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Unit 1:

genre- a category something such as a book or movie is put into based on events.
purpose- the reason for why something is being said or done
tone- the way something sounds or feels
stance- a viewpoint
medium- what the work is being read or seen from
language- the diction that is used to convey the work
organization- the way in which something is presented
detective fiction- a story not based off a true story that involves usually a mystery of some kind
convention (of fiction)- the way in which a fiction is usually written
description- words that describe something
dialogue- when a person is speaking
crime fiction- a story not based off a true story that involves some sort of illegal activity
noir- plot
femme fatale- a story that involves a woman using her sexual appeal to manipulate men into doing as
she asks, usually ends bad for man
Unit 2:
primary source- source that has a firsthand account
secondary source- source that is derived from the firsthand account
ILL- inter library loan
U-Borrow- borrowing a book from another library
Stacks- a pile of something
Call number- number to call
article- a paper written in a scholarly format
database- a source used to find articles
journal- a page long paper answering a question
plagiarism- taking someones work and saying its yours
fair use- using someones work in the proper way
MLA citation- basic format showing whose work you are talking about
paraphrase- summary
quotation- used to show its not your words
summary- short explanation
argument- what you believe
writing- getting an idea across
issue- pressing topic
"good question"- question that expands on previous knowledge
framing- positioning
style- the way someone writes
design- the organization and diction used
tone- the way something sounds or feels
Unit 3:
Game- a source of entertainment

Game design- the way a game is built to be played

World design- design as to how everyone will view it
System design- the way the system is built to function
Content design- the way the idea is built to be thought of
Game writing- the way a game is written to be played
Level design- difficulty level
User interface- how easy it is for people to understand
Balance-to keep something even
Mechanics- the way something works
Dynamics- forces that make it work
System-combination of things
Playtesting- playing to determine how functional it is
pitch-how to describe your game in 2-3 sentences
iterative design- how much something repeats
failure- lack of success
CRAP- A model depicting how what is visually appealing
Unit 4
Audience- the people the work is intended for
Audio essay- an essay in the medium of a podcast
Intro- the beginning of an essay
Outro- the ending of an essay
Podcast- a short audio
Remediation- to fix something
Re-mixing- taking old sounds and changing/combining them to make a new one
Sound effects- sounds that are put in to help the audience understand what is going on
Voice- the way a person says words

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