Ruland Maxsyllabus2014 15

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Ruland-Max Team Syllabus, 2014-2015

Contact Information
Biology: Nuvia Ruland <>, 619-591-2500 ext.25033, Room 155
Humanities: Henry Maxfield Max <>, 619-591-2500 ext 25027, Room 156

Parent/Guardian Assignments
Please review the following document with your student and return the last page, signed with your contact information.
(We hope to be in close communication with you throughout the year!)
In addition, please complete the Family Member Survey or write us a letter introducing your student to us. Please
include any information you feel will help us better understand your student and be better teachers for your student.
Please feel free to write the letter in either English or Spanish. Return by Friday, September 5, 2014.
Please complete the Technology Access Questionnaire so we can gain a better sense of how to best support your student
in terms of designing curriculum, projects, readings, etc. Return by Friday, September 5, 2014.
Lastly, please read and sign the Mature Content Consent Form which will allow your student to watch documentary
films and read books for educational purposes which contain some violence and foul language.

Course Description
Our primary focus for our team is to engage students in a meaningful way that makes it easy for them to connect to the
curriculum and create authentic work in order to improve their skills and knowledge for their lives inside and outside of
the classroom. We are dedicated to open your students perspective in becoming a Life Learner. We will begin by
embarking on a philosophical journey through the humanities and biology that will encourage us to consider the impact
we make as individuals, communities, and as a society on the world. By thinking critically about what kind of legacy we
may leave behind, students will be encouraged to investigate and pursue their passions as a part of the curriculum. We
will be reading the text Ishmael, Silent Spring and other complementary readings to help us better understand how all life
can be looked at in terms of takers and leavers. This work will culminate in participation in school-wide Dia de los
Muertos community event where we will present a Dia de los Muertos altar that represents all of the legacies we want to
leave behind. The altar will be a very involved, multiple piece construction that will have a part of every student on it.
This exhibition will take place on Saturday, November 1st in Chula Vista Memorial Park.
Following our philosophical journey, we will then begin to research and investigate our history of immigration as well as
the current state of immigration in the USA. By taking advantage of our cultural and geographical positioning next to the
Mexican border, we will explore the concept of the movement of peoples and animals: why, how, where to, and where
from. The recent calls for reform by citizens of the USA, as well as by politicians, will help to guide us into a very
complicated, current, and controversial topic.

Tentative Semester Timeline



Thematic Focus


Community Building, Exploring the idea of respect and where we come from.


We will begin our discussions and writings about death and legacy.
Building blocks of biology, trophic levels in the environment and food webs, while becoming
observation scientists.
The philosophy of takers and leavers will be thoroughly examined in terms of culture and
Dia de los Muertos Transformative Altar project launch.
Books, films, and events to be discussed: Ishmael, Walden by Henry David Thoreau, Silent
Spring, Baraka and Dia de los Muertos.
9/12 Trip to the Zoo
9/22 SD Coastal Cleanup & team lunch, Border State Park 9am - 12am
Deliverables: Artifacts, brief written explanation of artifacts, formation of altar groups, long
explanation of artifact, cultural appropriation argumentative essay,


Plant biology through observation in nature and in the classroom.

Local ecosystem and the organisms that make it up.
Kumeyaay culture and history, the history of consumerism and capitalism.
Read excerpts from Endgame
Design and build Dia de los Muertos Transformative Altar
Siddhartha by Herman Hesse
Presentation practice
Deliverables: Structure of the altar design and building, refine and finalize group presentations
of artifacts and theme, class presentation of altar, finalized written explanations of artifacts,
themes, and altar


Saturday, November 1 - Dia de Los Muertos Exhibition at Memorial Park in Chula Vista
Reflective Essay: How have our views on death and legacy changed? publication of book based on written and photographic materials from the Dia de los
Muertos Transformative Altar Project
Shift from the ecosystem to the human systems dissection of fetal pig.
Building blocks of biology that make up our cells.
Introduction to immigration: Spend a day with the Border Angels.
History of immigration in the U.S.A.
Immigration vs. flight for life
Field Trip to the Border
NPR and Democracy Now podcasts on current immigration conflict
The Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao
Sin Nombre
Maslows Hierarchy of Needs


Nutrition and homeostasis.

Racism and immigration. Ferguson
Social movements - Civil Rights
What does a good student look like? Philosophical discussions and readings about what it means
to be studious. Rigor, rigor, and more rigor! - 1-2 weeks POL prep

Preview into junior

year 2nd semester

History of the U.S.A. in Latin America

Genetics and molecular biology.
Junior Internships 5/11 - 6/5/15

How can students and parents/guardians stay informed about whats happening in class?

