, Lead Olegrer [carters « on “been 8 / oto Qtod Loed = (13-26 + 15.12) kad on = 2B3E kelfn “Totes List Load , 2M (mm Uttine Dood 2 C8 HEED HEX >) = 55.13 kfm Geom & /1-F rn Hs R2kapn | 1 55.13 ke /m ' \ s th patie: zu er pet vob ive aaarcea}t l(t Tr) x Cored t [C- 35.94 %2) aGe242)] Ems : [esas x4 CH) +[(-tenxy x C7 t 4] + ecav 2-615. 5H 206.42 — BOTT = “FEIOG = 5E3.10 + Ke (7) BOCEY = 2255.89 Rp = 257-30 ae Ty 35-02) ~The =e Ry + 259.30 - STE CD ~ 18 9 Rp = 269-97 kV 35.4 H 55.13 ™ ivall vy sied ls a 259.30 ey it tap 20091900 Slee fore aerding Om 653.32 oer BD Rot Ceom te vive Lead _ SS lige <4 #12, 20p5F = 9.02 pst = 0.02% flr Dite* - cod Nie co | 002104 sec Oe ee Dead Lood from Rater £ (6.5m x1) 2 gilt x bel get « dentity 2 yS.5m 2 oe x 0.05 % W/m? + Tr bw fa © 0.0825 N/m dol Live Load Kiam park Toss = 71 kaha rod Load Ror Pacts 24.55 KN/o 2 Width x height x dansity 2 0.225e 0.87504 X WEN /oa? © 01 kN e55eN 4.56 km Nanioor of putlin ? 3 clin = 0.1923 Foto! dead loool Perm Ps = 0.51 m Uttienoite Load, aod Load = 1-63 XL = 2.28 Mn Pp eer ry Or iat | ive boed = $55 41-6 = 1-28 KM/m 29.65 KN/on | ccktee Zotar otinate Lod. +(2.28 7-28) ka/en — 4 = 9.56 kfm | putin | peaetion Fores eae 1500 : : =| 956 kfm | 005k Mn 45 + 3.25K/em do wv a! hor Deed Lod from Rost Truss | Lead 0) 3B eee 34W = 1.63 kN Jon pug : naw P 7.TeW fy 1e3¢* RTRs Bek, © WERE © ZIT EM, eet | COLUMN CHOS EA + AL - Grate FLOOR CoLumal Oued bey Fector Gosen Serf weight = 1.62 KN/m Sy Sek Weight = 3.6 kaif’ Gene Flooe wait Self Weight = 4.2m ¥0-15e x 24 leW/on* © (52 kn, | Live Lood Factor | Entertainment Room = Hf.0 kon? Area of seh = 435m x20 + Bam* Qeod Load Concrete Slob + 35m x20 X 3.6K en" 3132 foto sett ulti ght « 1.62kN/m x (2+ 4.35) + 10.29 kw) conceete wall = (5.12 KM/m x 2m + 30.24 Kal Aofol Oond Load = 31-32 + 19.29 + 30.24 Geosip FooR. PLAN = T.B5KM Chor conertte wall ceferenae) Live Lond [ futecteineart @som # #otal/ea* Totes Live Lad = $35 XIm x HO kM/on™ SERA Ultloote Lood Ulfiewte Dood Lood = T).8SKN x lt = 100.54 kal Ultimate Live Load = 3+. 8k X16 + 5GERN Toto! Cotenn toed in Gard Floor = 100.59kM + 55.0EKN = 156.27 kW COLUMN CHOSEN + AY FIRST FLOOR COLUMN, Deed Lod Factor Beom Self Weight + 1.07 Kin Sle sett Weight = 3.6K /m* Ficst Foor evant Self Weight = 45m £0.15 x2 Hhey/en> + (6-2 ka /n Live toed Factor Guet Room = 2.0KN/rn* @ Dtad Loed pdeedlilsad® conc Slab 435m Im 43.6 WN /m * 313k boom setf weight = 1.62 kW/m x (2 +435) 10.29 ad Conceete wall = (6.2kMfm se (2 + 435) = fo1.81 bw Live Lood [Guest aoe * 2okenlfmn®] Atel vive Lood 2 #35 Xm yw 2.0 KAI fn® oO L || . PART. FLooe vee Coe caneeete. wall tfertaee) Ultimate Lood Ultimate Dood Lod = (02.8TkW XI. = (44, 02 kw Uttimete Live Load = ITLEKA ye 6.6 27.84 kW Tote Column Lood in Fier Floor = I4402KN + 27.84kM = ITB KA cowmn CHOSEN = AL Seon Floo® COLUMN Deod Load Factor Beem Sef weight = 1.62 kAlm Slo Self welght = 3.6KA//om* Sand Fly lb Serf Weight * im £0.1Sm 3 2¢ kar/o? = 15.12 kN fem Live toed focfor Tym Goo = 5.0 Man ™ Deod Load se Concrete Side = 435: % 2m 2.6 /on® 2 332kW 7 coon SE wbight #1.620M un 56 2+ 35) en o Gaz & 0 : | nn reg eal — 7 conceete Well = 16.12 Kf XC 24 4.35) + 96.01 kN Tato| Dead