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Independent Unit 1

ESL 5: Assessment and Support

Field Based Study

Megan Tunon

Professional Field Study Time-log

Name. Megan Tunon

Time-log Page

1 /1

Course. ESL 5: Language Assessment and Support







Ross Elementary

Sight words



Ross Elementary

Sight words


8:00am12:00 pm

McIntyre Elementary

Letters, dates, colors, shapes, numbers, weather,
The Letter D
Making inferences lesson


12:00 pm4:00 pm

McIntyre1Elementary 4th and 5th grade

Writing prompt-Letter writing
Vocabulary building

Section 1: Classroom Profile

Student names:


Cultural Backgrounds:


English Language Proficiency Levels: Developing-Expanding

School District: North Hills School District

School: McIntyre Elementary

Grades: 4-5

Section 2: Teacher Interview

Interview with Lauren McClain, ESL teacher at McIntyre Elementary

1) How do you determine the needs of your ELLs in different subject areas?
I collaborate with each of their general ed. teachers once/week to make sure that they are doing
okay. If needed, I help with making accommodations and modifications in the classroom.

2) What types of standardized or quantitative data assessments are administered to your

We use the PA ESL ACCESS test that measures annual growth each year, as well as the PSSA

3) Do you have a favorite or most effective type of formative assessment that you use often?
I feel that our unit assessments are very thorough and give me a clear picture as to what needs
to be retaught. These are done twice during each unit (one in the middle and one at the end).

4) What are some of the assessment instruments (i.e. rubrics, checklists, quizzes, essays) that you
find most effective?
For speaking and listening, I use a simple 5 point rubric that is easy to just check off. It ensures
that each child is looking, listening, and actively engaged (asked a question). It also makes sure
that each student uses acceptable tone, voice, eye contact, and enunciation.

5) Do you incorporate a tool that helps to track your ELLs progress over time?
I create a portfolio of each students work every year. I also keep a separate folder for each
childs unit assessments to make sure that there is growth. For fluency, there are 4 checks
throughout each unit and I use these to ensure that there

Section 3: Needs Assessment

My Background
I am in ________________ grade.

I was born in ____________________________________________________.

The first language I learned to speak was ____________________________________.

The first language I learned to write was ____________________________________.

The first language I learned to read was ____________________________________.

List the languages you know and tell how well you speak, read, and write these languages by
circling 3 if you now a language well, two if you know it some, or one of you do not know much
about this language.





1. English




Indicate how much you use English in the following situations by circling 1 for not at all, 2 for
less than half of the time, 3 for half of the time, 4 for more than half of the time, and 5 for all of
the time
Talking to my parents

Parents talking to me

Talking with my siblings

Talking with my friends

Reading/writing at home

Reading/writing at school

Writing to my friends (email, texting)

Reading for pleasure


Content Area Needs Survey: Reading

Answer the following questions by indicating if the sentence describes your experience with
reading 1- never, 2-almost never, 3-sometimes, 4-often, or 5-always.

When reading out loud, I often get stuck on words that I do not recognize

2. When reading out loud, I sometimes repeat the same word more than twice before I move on

3. When reading out loud, I sometimes say the wrong word because I do not recognize the correct

4. When reading out loud, I sometimes skip over words because I am trying to read quickly.

5. When reading out loud, I take a long time and have long pauses between each word.

6. When I read, I often know every word on the page or in the passage.

7. I can usually guess the meaning of a word based on the other words in the sentence or

8. When I read a new passage, I recognize the vocabulary words I have already learned.

When I re-read a passage, I remember the meanings of words I didnt know the first time.

9. Often I cannot understand a passage because too many of the words are unfamiliar to me.

10. When I am reading, I take a lot of time sounding out the words.

11. I try to identify words based on the first letter or two.


12. When my teacher tells me to sound it out it only makes me more frustrated.

13. I often forget which sounds go with which letters.


14. Sometimes I cant understand what a story is about because I take too much time sounding the
words out.

15. I can summarize what happens in a story or passage that I read.


16. I can identify the main idea of a story or passage.


17. I can identify the beginning, middle and end of a story or passage.

18. I can describe the plot events (introduction, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action,
resolution) or a story or passage.

19. I can picture a story I am reading in my mind.


20. I can relay characters names and describe them after reading

My Learning Style
Answer the following questions about how you like to learn by circling ture if it applies to you or
false if it does not apply to you.

I prefer to see information written on a

chalkboard and supplemented by visual aids and
assigned readings.



I like to write things down or to take notes for

visual review.