Check our digital portfolio for class content, project descriptions, deadlines and event dates. Ms.Nuvias and Maxs DP can
be found on the HTHCV website. (
Ask your student to share his/her daily handouts with you.
Check out the Team Maxfield-Ruland Calendar link below.
( Here you will find assignment deadlines, exhibition
dates, field trips and important dates for Junior year (i.e. PSAT, SAT, Internship deadlines).
Email Ms. Nuvia or Max to set up a meeting.
Shadow your student (come to HTHCV) for a class, a morning, an afternoon or a day.
Keep up with your student grades on Power School.
Read the Week ahead emails from Ms. Nuvia and Max

Grading Scale
A+ = 97% - 100%
A = 93% - 96%
A- = 90% - 92%
B+ = 87% - 89%
B = 83% - 86%
B- = 80% - 82%
C+ = 77% - 79%
C = 73% - 76%
C- = 70% - 72%
F= 69% - or below

Our policy on grading is one that reflects our view on learning, which is to say, there will always be opportunities for
students to get the grades they want to earn. We believe that learning is an ongoing process and while some assignments
and projects may have an aspect of finality to them (such as an exhibition or presentation), there will always be
opportunities to improve on the work done as a part of the class. We look at students work as being proficient in meeting
expectations, beyond proficient, and working towards proficiency and try to have our letter grades reflect this philosophy.
Details of grading will be discussed further in class and open-house.

Late Work Policy

Students, your teachers, classmates and teammates are counting on you to complete your work on time and to have it
printed out and ready to share before class starts.
Should an emergency arise causing your work to be late, please let your teachers know right away via phone or email.
All assignments have been designed with the intention of being discussed and/or used in class therefore completing it
on time is of the utmost importance to a successful class.
Any work not completed on time may be penalized.

Absences/Make-Up Work Policy

Students, if you are absent, you are responsible for finding out what you missed and completing all of the work in a timely
manner, ideally the day you return to school to be used in class. Turn in any late work at an appropriate time that is not
disruptive to class, before or after school. To find out what you missed you can check Ms. Nuvias and Maxs DP, Team
Maxfield-Ruland calendar, your teachers or fellow students. We expect students to make a concerted effort to complete
work when absent.

Use of School Technology


Our class laptops and internet connection are treasured resources. In class we will detail the Habits of Technology, but
below are a few main points that we expect all students and parents to be aware of.
To help maintain an efficiently working internet connection TURN-OFF phones and electronics during class.
When transporting laptops, carry them with BOTH HANDS.
Shut down computers completely after each use to assure software updates are up to date.
Plug in your assigned computer after to its rightful place.
REPORT any problems you have to Ms. Nuvia or Max right away.

Be Present and Punctual

As a school we are interested in cultivating professionalism in regards to attendance and punctuality. We have
thoughtfully planned our days with each student in mind, and we look forward to having all our students ready to engage
in meaningful work with us. Please do your best to be on time and to be present every day.

Junior Internship
Junior Internship is a graduation requirement at HTHCV. All juniors will go on a four-week, unpaid academic internship
in the spring semester (5/11/15 - 6/5/15). Internship is an exciting opportunity for our juniors to be HTHCV ambassadors
in our community. Its a chance for juniors to be out in the working world, learning a trade, learning what it takes to
succeed in business or in the non-profit world. Juniors should start thinking about where they want to intern right away.
Students are encouraged to find their own internships, but Max, Nuvia and Lisa Davis will work closely with students on
how to do that. To help students prepare for internships, workshops will be held throughout the year during the school
day. Students who do not complete assignments and/or satisfactorily complete their junior internship will not be allowed
to graduate from HTHCV. Please see Max or Nuvia if you have any questions about junior internships.

HTHCV Handbook
All expectations and consequences outlined in the HTHCV Handbook will be enforced in our classes, including those
related to Dress Code, Electronics and Plagiarism.
Please dress in a way that allows you and everyone else in our class to focus, feel comfortable and perform at our best at
all times. Should you have any questions about what is appropriate to wear to HTHCV, please ask Lillian Hsu or Ray
Trinidad. In addition, please err on the side of caution, meaning if you worry your outfit may not be school appropriate it
probably is not school appropriate.
As for electronics, all cell phones, iPods, iPads, mp3 players and other such devices need to be put away and turned off
before class starts and may not be used in class unless your teachers give you permission to do otherwise.
In terms of plagiarism: dont do it. It is far better to earn a low grade with your own work than risk suspension or
expulsion by submitting someone elses work. Should you ever find yourself struggling to complete an assignment or
project honestly and at a high level, you are welcome to reach out for support. We will be here, and we will gladly
support you.

Final Note
Our ultimate goal is to support students in becoming passionate learners and achieving their full potential. We challenge
yourself throughout the year to achieve your personal best in all you do. Please contact us with any comments or concerns
any time. We will make ourselves available by phone, email or in person. We are here to help and love doing so.

