Comandos Extreme

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Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)

Cria as Vlans:
Create vlan closet
Create vlan wan
Create vlan wanbu
Configura um ip para vlan
Conf vlan name ipadress
Ativa o ipforwarding para as vlans
enable ipforwarding closet_X
enable ipforwarding wan_X
enable ipforwarding wanbu_X
Adiciona vlan em uma area
configure ospf add vlan closet_X area
configure ospf add vlan wan_X area
configure ospf add vlan wanbu_X area
D um custo a vlan
configure ospf wanbu_X cost 20
Ativa as portas e o ospf
enable ports 13,15,24
enable ospf
show ospf interfaces
show ospf area
OSPF Stub Area Configuration Lab
Cria uma area
create ospf area 0.X.1.0
create ospf area 0.X.2.0
create ospf area 0.X.3.0
configure ospf add closet_Xa area 0.X.1.0
configure ospf add closet_Xb area 0.X.2.0
configure ospf add closet_Xc area 0.X.3.0
configure ospf area 0.X.1.0 stub nosummary stub-default-cost 10
configure ospf area 0.X.2.0 stub nosummary stub-default-cost 10
configure ospf area 0.X.3.0 stub nosummary stub-default-cost 10
enable ospf

Applying Routing Policies

edit policy IGP06-SX.pol
check policy IGP06-SX
configure ospf area interarea-filter IGP06-SX
disable ipforwarding
enable ipforwarding

OSPF Route Summarization and Equal Cost MultiPath (ECMP)

create ospf area 0.X.0.0
configure ospf add closet_Xa area 0.X.0.0
configure ospf add closet_Xb area 0.X.0.0
configure ospf add closet_Xc area 0.X.0.0
configure ospf area 0.X.0.0 add range 10.X.0.0/22 advertise type-3
enable iproute sharing
Clear the forwarding database
clear fdb
show ospf interfaces
show ospf
show iproute
show ports 13,15,24 utilization
Route Redistribution
show vlan
show ospf
show ospf interface
show rip
show rip interface
show iproute
show ospf lsdb
enable ospf export rip cost 100 type ase-type-1
enable rip export ospf cost 10
enable ospf export direct cost 50 type ase-type-1
Parte 2
Redundant Ports
configure vlan data add ports 13,14
configure ports 13 redundant 14

show ports 13,14 information

enable ports 13,14
show ports 13,14,24 configuration
show ports 13,14,24 statistics
Link Aggregation Configuration
enable sharing 13 grouping 13,15 algorithm address-based l2
show ports 13,15 information
configure vlan data add ports 13
enable ports 13,15
show ports 13,15,24 statistics
Basic EAPS Configuration
create vlan ctrl_Xa
create vlan ctrl_Xb
configure vlan ctrl_Xa tag X11
configure vlan ctrl_Xb tag X12
create eaps ed_Xa
create eaps ed_Xb
configure eaps ed_Xa mode master
configure eaps ed_Xb mode master
configure eaps ed_Xa primary port 13
configure eaps ed_Xa secondary port 14
configure eaps ed_Xb primary port 14
configure eaps ed_Xb secondary port 13
show eaps ed_Xa
show eaps ed_Xb
configure vlan ctrl_Xa add ports 13,14 tagged
configure vlan ctrl_Xb add ports 13,14 tagged
configure eaps ed_Xa add control vlan ctrl_Xa
configure eaps ed_Xb add control vlan ctrl_Xb
configure eaps ed_Xa add protected vlan closet_Xa
configure eaps ed_Xb add protected vlan closet_Xb
enable eaps
enable eaps ed_Xa
enable eaps ed_Xb

