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Kaylyn Galie

Mr. Boland
10th Grade English Honors
Companionship is the Key to Happiness

The novel, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck demonstrates the themes of companionship and
the predatory of human nature through the use of the literary devices of detail, imagery of sight, and
diction. These themes and literary devices are all shown in chapter four throughout a specific passage in
the novel. This passage starts at He wont do it, Lennie cried. and ends at Who hurt George? he
demanded. First, Lennie walks into Crooks quarters. Lennie then starts talking to Crooks and Crooks
starts tormenting Lennie by saying that George will not be coming back from town. This upsets Lennie,
and shows the themes and literary elements that are present throughout this passage of the novel. The
themes of companionship and the predatory of human nature are shown through the literary devices of
detail, diction, and imagery of sight when Crooks torments Lennie, when Lennie is described, when
Crooks says what will happen to Lennie if George doesnt come back, and when Crooks expressions of
pleasure are shown through Lennies harassment.
First, the theme of companionship is demonstrated through the literary device of detail when
Crooks torments Lennie. Crooks torments Lennie by saying that George will not come back from town
and Lennie says, George wouldnt do nothing like that. I been with George a long time. Hell come back
tonight--- But the doubt was too much for him. Dont you think he will? (Steinbeck 70). This quote
displays how the theme of companionship also has to do with loneliness through the use of diction.
Lennie is upset by the thought of being alone. Since George has been such a huge impact on Lennies
life, Lennie doesnt see how he could live without George, since George is Lennies caretaker. Lennie is
upset because he doesnt want to lose his companion, which is George. This is why the theme of
companionship plays such a big role in the novel because without companionship, there would be lots of
loneliness. This is one reason how companionship is shown through the use of the literary device of

Kaylyn Galie
Mr. Boland
10th Grade English Honors
detail in the novel. Another way that the theme of companionship is demonstrated, is through the
literary device of imagery of sight when Lennie is described in a couple of ways. In the passage it says,
Lennie struggled to understand. and Lennies face wrinkled with apprehension. These two quotes
show the confusion and fear that Lennie has about being alone and not having George as his
companion. The quotes explain the importance of having a companion because a companion is
someone that has ones back and will take care of someone. These quotes show how Lennie relies on
companionship and how he wouldnt be able to function without George. Through the use of imagery of
sight, the reader can see and picture Lennies facial expressions showing his fear and confusion. This is
another way that the theme of companionship is displayed throughout the passage, in this case, through
the use of the literary device of imagery of sight, to help further acknowledge the theme of
Second, the theme of the predatory of human nature is shown throughout the passage through
the use of the literary device of detail when Crooks tells Lennie what will happen to him if George
doesnt come back from the town. Lennie is harassed when, Crooks bored in on him. Want me ta tell
ya whatll happen? Theyll take ya to the booby hatch. Theyll tie ya up with a collar, like a dog. This
excerpt from the passage shows that Crooks wants to scare Lennie into thinking that George wont be
coming back from town. Crooks also exaggerates what might happen to Lennie if George doesnt come
back from town by saying, Theyll take ya to the booby hatch. The theme of predatory of human
nature is shown through Crooks because Crooks is tormenting and trying to frighten Lennie who has
done nothing to Crooks. This example from the passage demonstrates how humans can be so mean
towards each other. Another way the theme of the predatory of human nature is shown through the
passage is through the literary device of diction when Crooks expresses pleasure at the harassment of
Lennie. Crooks shows his pleasure of harassing Lennie when the passage says, Crooks face lighted with

Kaylyn Galie
Mr. Boland
10th Grade English Honors
pleasure in his torture. Diction demonstrates that Crooks is thrilled at Lennies suffering when the word
lighted is used to describe Crooks face. The word lighted used in the context of the sentence,
means to be joyous and happy. It is described as Crooks face lighted in pleasure showing that Crooks
enjoys seeing Lennie upset and frightened. This is another way that the theme of the predatory of
human nature is displayed through the use of the literary device of diction in the passage.
In conclusion, the themes of companionship and predatory of human nature are demonstrated
through the use of the literary devices of detail, imagery of sight, and diction throughout the passage
when Crooks torments Lennie, when Lennie is described, when Crooks says what will happen to Lennie
if George doesnt come back, and when Crooks expressions of pleasure are shown through Lennies
harassment. Steinbeck includes the theme of companionship into the novel to show the significance of
having a companion. Steinbeck demonstrates the importance of companionship and without it, there
would be a large amount of sadness in ones life. Having a great companionship like George and Lennies
is what Steinbeck wants to show how to bring happiness into ones life. Also, the other theme presented
in the novel is the theme of the predatory of human nature. Steinbeck uses this theme in the novel to
display how humans will target and harass other humans just to get pleasure out of it. Steinbeck shows
this through the use of the character of Crooks. Crooks targets Lennie and tries to harass Lennie about
George not coming back. Steinbeck wants to show that humans should not target other humans and
that the key to happiness is through companionship. This is the significance of Steinbeck using the
themes of companionship and the predatory of human nature through the literary devices of detail,
imagery of sight, and diction in the passage.

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