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Final Project: Proposal

As a conclusion of the course of College Writing and Research each student of the class
was invited to produce a piece of writing material, which could be any genre of writing that interest
most the student. A short story is far lesser difficult than a novel, but requires a certain level of
experience to write. Therefore, based on the directions, based on the readings assigned during the
course and most important in my personal literary experience and knowledge a short story is the
kind of writing production that I will be doing for the final project.
The main goal for this project is create a complete narrative involving at least three
different characters with cohesion and coherence during the all story.
The support goals for this projects include: characterization of each character providing to
the reader a capability imagine further behavior of the character even after the story ends; Create
an environment that can provide all the elements necessary for the history without usage of any
imaginary element, as a consequence of this goal the last support objective for these writing is to
use only element from the real world.
To achieve the guidelines provided for these paper the methodology that will be adopted
is based on paragraphs, where usually in one or two paragraphs a complete scene will take place.
The complete story will have around 3-5 pages. The main subject will an obsession from one
character to another, additional subjects addressed in this writing are depression, familiar problems
greed, lust and money. The steps to achieve the complete story are:
1) Create the proposal;
2) Development and characterization of environment and characters;

3) Short story development;

4) Give a tittle.
A regular family living in a calm urban city dealing with a case of depression. The family
trying to help the depressed person use all efforts that they have to find a solution for these
situation. However, when they think that they found a solution, it is when the real problems begin.

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