Load = 1.324 19.24 + 76.01 = 31.62 kv Live Loed Gym ove = 5-08N/on" J Seamap Looe PLAN Tafel Live Load = 435m 2m x 5.0KN/m* Cor conceete Wott ce-fecence + ABS KN Uitirete Lead Rook Uttiwnte Deod Load z [37.624 Xap | Toy Deed Wed = Lok 192.67 kad Totat Live Load + 0.5t) Ultinete Live Load = 43.5 4N tb inate Lead for Ded Loe ae |e rokm eid = LERN 2 64. | Ultivcte Load for Lvt Load atoll Claman Load in secrdl floor = 192.STKA + 696k | aeste C6) 0. + 262.27 KN Titel Aioete Loved = (ek) $9.80 2a Tetol Colma Lood for Al + 156.2TkAl + 171, BOuN, +262.27K4 + 2.2b0 + 592.6 kA Neo! Ff, At O8A cf f 04x 30 x Be x30 J+ 6.8 x 1% ¥ 5m x30 x #60) = [080000 + 23/2000 + Ih y1200 2 [eta kw > 592.6 kW), hus the coluen Size is sufficient xy Cocume ertsen : AZ Goud — Gn © sso geod Lood Factor o 4 + Geom Serf Weiget = (62 bal fm Stab Sete welgit + 3.6 RN/a* 2 1 4" enn looe wat) Set tight = (5 TERA oe otf 1 fase Th ape ee ah at Entertainment Room = FOKM/m* wi \- ioe wipnsy > 3-8 b8fon™ oe C4 Oa 6 Aiea of Slo = 1.35 x2m Tm a @ @ Load . — Zonatte glob = 155m % 2m ¥9.6hA/m — 2 52.92 kN or beam seth weight «162k fm x (7.35 42+ Adon 2 18.39 kw a | Conese Wall + 15.12 bf 3 (342m @ sas = T15.6KN atel Oead Lood «52.824 1839+ 15.6 = IGEN | | Live_Loed Fatertonrent Room 2 1.35 mm In 0 6N/mr* eK + 348 KN GROOND FLOR PLAN 2 (for eanerete wall coterenca) Mini Lipeary = gm x 2m % 2-0KM/om = kd Total Live Loed © 34.8 KN +1260 = 46.8kN Ultimate Lood Ultimole Dead Load + (46.41 RN XI. = 205-61 kal Utinate Live Lood = #6.R KN x 1.6 > THOS kW Total Column Load in Grd Floor = 205.6TKU + TH. EE KA 280. 55 kn cotoma chosen = AB TAAST FLODR coLUMN oe @ @ Ope pred Looe Fostor Boom Sete Weignt = 1-62 kA/on Gut 157 | See Set Weight = 3.6 kA/m~ cust’ Hose tall Weight = 16.2 kaon F ‘9 Live Load Factor Gert Room? 20k /n™ Le ae wc = 20k fa | 220K {a Ls Lovage 7 2.0 0N/- Oo— Pead_Load = a concrtte Slay = 138m % Be 3. GEA” 2 5242 kw) heom self weight = 1.62 kM/m X(135 +2 +2) 1639 kv Coneete wat) 2 (6. 2k fm (2354 242) 2 102 STR Teor cod Loed + (52.92 + 18.394 102 FT eed 2 ITH KM 235 Im ¥ 2.9 2 TKN Oo Wetec = tm am 2.0 kM fot FIRST. FLOOR purged = [6kN Coc concrete wot se-fectace | Lounge Be Oem 120A /m* 2 kW Tote te Lond + OF #16 HID KA 237 tkw Uitimete Lod Utinete dead Load © ITH IBN xi = 243.35 kN Ultimate Dre Loos 6 37H OIE + 59.64 EN Total cobma toad In Fitsd Flooe 2 243.65 kw FST bq ky 2303.69 EN coLumd cHasEN = AB Zany FLOOR CoLumn 0 o © @ peed Load foeter f-7 tT Beam Seif wielght «1-62 knlfon St oy Self wilt © 3.6 KA fon ® on wo Sloy sett weight | /s Fam) J Secod Floor Goatl Uieight © 15.1 KVfm. Tes Gmedo—> | | | goo Live_lood Factor fred iLL Gym Room: 5-0 Re a Computer Rooe = 2.0kMn Deed Load Gunite ShE 2 6 25ie:K Gm ~ 5-6 kafen® 2 51h kW eee sult hight = 1.62 kal x (6:55 +242) = (6.17 KW concrete wall = 15.1rkije x (635 +242 156.49 kW ota! Dead Load = (45.12 + IG-AT + 156.49) ns + 2B AE RN Live Load Gym Poon + 235m x Ix 5.0 N/m" = 23.540 Secon FLOOR cee aa) de. conceele. yiolt cece Computer Room ten Km 4 2.0K N/m eee 2 Ib KA) “total Live Load = (23.5 +/6) kw 2 37.5 kw Ultimate Lood Ulimatt Bead Loed = 25 AREA > 1+ + 306.5T kN Utiowte Live Load 2 34.5ka ¥ 1-6 + 63.2hw oto) column load jq Stomh floor = (306.57 +63 ak +3671 RW Rook Total Ultimete Load 2 2 2kN Total Coiuma Load for A3 2(280-55 +203. 