I prefer to use posters, models, or actual practice

and other activities in class.



I require explanations of diagrams, graphs, or

visual directions.



I enjoy working with my hands or making




I am skillful with and enjoy developing and

making graphs and charts.



I can tell if sounds match when presented with

pairs of sounds.



I can remember best by writing things down.



I can easily understand and follow directions

on a map.



I do best in academic subjects by listening to

lectures and tapes.



I play with coins or keys in my pocket.



I learn to spell better by repeating words out



loud than by writing the words on paper.

I can understand a news article better by
reading about it in a newspaper than by listening to
a report about it on the radio.



I think the best way to remember something is

to picture it in your head.



I learn the spelling of words by finger

spelling them.



I would rather listen to a good lecture or

speech than read about the same material in a



I am good at working and solving jigsaw

puzzles and mazes.



I grip objects in my hands during learning




I prefer listening to the news on the radio

rather than reading the paper.



I prefer obtaining information about an

interesting subject by reading about it.



I feel very comfortable touching others,

hugging, handshaking, etc.



I follow oral directions better than written




Learning Style Inventory adapted from

Section 4: Goal Setting

Needs Assessment Result



Instructional Goal

Increase Words-Per-Minute

Define words using context



Students will know words by

sight and phonics


Improved comprehension

Explain, Connect, & Defend

Timed readings are used as
formative assessments and kept
as records of improvement in
fluency and word recognition

Guided reading with the teacher

will model using context clues
to define unknown vocabulary

Students will learn sight words

and practice letter sounds and
phonemes to better sound out
unknown words

Guided reading and reading

strategies will give students the
aids they needs to improve
comprehension of difficult texts

Section 5: Instructional Sessions

Instructional Observation of Tara Geouque, ESL teacher of K-2 at McIntyre Elementary School
9:15-10 am: Kindergarten ESL Class

Students practice the days of the week song

Calendar practice: what day is today? How many days until Halloween?
Counting practice using the calendar
Months of the year song: what holidays are in November?
Fall words practice: Turkey, pumpkin, leaves, etc.
Alphabet and sound word practice
Weather word descriptors
Spelling with phonemes
Food words
Family words
Foods we do not like- each student must create a sentence about foods they do not like as an
informal assessment.


Writing activity: students must write a full sentence, My family eats

o Picture cards with foods are used as examples
Students study D words by watching Story Bots
o Students identify words that start with D

10:45-11:30: 1st and 2nd Grade ESL Class

Students read a writing prompt with the teacher

Students read about making inferences
Charades help students make inferences
Review of vocabulary words for upcoming test
Students complete a graphic organizer for one vocab word
o Definition
o Sentence
o Picture
Teacher review expectations for activity and grading
Informal assessment-students find verbs in an interactive game before they can leave

Section 6 & 7: Instructional Plans and Assessments

Group 1- Level B October 6-10

Monday 6

Tuesday 7

Wednesday 8

Thursday 9

Friday 10

-SWBAT demonstrate an
understanding of the
organization and basic
features of a sentence.
-SWBAT read 2 sentences
with intonation.

-SWBAT demonstrate an
understanding of the
organization and basic
features of a sentence.

--SWBAT demonstrate an
understanding of the
organization and basic
features of a sentence.
-SWBAT listen and ask
questions; stay on topic
while speaking at the right

-SWBAT demonstrate
an understanding of
the organization and
basic features of a
-SWBAT demonstrate
mastery of unit 1
concepts: vocabulary,
nouns (common,
proper, plural,
singular), and setting.

-SWBAT demonstrate an
understanding of the
organization and basic
features of a sentence.

ELP Standards:
(Standard, Grade, Domain,
Proficiency Level)
1 Social/Instructional; 2
Language Arts; 3 Math; 4
Science; 5 Social Studies

ELP Standards:
(Standard, Grade, Domain,
Proficiency Level)
1 Social/Instructional; 2
Language Arts; 3 Math; 4
Science; 5 Social Studies



ELP Standards:
(Standard, Grade, Domain,
Proficiency Level)
1 Social/Instructional; 2
Language Arts; 3 Math; 4
Science; 5 Social Studies


ELP Standards:
(Standard, Grade, Domain,
Proficiency Level)
1 Social/Instructional; 2
Language Arts; 3 Math; 4
Science; 5 Social Studies

ELP Standards:
(Standard, Grade,
Domain, Proficiency
1 Social/Instructional; 2
Language Arts; 3 Math; 4
Science; 5 Social Studies