enable ports 13,14

configure vlan closet_Xa add ports 24 untagged
configure vlan closet_Xa delete ports 24
Virtual Redundant Router Protocol (VRRP) Configuration
create vrrp vlan closet_X vrid X
configure vrrp vlan closet_X vrid X add 10.100.X0.1
configure vrrp vlan closet_X vrid X priority 200
enable vrrp
show vrrp closet_X
show port 13,14,16,24 statistics
disable port 13
show port 13,14,16,24 statistics
Parte 3
Configuring Layer 2 Multicast
disable IGMP snooping
enable IGMP snooping
Multicast VLAN Registration (MVR) Configuration
show igmp
clear igmp snooping
show igmp snooping
show igmp snooping cache
configure mvr add vlan video
enable mvr
show mvr
show mvr cache
Protocol Independent Multicasting-Sparse Mode (PIM-SM)
show ospf
show ospf area
show ospf interfaces
show igmp
show igmp snooping
enable ipmcforwarding vlan wan_X
enable ipmcforwarding vlan closet_X

configure pim add vlan wan_X sparse

configure pim add vlan closet_X sparse
enable pim
show pim
edit policy pim-crp
configure pim crp vlan wan_X pim-crp X
show pim vlan wan_X
configure pim cbsr vlan wan_X X
show pim cach
show igmp group
disable igmp
show igmp group
enable igmp
Parte 4
Secure Switch Access
show vlan
show management
show version image
disable ssh
terminate process thttpd forceful
uninstall image summitx- primary
show version images
configure mgmt ipaddress
download image summitx- vr vr-mgmt primary
run update
start process thttpd
configure ssh2 key
enable ssh
configure vlan default ipaddress 10.0.X.1/24
enable port 24
configure radius mgmt-access primary server client-ip vr vr-mgmt
configure radius mgmt-access primary shared-secret extreme

enable radius mgmt-access

show radius mgmt-access
Implementing Access Control Lists
show vlan data_X
vi ACL_Lab_ESF01-X.pol
check policy ACL_Lab_ESF01-X
configure access-list ACL_Lab_ESF01-X any
show access-list
show access-list counter
unconfigure access-list ACL_Lab_ESF01-X
Denial of Service (DoS) Protect
show vlan
enable log display
configure dos-protect type L3-protect alert-threshold 300
configure dos-protect type L3-protect notify-threshold 200
enable dos-protect simulated
show dos-protect
disable dos-protect
disable log display
Web-based Network Login
configure vlan default dhcp-address-range 192.168.X.100 - 192.168.X.110
enable dhcp ports 24 vlan default
show dhcp-server
show netlogin web-based
create vlan netlogin_vlan
configure netlogin vlan netlogin_vlan
enable netlogin web-based
configure netlogin web-based authentication database-order local
enable netlogin ports 24 web-based
conf netlogin redirect-page http://192.168.X.1
show netlogin web-based

clear netlogin state port 24

show netlogin web-based
configure vlan netlogin_vlan ipaddress
configure vlan netlogin_vlan dhcp-address-range -
enable dhcp ports 24 vlan netlogin_vlan
show dhcp-server
create netlogin local-user groupX extreme
configure netlogin local-user groupX vlan-vsa default
show netlogin local-users
802.1X Network Login
configure vlan default dhcp-address-range 192.168.X.100 - 192.168.X.110
enable dhcp ports 24 vlan default
show netlogin dot1x
create vlan netlogin_vlan
configure netlogin vlan netlogin_vlan
enable netlogin dot1x
enable netlogin ports 24 dot1x
show netlogin dot1x
clear netlogin state port 24
show netlogin dot1x
configure vlan mgmt ipaddress
ping vr vr-mgmt
configure radius netlogin primary server client-ip vr vrmgmt
configure radius netlogin primary shared-secret extreme
enable radius netlogin
clear netlogin state port 24
Quality of Service (QoS) Limiting and ACL Metering
configure ports 13 rate-limit egress 1 Mbps
show ports 13, 14, 24 utilization
create meter threemeg
configure meter threemeg committed-rate 3 Mbps out-actions drop
vi mymeterX.pol
config access-list mymeterX any
configure port 13 rate-limit egress no-limit
show ports 13,14,24 utilization

unconfig access-list mymeterX

Traffic Monitoring with sFlow

configure sflow agent ipaddress 192.168.10X.1
configure sflow collector ipaddress 192.168.X.101 vr vr-default
enable sflow
enable sflow ports 24
show sflow configuration
ping 192.168.X.101
show sflow statistics

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