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6.80 6.80 The two-dimensional velocity field for ‘an incompressible, Newtonian fluid is described by the relationship V = (1219? - 6x + (18r'y - 49] ‘where the velocity has units of m/s when x and 1 are in meters. Determine the stresses ,,, 6), and «,, at the point x = 0.5 m,y = 1.0m pressure at this point is 6 KPa and the fluid is slyeerin at 20°C. Show these stresses ona sketch, = pram fe (Eg. 6258) Tyy =~ P+ " (eg. e1zeb) ayn (2 tee & (3 2) Cp, eee For the given velocity distribution, with £25 and ge hom: fay - 18 x* = 12 (he) /8 (2.5) 250% 24xy = 24 Co5)(10) = laod ale ahxg= 3b (05)(ho) = 18.0 22 = 18x7j2g7 = 18 (a5) 12 (10) =~ 150% - av . Wes Thus, for p= oxi %, and p= nso MS, ~ 6x10 + 2 (neo 3) (n50%) = 584K Tyg = ~ bx IA, +2 Caso") (-1503)= =h02 4k 1, = (so W204 + 13.03) = 450R [eth H veo Pe . S98 RR, r 6,8F 6.84 Oil = 0.4 N-vm’) lows between two fixed horizontal infinite parallel plates with a spacing ofS mm. The ow is laminar and steady with a pressure gradient of 900 (Nim’) per unit meter. Determine the volume flowrate per unt width andthe shear stress onthe upper plate From E¢. (6.136) g = volume flowrate perunit width aut of the paper 3 . ahr where Hf =- 46 For this flow 2h=Smm or h = 2.5mm =2.5x10°m and p/h =(+900M/n?)/m = +90°N/n? Thi 2 (2.5x10%m)3( 900% = Dawe “sn” $7 3 (onan) EER TS The shear stress is Try auly +) where = 55 (EMA) =- Ah) and w=0 Hence, On the upper Plate ych so that Upper = magnitude of shear stress on upper plate = Ph = (90044) (2.5x10%m) = 2ash acting in the posifive x-direction the direction oF flow), 6.85 Two fixed, horizontal, parallel plates are spaced 0.4 in apart. A viscous liquid (4 = 8 x 10"*Ib- s/It.5G = 0.9) flows between the plates with a mean velocity of 0.5 f/s, The flow is laminas, Determine the pressure dropper unit length in the direction of flow. What is the maximum velocity in the channel? ves 4 (eg, 6.137) = HEE ee Bes Per fe Umax? 3 V (E3, 6.198) 6-89 6.89 vu 6.87 — Two horizontal, infinite, parallel plates are spaced a 8 stance bapan. A viscous liquid is contained between the r Plats. The bowom plat is fixed and the upper plate moves Parallel to the bottom plate with a velocity U, Because of aaa the no-ip boundary condition Gee Video V6, the iged b mon cane he itd Sing tng dae pe 4 nove Sanne ee pec peer ace | sion of fom. Ne ah nse sine Coe << | foe duced neon 97 (ean he See Frcas plete ‘Stokes equations and determine the velocity distribution be- pee S, tye te pac (0) Derine epson or flowrate passing between the plates (fr a unit width) Exe press your answer in terms of & and U. (0) For steady Fl with Veurzo st fellows Tht the Mewier- Stokes Oguatiins reduce to Cin directoy of Flow) or- Erp (4) (Fy. 6129) Thus Ar Hero pressure gradient 2 0 The . Me Gyre, At and it Allows Brak G=0. Similarly, u at yobs ua and C,+¥ There bre, u u=Zs £ vf v yf (@) ge [ands =n pes = 5 2h ° where 4 (3 The Flowate per unit width . 6.90 6.90 A layer of viscous liquid of constant thickness (no velocity perpendicular 10 plate) flows steadily down an infinite, inclined plane. Determine, by means of the Navier-Stokes equa- tions, the relationship between the thickness of the layer and the discharge per unit width, The flow is laminar, and assume air resistance is neg- ligible so thatthe shearing stress at the free sur face is zero, Gat g sind WiTh The coordinate system shown th the figure V0, use, anu From te contintity eZuaten 2 =o. Thus, From the x- Component of The Maver -Stokes eguations (Ey, 6/272), =-2 3 eu 1 o=- 2 +9 inh fe “” Alse, since There ts « Free surface, there Camel be & pressure pedient th the x-divechon So thet 32 25 and 25. (1) can be written as La = ~ 28 sind Jy2 - Lntegrebon yields “ntegr yiel de _. (ef ona) y eG ez) Since the Shearing stress tat (Hr gx Cag * ox equals Jere at The free surface (52h) it Fllous thet Hee ak gah so that The constant 1 gz) 1 C,* a Sint Lntegratiia of Eg.) yields a 2 (28 sind) E+ (E sind) +6 Smée wz0 at y=o,/t follows tuk C,=0, and therebye uz GF sina (Ry~ £) 4 The flowrate per unit width can be expressed 43 3 = f ady so that 4 os . 