-Reach reading book
-Practice Book

--Reach reading book
-Practice Book

- Reach reading book
-Practice Book

- Reach reading book
-Practice Book

- Reach reading book
-Practice Book

-9:50-10:00: Complete
DLP on Eno Board
-All Star words list 7
-Phonics: PM 1.18
Lang. of the Day: T55a
-PM 1.15 vocabulary bingo
-Reread Papa and Me and
have students summarize
story verbally.
-PM 1.16 together on
board setting chart
-Talk about it questions
aloud on SB page 54
-Students will read guided
reading books about
family and complete

-9:50-10:00: Complete
DLP on Eno Board
-All Star words take list 7
as grade
-Phonics: PM 1.19
Lang. of the Day: T 56a
Review nouns SB page
-Preview the postcard on
SB page 57
-Show students pictures
of real postcards
-Read Postcard to
Grandpa and answer
questions as we read

-9:50-10:00: Complete
DLP on Eno Board
-All Star words list 7
-Phonics: PM 1.20
Lang. of the Day: T61a
-compare genres SB page
60 and complete PM 1.18
together on board
-review popper/common
nouns on SB page 61
-PM 1.19 together on
-Role play Papa and Me in
small groups and
demonstrate in front of

-9:50-10:00: Complete
DLP on Eno Board
-All Star words list 7
-Phonics: PM 1.21
-Review all concepts in
this unit so far: nouns,
plural nouns,
nouns, vocabulary,
-take Unit 1 Test
-Daily Writing: Write 1
thing you learned in
unit 1.

-9:50-10:00: Complete DLP
on Eno Board together
-All Star words take list 7 as
-Phonics: PM 1.22
-Unit 2 launch: watch video
clip and build background,
discuss big question
-Share what you know SB
page 67: act out something
that is alive and students
will guess
-draw a picture of
something that is alive
PM 2.1 (concept Map)
-preview and read big
book: Zina, the Wooden


activities assigned to each

student after they are
done reading to the
teacher in a group.
Ralph, Vasila, Tiffany: level
Rron, Elia: level aa
Kirols, Burkhon, Rakan,
Sai, Kirill, Salman: level B
-Daily Writing: Find one
common and one proper
noun in the story Papa
and Me.
11:40-11:45:line up and
review what we learned
today while lining up
-Read leveled readers
aloud with intonation (S)
2 points

-Daily Writing Project:
students will be given
cardstock to resemble a
postcard. We will all
work together to write at
least 2 sentences to
someone that lives far
away. Students will put a
sticker on it when
finished to resemble a
-Writing Project (W)
10 points

-Daily Writing: Write a

sentence about a family
member. Share with
11:40-11:45:line up and
review what we learned
today while lining up
- Theme Theater Rubric
10 points

-Unit 1 Test (R)

100 points

Puppet, answer
comprehension questions
as we read
-Daily Writing : What is
living? A ____ is living.
-Daily Writing (W)
5 points

Section 8: Assessment Instruments

Assessment 1: Reading comprehension- Students read the passage and answer the questions
Magic in the Classroom
By ReadWorks
On her first day at school, Emma wore a tutu, a red cape, and a pair of swim goggles that she kept over
her eyes. Mr. Stephens said we were not under any circumstances allowed
to make fun of her. Emma is different, he said in that exasperating tone adults use to explain things
while not explaining them at all. She needs your support and understanding, and I will not tolerate
bullying in my classroom.
Of course that didnt stop Sarah, who, as everyone knows, is a bully. The other day, Sarah turned to me
and said, Oh, Samantha, youre the best writer in our class. I only wish I could write as well as you do.
She smiled sweetly at Mr. Stephens, who just happened to be passing by with our homework
assignments. As soon as he turned his back, though, she stuck her finger right between my ribs and
wiggled it. Teachers pet, she said. And then she looked away, tossing her hair. I still have a bruise. So I
wasnt surprised when Sarah offered to take Emma on a tour of the school. I was sure that this was
phase one of her fullon attack against Emma and that bizarre outfit.
Because Mr. Stephens is an adult and all adults think Sarah is perfect, he agreed. Sarah,
I think thats a wonderful idea. Very thoughtful of you.
This was not a good sign. Sure, Emma seemed weird, but she certainly didnt deserve to be subjected to
Sarah alone. Oneonone. And so I did something that would lead to one of the most fantastical, amazing
experiences of my life. I raised my hand. Mr. Stephens, would you mind if I went too? Id love to get to
know Emma better.
Mr. Stephens smiled. Of course, Samantha. I have such wonderful students!
Sarah glowered at me, but I didnt care. Come on, Emma. Follow me! I said.
Emma trailed behind me. So, where are you from? I asked her.
Here and there, she said.
What do you like to do for fun? I asked. I was struggling to find a conversation.
Magic, Emma replied. Sheez, I thought to myself. This was not going to be easy.
Magic? Sarah cried. Maybe you could magic yourself some new clothes! She laughed.
Emmas nose crinkled.
I bet they kicked you out of your last school, Sarah continued. I wouldnt be surprised if
Enough, Sarah, I said. Her highpitched squealing was getting to me.
And this is where things began to get strange, unbelievable, and downright magical.
Emma began muttering something quickly. She was so quiet that if I hadnt seen her lips move,
I would have doubted that she was saying anything at all. She began moving her hands in small circles,
and she stretched her head back so that I was sure she could see whatever was behind her.
Stop it, Sarah said. Stop it, stop it, stop it!
Up until that point, I had been too busy watching Emma to notice what was happening to Sarah. She
was hunched over, resting her elbows on her thighs. She was taking deep breaths. And then and this is
the absolute truth frogs began jumping out of her mouth.

