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Philosophy Statement

Philosophy Statement
Lopez, Jorge
EDUC 201
Foundations of Education
Instructor: Egbert


Philosophy Statement 2

Philosophy Statement
There are many different ways of learning as well as many different way of teaching.
Countless studies have been doing trying to find the best ways to learn and teach. These studies
do not mean much since in my opinion a teachers teaching philosophy is based off their beliefs
and can lead to great learning results.
The philosophy in the book that best describes my personality is humanism. Humanism is
humanism beliefs, which stress the potential value and goodness of human beings. There are
characteristics and traits that come with the humanist philosophy and they are Personal freedom,
which include choices and responsibilities. Motivation towards the highest levels and the belief
in control of own destiny and centered on child interaction with others.
According to my philosophical beliefs, all schools should teach students to become those best
they can be. Schools should nurture students to grow to see their full potential and be the best
version of themselves. This would allow a shift to the study of effective and cognitive learning.
The humanism philosophy states that people are inherently good and will strive for a better
world as well as people possessing unlimited potential and growth for development.
The teachers role is to guide students to seeing their true potential and use cognitive learning
strategies, according to the humanism philosophy. This means that the teacher will focus on
helping a student grow in any aspect of life not necessarily in educational bases. However, the
students role is to find their potential, their calling and to strive to be better. Which is obvious
from the humanism philosophy.
I learn best by hands on doing things. I have discovered certain concepts about my learning
styles, and they are as follows, by physically doing things I get a feel for it, which is easy to
recall if I need to do it again. Subject material should be taught using the humanist approach.


Philosophy Statement 3

This should be partially decided by the student, due to their interests and partially by the teacher,
due to her curriculum. This is stated in humanist philosophy.
In conclusion, a teaching philosophy is a powerful tool to have. Philosophy can help set
guidelines and involves personal beliefs that can improve a teachers ability as well as their selfconfidence greatly.

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