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The date including the

month and the week is

placed at the top of the
magazine near the
magazines name.

The headline of the

magazine, Rob kills
again? takes up almost
half of the left hand side
of the page as this is
where the reader tends
to look first. The main
image is close to the
headline to link the story

The barcode is placed at

the bottom, middle of the

The image is large to grab

the audiences eye and to
clearly show the characters
facial emotion to give a
clearer idea of the
storyline. The text is also
large and bold.

The language used on the on the soap

opera magazine is specific to its genre.
Dramatic language is used to create
suspense for the reader.

The colours used are bright

and bold. The use of the
colour red is to draw
attention the magazine
logo to make it memorable
and stand out. The use of
the colour yellow, contrasts
with the red to make the
magazine more striking to
look at.

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