Little ones at first, yellow and red frogs splotched with black polka dots, and then big ones, bullfrogs and
warty toads that skipped out of her mouth and tumbled onto the floor.
I stared at Sarah without blinking. Hundreds of frogs had fallen out of her mouth and onto the floor.
Then, suddenly, Emma snapped her fingers and all of the frogs disappeared.
Whatd you do to me? Sarah asked fearfully.
Nothing, Emma shrugged.
What are you talking about, Sarah? I giggled. I didnt see anything.
Sarah went home from school early that day. She told Mr. Stephens she didnt feel well.
The next day, she came to school wearing a tutu, a red cape, and swim goggles. She turned to Emma
with a smirk. Youre not the only one with tricks up your sleeves, she said.
Some things never change, I whispered to Emma. She smiled. I had a feeling this was going to be a
great year.

Name: Date: _______________________

1. Who is identified as a bully in the passage?

A Sarah
B Emma
C Mr. Stephens
D Samantha
2. In the passage, Samantha asks to go with Sarah to take Emma on a school tour. What motivates
Samantha to ask to go on the tour?
A Samantha is bored with whats going on in the classroom and wants an excuse to leave.
B Samantha thinks it will be a good opportunity to learn some new things about her school.
C Samantha doesnt think Emma should be subjected to being alone with Sarah since shes a bully.
D Samantha forgot to do her homework assignment and wants to leave before needing to turn it in.
3. Read the following sentences: I stared at Sarah without blinking. Hundreds of frogs had fallen out of
her mouth and onto the floor. Then, suddenly, Emma snapped her fingers and all of the frogs
Based on this information, what can be concluded about the disappearance of the frogs?
A Samantha makes the frogs disappear by staring at Sarah.
B Sarah makes the frogs disappear by closing her mouth.
C The frogs disappear without anyone doing anything.
D Emma makes the frogs disappear by snapping her fingers.
3. Emma tells Samantha that that she likes to do magic for fun. What can be concluded about Emmas
statement based on the events in the story?
A The statement is truthful.

B The statement is not truthful.

C The statement is not completely truthful.
D The statement is misleading.
4. What is this passage mainly about?
A a school year filled with magic
B Emmas relationship with Sarah and Samantha
C Emmas magical tricks on people
D how Sarahs plan to bully Emma backfires
5. How can Samanthas tone throughout the passage best be described?
A formal
B conversational
C disinterested
D mysterious
7. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below.
__________ Sarah offers to take Emma on a tour of the school, Samantha is sure that this is phase one
of Sarahs full-on attack against Emma.
A Instead
B Therefore
C Even though
D Initially
8. After Sarah starts to laugh at Emma and say that she bets Emma was kicked out of her last school,
Emma starts muttering and moving her hands in a circle. What happens to Sarah after that?
9. What are two things that happen during the tour of the school?
10. At the end of the passage, Sarah says to Emma, Youre not the only one with tricks up your
sleeves. Explain what Sarah means by this. Use information from the passage to support your answer.

