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What causes prejudice?

What would drive other humans to treat people

drastically different if theyre from a different part of the globe than if they lived right
down the street? In the short stories Interpreter of Maladies, by Jhumpa Lahiri the
author explores how our own culture affects the way we treat one another, in order
for people to be accepting of others first we need to understand and respect one
another's culture. These rifts between cultures usually happen due to refusing to
change their views while completely submersed in a new country, a language barrier
or prejudice because of their first language, or lack of communication between people.
While immersed in a brand new culture many people cling to their own and
may even refuse to somewhat integrate into an entirely different culture. In Mrs.
Sens, Mrs. Sen constantly asks her husband for fresh fish that is an hour away by car
because that is the only fish she will eat. She wants the fish because it reminds her of
India and she is stubborn about learning to drive because that wasnt something she
was expected to learn in India. In the supermarket...I can never find a single fish I
like, never a single.Mrs. Sen said she had grown up eating fish twice a day... It was
available in any market All you have to do is leave the house and walk a bit and there
you are.(Lahiri pg 124) The reason she wants fish is because she had it in India and
she is upset that now she still lives near the ocean and there are no fish due to the
season. Mr. Sen says that once I receive my license, everything will improve. What do
you think Eliot? Will things improve?... Could I drive all the way to Calcutta? (Lahiri
pg 119). She doesnt want to drive and its very clear here. She doesnt believe anything
will change, including the fact that she would be able to pick up her fresh fish everyday
from the market. She firmly believes she does not need to drive, her mind is fixed on
India. A fixed mindset can hold you back from enjoying your time in a new country.
With a refusal to integrate at least slightly creates a language or communication
A communication barrier is a major part in how we treat one another. In
Interpreter of Maladies Mr. and Mrs. Das barely acknowledge each other and it is
clear right of the bat that there is something wrong between the two. It is later
revealed that Mrs. Das had an affair and one of the children is not Mr. Das causing
Mina to begin to resent her husband. Wheres Mina? Mr. Das asked [Tina], Mr. Kapasi
found it strange that Mr. Das should refer to his wife by her first name when speaking
to the little girl.(Lahiri pg 45) That Mr.Das doesnt refer to his wife as his daughters
mother it hints at a lack of attraction or connection between him and his wife. They
were just polite to each other, they didnt communicate like a married couple. Isnt
this an air conditioned car? she[Mrs. Das] asked. The window on Tinas side was
broken and could not roll down. Quit complaining. Mr. Das said. I told you to get a
car with air conditioning, Mrs. Das continues Why do you do this, Raj, just to save a

few stupid rupees. What are you saving us, fifty cents?(Lahiri pg 49) Mr. and Mrs Das
are openly bitter to each other without the same kindness we might treat a loved one.
Another way to show the rift between two cultures is when you treat another
culture as a joke or a novelty due to lack of respect. In This Blessed House Twinkle
and Sanjeev are newlyweds moving into a house together. The previous owners left
holy objects within the house. Hidden amongst cabinets and in shrubs. Twinkle is
obsessed with the paraphernalia even though they are Hindu. Sanjeev on the other
hand is not impressed by it. No were not christians were good little hindus. she
planted a kiss on top of Christs head and placed the statue on top of the fireplace
mantle, which needed, Sanjeev observed, to be dusted. (Lahiri pg 137) She placed it on
a high shelf to show its importance to her but it still dusty therefore she doesnt really
care about the statue. She covered the bread basket with a dishtowel that had, he
suddenly noticed, the Ten Commandments printed on it...Face it. This house is
blessed. (Lahiri pg 144) She keeps making use of things that have absolutely no
meaning to her for the sole purpose that it doesnt mean anything to her. That even
though she has her own religion she has no respect for others.
A lot of people dont understand how important communication is to the human
race. The way that we grow up affect how we treat one another, most especially in a
negative way. Sometimes it seems like its just kicks and giggles but its blatant
disrespect covered in sarcasm and insensitive humor. Racism is a huge issue globally
and will affect every living person at one point in their life or another. But still this lack
of understanding towards one another is allowing racism to thrive.

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