Political Correctness Essay

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Abby Telenko
Mr. Kings English I Honors
Pd 2

The school district voted to ban dodgeball and other Human-target sports. A
school in New Hampshire now refers dodgeball as a Human-target sport. This type of
language is not used in an everyday situation. The language being used is politically correct.
Human-target is what changes the everyday thought on dodgeball from being a fun game into
a game that people will be bullied. It also changes the way people react to each other when
dodgeball is mentioned. Political correctness manipulates the everyday narrative by changing the
way people react to situations and other people.
Political correctness has many components to it. There are two definitions of
political correctness. One is conforming to a belief that language and practices which could
offend political sensibilities should be eliminated. But the average Joe thinks preventing people
from getting their feelings hurt when people think of political correctness. This makes people
feel respected because people are refraining from words that are offensive. Political correctness
have some similarities and differences to euphemism. While euphemism beats around the bush to
make a point, political correctness goes to the point but alters some details. But both political
correctness and euphemism create a false belief in the audience changing the everyday narrative
that benefits certain people.
Political correctness affects the way people interact with others in todays society.
Dr. Benjamin Carson explains this is a video entitled, Political Correctness is Dangerous. He
says that people are too afraid to say what they think because they are scared to offend someone
else. The New York ban of the work dinosaur on standardized test prove that this is true. The
people who created this ban made this so people who didnt believe in evolution werent
offended. Having the word dinosaur banned from standardized tests makes everyone feel more

Abby Telenko
Mr. Kings English I Honors
Pd 2

cautious about what they say. People need to start to really think about what they are going to
say before they say it.
Another example of political correctness is instead of saying someone is acting
blonde, someone would say that they have no alternative. The situation changes from someone is
doing something stupid, to they have offended blonde people. Political correctness makes people
in todays society paranoid. People think, Is this going to offend someone? People now live
their lives on alert if some word or phrase offends them or someone else.
Political correctness needs to be in our society because if people dont refrain from
some words that will offend people than todays society would be people nonstop insulting one
another. But when people take political correctness to far, thats when some people find it a joke.
People do need to be reserved in what they say to people, but if they live their life with being
reserved and constantly think if they are going to offend someone, then no one will be allowed to
say anything. Because people will find a way to make every word offend someone in some way.
Political correctness makes people more respectful and respected because they have that thought
of, Will this hurt their feelings? But sometimes people take it too far and become too sensitive.
So in conclusion political correctness should be in peoples lives but it shouldnt change peoples
points of view on silly things like dodgeball, and the word dinosaur.

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