Assessment 2: Writing Prompt

Letter writing. Student use learned vocabulary words to create a postcard to a relative. Students have
been studying familiar words such as grandfather, grandmother, cousin, aunt, uncle, etc. as well as
directional words such as street, avenue, city, county, state and country. Students much complete a
post card to an extended family member and describe a recent life event. Students will be graded based
on the following rubric:
Vocabulary- Four
words from
recent vocabulary
address must be
full and correctly
Content- A
complete letter
with three
unclear sentences
NeatnessPostcards must
be written with
neat and clear

1 vocabulary word
was used

Two vocabulary
words were used

3 vocabulary
words were used

4 vocabulary
words were used

Address has only

1 correct line

Address has 2
correct lines

Address has 3
correct lines

Less than 1
sentence or
unclear content

1 complete

2 complete

All 4 lines of the

address are
3 complete

Letter was
unreadable due to

Letter was only

partial readable

Letter was almost

fully readable

Assessment 3: Theme Theatre Rubric- View PDF File

Assessment 4: Reading Unit Test for Unit 1- View PDF file

Letter was
printed in neat
and readable

Section 9: Recommendations for future instruction and support

1. Recommendation 1: Increase formative assessments. To better understand individual student
strengths and needs, formative assessments should be used on a daily basis to assess students
independently on the skills reinforced by each lesson. This could be done as simply as a quick
check or exit slip to confirm that the learned skills have been acquired. Too often, students can
blend in with the class and teachers are unaware of their individual needs.
2. Recommendation 2: Differentiate summative assessments. Summative assessments should vary
from the standardized test. Authentic assessments such as projects should be utilized to adhere
to students different learning profiles. To truly understand the capacity of student learning,
assessments must be varied to support their individual skills and talents.
3. Recommendation 3: Thoroughly assess all language skills. Reading and writing are skills that
may be more easily assessed and often are deemed to be highly important, possibly even more
so than speaking and listening. However, to be a productive member of an English speaking
society, students speaking and listen skills must be just as strong if not stronger than reading
and writing. Rubrics and checklists should be created and utilized to assess speaking and
listening skills on a regular basis, and progress should be tracked to show improvement.

Section 10: Reflection

Language is so dynamic and fluid and so many different factors go into learning it, that it is no wonder
that different students have success and struggles with languages different aspects. This is why
formative assessments are so integral to an effective ESL program. Teachers must consistently monitor
student progress and address areas that need to be improved, and this will be different for each ELL.
Teachers must adapt instruction to fit the individual needs of each student.
Culture plays an important role in the instruction of ELLs in the classroom. Because different cultures
place emphasis on different aspects of life: education, family, etc., it is important that teachers
understand these differences and adapt instruction to fit student needs. When it comes to assessment,
cultural differences also need to be taken into account. If the assessment tool assumes that students
have knowledge of a particular cultural event, such as Halloween, and the student is unfamiliar with this,
then the assessment will not be valuable.
Assessment is probably one of the most important and effective tools that we have as ESL teachers. .
Without formative assessments, we would not be able to identify the areas that ELLs need to work on,
and we would have no record of their progress. In language development, if we do not correct errors

and build on prior learning, then ELLs will not every full acquire the language skills they need to be fully
integrated into our schools and our society.
Professionalism is fundamental when it comes to being an effective teacher. One part of
professionalism is understanding the most effective tools for assessment and how to adapt these
assessments to fit the individual needs and learning profiles of each ELL. If we do not incorporate
authentic assessments or differentiate our assessments, then we are not exemplifying true
Section 11: Reflection

Language is so dynamic and fluid and so many different factors go into learning it, that it is no wonder
that different students have success and struggles with languages different aspects. This is why
formative assessments are so integral to an effective ESL program. Teachers must consistently monitor
student progress and address areas that need to be improved, and this will be different for each ELL.
Teachers must adapt instruction to fit the individual needs of each student.
Culture plays an important role in the instruction of ELLs in the classroom. Because different cultures
place emphasis on different aspects of life: education, family, etc., it is important that teachers
understand these differences and adapt instruction to fit student needs. When it comes to assessment,
cultural differences also need to be taken into account. If the assessment tool assumes that students
have knowledge of a particular cultural event, such as Halloween, and the student is unfamiliar with this,
then the assessment will not be valuable.
Assessment is probably one of the most important and effective tools that we have as ESL teachers. .
Without formative assessments, we would not be able to identify the areas that ELLs need to work on,
and we would have no record of their progress. In language development, if we do not correct errors
and build on prior learning, then ELLs will not every full acquire the language skills they need to be fully
integrated into our schools and our society.
Professionalism is fundamental when it comes to being an effective teacher. One part of
professionalism is understanding the most effective tools for assessment and how to adapt these
assessments to fit the individual needs and learning profiles of each ELL. If we do not incorporate
authentic assessments or differentiate our assessments, then we are not exemplifying true

Section 11: Documentation/ Support Materials

See the PDF file

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