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Like the Greeks

A social studies essay

By: Jonathan Pinkerton, P.2
I believe the Greeks influenced the Roman culture the most. One
reason I believe this is because they had monumental building columns in
the Roman street scene, and that scene had columns like the Greeks had on
the Temple of Poseidon and the Parthenon. The second time this was being
used was in the Roman forum. In the background, there is a Greek column.
Next, they had mythology because they had myths like the Iliad, the
She-wolf, like the Greeks. In addition to that, you can see statues of
mythological figures on the Roman street scene picture, at the top of that
temple-like building. Another reason the Greeks influenced the Romans in
mythology is because they had Gods that they praised, quite like the
Greeks. In addition, the Roman people used Greek coinage because they
had to pay taxes to the Government and pay to get into certain events. Like
the Circus Maximus, Greek coinage is implied because people payed to get
into it. That is why I believe the Romans were influenced by Greek coinage,
monumental building, and mythology.

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