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Movie Permission Form

Dear families,
Edison requires parental, or guardian, permission for your student to view movies that
are used in our curriculum which are rated PG-13. The 8th grade General Music class
will be showing the movie, RENT, to add to our Music Through Storytelling, Music and
Film, and Musicals Unit. RENT is a musical about a community of free spirited artists
struggling in the East Village of New York City. The film centers around Mark and Roger,
two characters dealing with love, loss, and AIDS.
Please complete the bottom half of this form and return it to class.

Mrs. Welty-Peachey
______ YES, I give my son/ daughter permission to view curriculum and school
appropriate film/ videos related to classroom content and subjects rated PG-13.
______ NO, I do not give my son/ daughter permission to view curriculum and school
appropriate film/ videos mentioned in this letter. I understand alternate learning
experiences will be provided for the student while the movie is being watched.
Students Name: ________________________________________________________
Signature of Parent or Guardian: ___________________________________________

Date: ___________________________________________

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