3. gf tly fly = ae 6- 9% 69S | 695 A viscous fluid specific weight = 801b/; viscos- ity = 003 1b-s/ft) is contained between two infinite, hori ‘zontal parallel plates as shown in Fig, P6.95. The Muid moves between the plates under the action ofa pressure gradient, and the upper plate moves with a velocity U while the Bottom plate is fixed. A Utube manometer connected between two points ‘along the bottom indicates a differential reading of 0.1 in. Ifthe ‘upper plate moves with a velocity of 0.02 ft/s, at what distance ‘from the botiom plate does the maximum velocity in the gap between the two plates occur? Assume laminar flow. — w FIGURE P6.45 ee. He . we UE et (2) (y%45) (£4. 6.190) Maximum velocity twill occur ot chsknee Yq, where fe =o Thus, ao tm? hope) * . For manometer (see figure to night) Ht Ah Wye ah Bop Coyy hah = =a (00 fey ~ 80 2) (. 7 Jeon ig taza z ie = OP 5 = OMTR Lo gy lk 3 Tem) Oe iz ee Eas Thus, From Eq. 1) fo.03! dom =~ face BE Veet) eam) = 00632 $4 (Bi) = 2.759 in. = a b-101 6.101 (a) Show that for Poiseuille flow in a tube of radius R the magnitude of the wall she ing stress, r,, can be obtained from the relation- ship le, for a Newtonian fluid of viscosity . The volume rate of flow is Q. (b) Determine the magnitude Of the wall shearing stess for a fluid having a viscosity of 0.004 N-s/m: flowing with an average velocity of 19 mm/s in a 2-mm-diameter tube. cw Tih (23 (by, ba6#) Poiseaille Flow ti x tube, G20, and therefore ep 2h tat eZ Sine. %: %,, [r-Gy) (24, wis aud G2 AV, where Vis the mean velocity , it Lllws that oy. AVE ar a Thus, at the well (r=), (Baden > ~ Bet wall and with Dz TRV | (2) Hea. TR well 6-109 6.104 6.10% liquid (viscosity = 0.002 N's/m?; density = 1000 {a/m ise ough cet abe chown iP ree pe tet incomes oes wee toler ea ; faethe rue Gp song teu, Whee eli aay di U3 rm whale non way hee? sae nS 2000 in = FIGURE P6. Assume laminar flow s» That = Bae (Eg. 6.05 ) Fr manemeter (see figure) Hr bah ~ dp bh BoA ape 4h Chg -t) = ARNE, -g) = 0. 07m C491 A) (2c00 8h, = ‘om #2) = 9.3% om ) ve, Feral (93% & (0.002 %2) (am) Check Reynolds number to conhim thet flow is lammar* Ree 2x GR _ (10°88 (110 X10 *) (-o.covm) a e002 Wd a = 22,0 < 200 Since Re < 2100 flow 13 laminar. be 6.107 6.107 For low between concentric eylinders, withthe outer cylinder rotating st an angular velocity o andthe inner cyline der fixed, i is commonly assumed tht the tangential velocity (2) distribution in the gap between the cylinders is linear. Based (n the exaet solution to this problem (see Problem 6.106 the ve- locity distribution in the gap isnot linear. For an outer eylinder with radius r, = 2.00 in, and an inner cylinder with radius 7) = 1.80 in, show, with the aid of a plot, how the dimensionless velocity distribution, vy/r, varies withthe dimensionless ra- ‘ial positon, r/r forthe exact and approximate solutions For 4 Iineer velocity destributiin (approximate solutin) wy: and in nendimensional form %. EK Bw awe e Bar the exact solution (see Problem 6.106) a” re [ : | (aa . (i ) ahd ti Nendimensional Lorm # fe, [- GQ] For W2h80in ana b= 200in., some tabulated Values end @ graph are Shown below. Note tut there & little difference between The exact and approyimete Solutions fer this smal] gep width. Fer afl practical purposes Yoth solutions fa// on The” Single curve shodn. 4.000 + Linear [Exact Ve ltaus 0.980 }——--— ‘0.000 0.4131 4-3 0960 - o260. * o.40 |— 0512 | 0.920 0.637 0.880 0.000 0.600 4.000 4,000) velo a) @ 6-8

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