64 + 269.17 + 2-2) kV = 956.21 ka eB t RA Ne [4 1).2kA > 956.2) kN Tous the cluen sin Us Sufficient — ye coun crosend = AY Coowig FLOOR CoLymed ® o @ o -—+—4 pead tood Foctec | Beom Serf Weight = (6k fon Slob Seth weight = 3.6 RNa Gard Floor tall Sef welgt= 15 (2&4 /or Live Load Factor le eo mini cibeory + 2.0 /om™ ot 00 Prreo of Slab = 3m x27 = bm* Dead Load Concette slab + 3m x2m x 36 lenafon* «216 RN oenn sett weight = kerkMfn «C3423 — edi concecty call #15.) Bfm ot C372) ™ © 15-6 kw fotal Dood Load =(2/.6 FEAF TES) 109. 6b Live Load otol Live beed = 3m x 2m H2.0kN mn” = KN ERO ELOOR PLAN Ultimate Load Choc conecete weit weftetnce ) Ultimate Dead Lood + 05.6RN x I+ = ETB KA Ubinete Live Load = (2kW X16 7 gtk Tato Column Land in Growl Floor + 47-64RN +14, 207 + (61.0% ew COLUMN CHOSEN) > Ate EesT FLD coven Deed Lood Factor gee Boom Fert Weight: 1-620 fmm | Slo Set eight © 3.6 ten/on™ Fisk Floor event Seif Golgi = (6. 2Kfm Live Laed Factor | se Mat , T Laenge 2 2-0kM/en feat | 62 lenges {309 L i eae 40 i tod Load Concette Slob: 3m x 2m y 3.6KN/m = 216 kal boeom Serf weight 2 1-62 kr x 2m 2 324kN conccete wall = 16-2kNfw x 2" 2 32.4 kA Tole ted Loed ¢ (2.6 43.24 432. EY = 57.24 kA Live loed Total Live Lood 2 3m x2m 2-0 bev/en™ = aka Uttiowle Oeed Load 2 57. 2¢KN 14 See FIRST, FLo0e LAN Ulfined® Live Lood = [2K x06 - Srnaks) Coe concree wait seteveace ) Tot coluen Lood in Fictt Flooe = BO. te eA 297 3¢eR Ri Tato| Oltimate Load = 22k Titol Cotumn tond foe AME =(167.0% + 99.34 + 2-2)EA = 265.56 KN N 4 1HUDRM > 268.5 EEN Toes tre column Size iS. setlilert ® carmel cvsen + off @ROOND FLOR coc uma ead Lood Factor Beom Sat (eigat = 1.62 kW/m Gino Serf wight + 9.6K /m* Gea Floor Wey Sett Weight = 15.12 KM) Prose © sxe O =) Live bead Factor Mini Librabey = 2.0 KN/m* Eotery @a— Acea of stob - a Dood Load Concrete Shiv + 3m x2m « 3.6kA/m* = 216 kN beens Sait weight = 1-62km x (3 +2)™ kN Conceete wall + 15.12 kMfnn x C32 2 6b ew “fotor Otod Load + QI + EI 4.15.6) km = 105.3 kW tinal Loe Ulfieete Deed Lood = 105.3 e ee =) GROWO FLOOR PCLAW = e742 Cor conceete vial! coftrence) Ultima Live Lood = yak) x 1.6 IT Tafel cotamn in Gard Efooe = (147.42 + 19.2) kA 2 (66.629 coum cHOSEN = b4F etesT? FLOOR column © sao Oxg39 Pood Lend Factor a) Geom Sere (selget = 162 be fon | | Sha Seth Weight = 3.0 lfm Riesh Hose etal Set odelet = 16-2 Y/mu Live Lond Factor ;“ J Loweae + 2.0 Kron 6000 pe i rt bisa) 3.08m x3m % 3.6 RM/m 33.26 Ww) beam Set weignt = [62K fm x( 3-08 4+3)— + 285 KW Concrete wall = [6.2KY/m x 2.98 m = #9.90 kal Total Pood Load = (33.264 9.85 + 47.40) kv = Qo! few Live Lasd ofr Live Lood = 3.0m % 3m X 2.0 KA/m® i 2 ee FIRST FoR PLAN) Cor corecety wath cefeeenee) Ultimate Load Uvinwte Dead Loed = 73.01 eV xt. + 0.2 ea Ulbimate Live Lod = (8 4EEN yb = 29.57 kw Total Coluarn Laad in Fitst Ffooe = (20,21 kV +24.5TKM = 157 1E KN Tote “Ultioate Load = 2.2 . “otal Column Load foe Bq 2 (166.62 + 159-18 +27) kv) = 328. GEN N= (HUT RY > 328.6 kn Thus te column Sioa is sufticlent. y 22

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