Sybil Lesson

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Bri Minando 12/3/14

Sybil Ludington Lesson

Statement Objective:
of Objective Given a short story, students will be able to comprehend


the story by answering four comprehension questions from

the text with 80% accuracy.
Common Core:
Respond to specific questions with elaboration and detail
that contribute to the text under discussion.
Materials - pencils

- colored pencils
- markers
- lined poster paper
- lined loose leaf paper
- strips of paper
- text books
- see-think-wonder sheets
- Sybil Ludington picture
- Smart-board
- Smart-board/ hand-held timer


Bri Minando 11/6/14


Tell the students...

- Objective
9:51-10:01 - Purpose
- Lesson Objective

- Repeat directions
- Prompting
- Model
- Think Aloud
- Monitor
- Scribe
- Introduce activity and expectations (at least 2 see-think- - Behavior Mgmt.
- Model one example of writing what you see how that
makes you think how that makes you wonder (all on
one line)
- Pass out see-think-wonder sheets and pictures
- Set timer on SmartBoard (3 minutes)
- Students work independently
- While students work, put up a large poster sheet in the
front of the room for a whole class see-think-wonder
- Have students share their see-think-wonders and write
them on the poster (talk about connections, draw
arrows etc.)
- Hang poster up on visual thinking wall after lesson

*Praise students for good behavior

*Whole-group participation strategies
*Have students get up to get their own materials

Bri Minando 12/3/14

Sybil Ludington Lesson
I Do

- Have student come to the front of the room and sit with
10:01-10:16 the students
- Read The Ride of Her Life (pg. 110) from student text
- Students should be following along stop throughout
reading to let students voice the next word to
demonstrate following along with the text (students have
learned this)

- Behavior mgmt.
system (individual
- Model prosody
- Model phrasing
- Think aloud

- After reading *brain break*

We Do

Comprehension Questions
- Tell students that when they get lined paper, they need to
10:16-10:26 fill out their heading. They are going to be writing the
beginning of each answer next to each number provided
on the line paper for them.
- Read comprehension questions one at a time (pg. 114
student text) with students, prompting with 1, 2, 3
- After the question is read out loud, have students turn
and talk for 10 seconds (use hand-held timer) about how
they would put our question into the answer
- For each question, do a quick turn and talk and write the
sentence starters on the white board, take 1-2 student
responses to construct each sentence starter

- Behavior mgmt.
system (individual
- Re-state directions
- Model
- Think aloud
- Monitor
- Scribe

*Whole-group participation strategies

You Do

Comprehension Questions continued

- Students will answer comprehension questions on their
10:26-10:36 own
- Scaffold students to help them get to an appropriate
answers (if needed)
- Set Timer for 10 minutes on smart-board

- Behavior mgmt.
system (individual
- Monitor
- Scribe
- Scaffolds (line
numbers, page

Bri Minando 11/6/14

- Behavior mgmt.
- Re-read question three
system (individual
10:36-10:49 - Tell students we are constructing a headline based on the points)
- Think aloud
- Put up poster of synonyms for words (scared, watch,
- Model
- Scribe
- Model headline: Petrified Parents Shed Tears in the
Witching Hour
- Highlight words used (synonyms) and feelings
- Point out poster with mgmt. examples for students
- Pass out headline strips of paper
- Students do first draft in pencil and once checked can use
- Share headlines as students are working and as they are
putting them on the wall

Assessment Grade students comprehension questions (1 pt. for each N/A

student can earn .25, .50, and .75 on a question). I am

looking for appropriate answers with qualities that the
answer key has.

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