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Lopez 1

Lopez, Jorge
Instructor: Dr. Egbert
EDUC. 201: Foundations of Education



Francis Bacon once stated Knowledge is power and knowledge is indeed power. Too
often, we omit teachers when regarding someones education success. Why? Clearly,
teaching is the profession that allows all other professions. With that being said, we must
acknowledge that teachers are often some of the most influential people in an individuals
life. Teacher teach simple as that, hence they inflict skills and knowledge upon students
to build them up for success. Many experiences have led me down a path that aspires me
to become a teacher. Experiences and time spent outside of a classroom has led me to
want to be the one in charge of the classroom influencing the life of an individual and
guiding them to see the best in themselves. Being a positive influence on young minds
and bettering a childs life is reward enough that money does not factor into this
profession for it is a strictly intrinsic reward profession. A teacher inspired me to follow
his profession, I am walking in his footsteps and we often forget how power a teacher is
for their attitude helps determine your attitude towards the subject or the school. My
journey leads me to a job that ill love going to everyday.



Through nineteen years of life, I, Jorge Lopez, have grown to learn from my past
and now hold the brush that will illustrate my future. Experiences have influenced many
upon many choices in my life and none more important then my potential career.
Situations arose, and solutions guided me towards becoming an educator. Many factors
were involved in my decision, my education from when I was a boy to all the years after
emerging into a young man. Alongside with my education, my work experiences also
play a role in my decision to go into education. Skills attained throughout my journey and
goals I have set for myself motivate me achieve my over goal of nurturing young minds
as a high school English teacher.

Educational Background
I have spent most of my life in one town. A very small town the kind that
everyone knew everyone, parents knew kids and kids knew parents. From kindergarten to
high school graduation, I received my education from the Wendell school district. I grew
up and graduated with the same group of kids that I had know my entire life and that in
itself is something beautiful and now as I am currently completing my first semester of
college no longer surrounded by the same familiar faces. With the help of advisors, I keep
on the right track and take all the required classes that guide me to a college graduation.
In elementary school, I had ESL because English was indeed my second language but as I
progressed into middle school, I was placed in advances classes in subjects like math and
English. This landed me in dual credit classes in high school, which are just extraordinary
tools at your disposal.

Furthermore, I cannot talk about education without praising the teachers. Most of
the teachers I had were all very similar with the exception of a handful. Most of them
were very close-minded and living in a small town religion played a big role especially
when the majority of the school was the same religion. On the other hand, here were a
few teachers that did not fallow that description; they were very open minded and used
different teaching methods. Those are the teachers that I am grateful for and will refer
back to their classes when I am in need of guidance in this profession. A big benefiting
factor is also the fact that I am of Hispanic decent and grew up with both the Mexican
cultural background as well the American cultural background. This can help me better
understands students in similar shoes as mine. My education and experiences go hand in
hand with my ambitions towards pursuing a career in education simple because previous
educators have impacted me ad influenced me in a way that inspires me to help nurture
young minds.

Work History
I have held several jobs throughout my nineteen years of age. Growing up I recall
always having a job, every summer I would go work out on the fields, anything from
picking rock to pulling weeds out from bean plants. As I got older and could legally be
employed I picked up a job as a bus boy at a local restaurant. At the age of fifteen, I had a
set job and with time, I was prompted to a cashier at the restaurant right around the time I
was sixteen I picked up another job at a fast food joint where I was a fry cook. That
summer I had two jobs but once school started up again I dropped the fry cook job to
focus on school. These jobs were great especially for building self-esteem and confidence
because I was constantly talking to strangers being pushed out of my comfort zone. After

graduation, I obtained a job at a calling center, which greatly improved my connecting
skills. Today I am now a waiter at the restaurant where I was once a bus boy as well as do
office work for the new student services department at CSI.
In correlation, working at a restaurant or any customer service establishment
forces social skills upon you and the longer you remain there the skills will only grow.
Being a waiter has taught me humility, courage, and socializing these are all vital skills a
teacher must hold to build and keep a connection with their students. Working at a calling
center has taught me perseverance, if I fail at something I must keep trying and success is
not far away. These entire jobs have taught me one crucial element in teaching, that being
patience, for patience is key when it comes to educating students.