The Constitution of the State of California requires that we provide a public education to you free of charge.
Subject to certain exceptions, your right to a free public education means that we cannot require you or your

family to purchase materials, supplies, equipment or uniforms for any school activity.
Many families have been asking what supplies their child or the class room may need during this school year. Below, we
have a recommended list of supplies that your child may bring to class. Please note that if your child does not bring the
recommended supplies, the school will provide the supplies for him/her. If you have any questions/comments about
this, please contact Max, Ms. Nuvia, or Lillian Hsu, the school director.
Composition Notebook
2 pens and 2 pencils
Binder with dividers
Sticky Notes
Ishmael by Daniel Quinn
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
Latex or Non-latex gloves
Paper towels
Cotton Make-Up Pads
Dick Blick Acrylic Paints (primary colors: red, yellow, green, blue, white, black)
Crayola Markers (various widths)
Paint brushes (various sizes for crafts and large surface areas)
Hot glue gun with glue sticks
Blue painters tape
Metal rulers
Flash drives

Parent/Guardian Signature Page

Thank you for reviewing our team syllabus with your student.

By signing the following, I demonstrate that I have read all the expectations of the team syllabus.
STUDENT name: _______________________________
STUDENT Signature: ____________________________
STUDENT phone number: ________________________
Students ADVISORS Name: ______________________________________

PARENT/GUARDIAN name:___________________________________________
PARENT/GUARDIAN signature:_____________________________________
Preferred form of contact: (please check one) Email _______ Phone _______
Preferred phone number for contact: ____________________________________________
Preferred email address for contact: _____________________________________________

Please return by Friday Sept. 5, 2014.

Family Member Survey

Please answer the questions below in Spanish or English, or please write Nuvia and Max a letter about your
student in Spanish or English to help them understand your student better and be the best teachers they can be
for your student.
What do you believe teachers need to know about your student in order to help your student be the best
he or she can be?
What do you believe teachers need to do in order to help your student be the best he or she can be?
What else would you like Nuvia and Max to know about you and/or your student in order to help them
be the best teachers they can be for your student this year?

Technology Access Questionnaire


As juniors we emphasize the use of Google Drive and Calendar as part of their preparation for Junior Internship.
To best support your student please review the following list and check whether your student has access to the following
items outside of school. Should it be helpful or necessary, HTHCV can provide access to technology for your student
before or after school with C.r.A.S.H program or during Ms.Nuvias and Maxs scheduled office hours.

Student Name: ________________________________________



Parent Access to PowerSchool

Student Access to PowerSchool
Flash Drive or External Drive
Home Computer/Laptop
Home Internet Access
Google Drive Access
Cell Phone/Smart Phone


Mature Content Consent Form

Student Name: _________________________________________________
Throughout the 2014-2015 school year, your student will occasionally watch films and read with mature content, language,
violence and subject matter. These films and literary works will be watched and read, respectively, for educational purposes. When
selecting films and literary works, our goal is to deepen your students understanding of the complexity of immigration in the U.S.
today as well as important concepts in biology and major events and figures from U.S. history, especially those connected to the 300+
year struggle to make a more perfect union. If you have any questions about film and literary selections for our classes, we would be
happy to speak with you. Please feel free to set up a time to meet with us in person by calling or emailing us. Should you not want
your child to read any of the books or see any of the films we assign, we would be happy to provide alternative readings or viewings
for your child that will not affect your childs grade in anyway. Again, all you need to do is call or email us. Thank you.
Durante el ao escolar 2014-2015 de vez en cuando, el estudante vera pelculas y leer material con contenido para adultos, lenguaje
fuerte, o temas de violencia. Estas pelculas y obras literarias han sido seleccionadas para los propsitos educativos. Al seleccionar pelculas y
obras literarias, nuestro objetivo es expandir las perspectivas y la comprensin del estudiante de la complejidad de la cuestin de emigracion en los
EE.UU. hoy en da, as como conceptos importantes en la biologa y los principales acontecimientos y personajes de la historia de EE.UU.,
especialmente los relacionados con los 300 + aos de lucha para hacer una unin ms perfecta. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta acerca de la pelcula
y selecciones literarias para nuestras clases, estaremos encantados de hablar con usted. No dude en hacer una cita para reunirse con nosotros
personalmente por nosotros enviando un correo electrnico por favor. Si usted no quiere que su hijo lea alguno de los libros o ver cualquiera de las
pelculas que le asignamos, estaramos dispuestos proporcionar lecturas o peliculas alternativas para su hijo que no afectarn las calificaciones de
su hijo en cualquier caso. Una vez ms, todo lo que tiene que hacer es llamarnos o enviarnos un correo electrnico. Gracias.

By signing this document, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the Mature Content Consent Form above and give my student
permission to watch and read mature material (films or works with mature themes, language, violence and subject matter) in his or her biology and
humanities classes.
Al firmar este documento, yo reconozco que he ledo y entendido el formulario de consentimiento contenido para adultos arriba y doy mi
estudiante permiso para ver y leer el material maduro (pelculas u obras con temas para adultos, lenguaje, la violencia y la materia) o en su su
biologa y clases de humanidades.

Guardian/Parent Signature [Firma del Guardian]: __________________________________________

Guardian/Parent Email [Email del Guardian]: ______________________________________________

Partial List of Possible Films and Videos

Partial List of Possible Texts and Novels

Sin Nombre
Harvest of Empires
El Norte
Beyond the Border
Precious Knowledge

The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao

The artwork of Ana Mendieta

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