Service and Extracurricular Activities

I have always been very involved everywhere I go. Throughout school, I was always
in a sport, Soccer, Track, Cross-Country, to name a few. They all played a part in molding
me into who I am today. Soccer taught me teamwork makes the dream work For we
were to become a unit in order to gain success. On the contrary, track was my passion,
my love. Unlike soccer track taught me that I am alone, I am to depend on myself and
myself only. A mental game that either lead to you swimming or sinking. Aside from the
physical obstacles, there were the mental and emotional ones. For example, I did not get
along with some of my teammates on the soccer team but we had to put aside our
differences for the common goal of having a successful season. Track breaks you down if
you mentally bring yourself down but it build massive confidence and belief in yourself if
you fight through the mental and emotional challenges.

Sports are popular worldwide and very common amongst teenagers and I strongly
believe I can form connections through sports. Finding common ground with something
that is dear to them can help me gain their trust as well as their attention. If a student
faces a challenge with sports or an issue similar, I can establish a connection and help
find a solution because I might be able to relate to the student. Students often forget that
teachers are regular people too but sports are a bridge that connects individuals and forms
a relationship, which can be very useful in a classroom or with a struggling student.

Reasons for Choosing Education as a Career

Although, sports were a big part of my life I first considered being a teacher as an
eighth grader at Wendell Middle School. My aspirations for becoming a teacher only
grew as I progressed through high school. Reminiscing back to eighth grade, what inspire
me become a teacher was actually not a thing but a person. His name was Luke Kelsey
and he was Wendell Middle Schools new principal. This was his third year as principal
and amongst the students; he was very much disliked due to his structured nature and
stricter order. Aside from what everyone else thought he became a man I wanted to
become. I was struggling and falling through the cracks, hanging out with the wrong
crowd and slowly becoming a problem student. I spent what seemed every day in his
office discussing disciplinary issues. I was going nowhere and he took time out of his
hectic schedule to give me advice every day, he set aside his plans to check up on me and
he always told me how it was he never once sugar coated anything. His tactics to trying
to get me to open my eyes and realize I was traveling down a dangerous path could not
have worked out any better. At that moment, I knew what I wanted to do for the rest of

my life. I wanted to reach out and pull all this kids falling through the cracks back in, I
wanted to inspire young minds to aspire to be the best they could be.
Before that eye opening experience I had not thought about any sort of career and
after it I did not consider anything else but becoming a teacher. Clearly, I have not chosen
to be a teacher to become rich, I know and understand the rewards that come with this
profession. I know that changing lives and guiding young minds to find their inner
unlimited pool of potential is a reward that money cannot compete with.

Professional Goals
My long-term goal is to successfully teach English at a great high school in a
good community and possibly coach track or soccer. My goal is to be successful in not
just educating my students but surrounding them in a safe environment where their
creativity runs wild and they feel safe enough to share their thoughts. I plan to make this
possible by first gaining the students trust and having them slowly open up. With rules in
the classroom to keep discouraging comments out of the room will be a vital
establishment to helping the students speak freely. Becoming a coach is an experience I
would like to go through so I can teach in and out of the classroom. This is a less
important goal but it is something I find extremely beneficial when forming connections
with students.
My short-term goals are to stay focused through my studies and journey towards
becoming a teacher. There are many distractions and temptations such as money and the
work force that look so appealing. I constantly remind myself that I am working towards
the rest of my life and that I will be doing something I love after I get through all these

classes and textbooks. Upon transferring to a university, I hope to have a solid GPA and
focused on staying task. Only time will tell but it is definitely a mental battle

Nineteen years young with the world at my feet and a feeling of invincibility, I
have chosen to become a teacher. For my experiences had led me here and skills obtained
along the road have made it a clear choice. The goals and expectations I have for myself
are attainable through hard work and dedication but I am no stranger to either of those.
Knowledge is power and its time I help empower the future generations.

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