Mechanical Operation Two Marks Question With Answers: Department of Chemical Engineering, SSN College of Engineering

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Mechanical Operation Two marks question with answers

13. What are the requirements of septum in a filter?

The septum in any filter must meet the following requirements -:
1. It must retain the solids to be filtered giving a reasonably clear filtrate.
2. It must not plug or blind.
3. It must be resistant chemically and strong enough physically to withstand the process
4. It must permit the cake formed to discharge cleanly and completely.
5. It must not to be prohibitively expense.
14. What is compressible and in compressible cake?
Conducting constant -pressure experiments, at various pressure drops, the variations of with
P may be found. If is independent of P, the cake is incompressible. Ordinarily increase
with P, as most cakes are at least to some extent compressible. For lightly compressible
cakes, increases rapidly with P.
15. What is compressibility coefficient?
=0 (p)s
0 and s are empirical constants. Constant "s" is the compressibility coefficient of the cake. It
is zero for incompressible cakes and positive for compressible ones. It usually falls between
0.2 and 0.8.
16. What are bins and silo ?
Solids that are too valuable or too soluble to expose in outdoor piles are stored in bin, hoppers
or silos. These are cylindrical or rectangular vessels of concrete or metal. A silo is tall and
relatively small in diameter, a bin is not so tall and usually fairly wide.
A hopper is a small vessel with a sloping bottom, for temporary storage before feeding solids
to a process. All these containers are located from the top by same kind of elevator, is
charging is generally done from the bottom. a major problem in bin design is to provide
satisfactory discharge.
17. Why mechanical operation is a worst unit operation?
Size reduction is one of the least energy efficient of all the unit operations. Laboratory studies
for crushing have shown that least than 1 percent of the energy delivered to the solids is used
to create new surfaces, the rest is dissipating as heat. In operating machines energy must also
be supplied to overcome friction in the bearing and other moving parts.
18. Define Critical speed of ball mill.
The faster the mill is rotated , the farther the balls are carried up inside the mill and the
greater the power consumption and capacity of the mill. If the speed is too high, however, the
balls are carried over and the mill is said to be centrifuging. The speed at which centrifuging
occurs is called the critical speed.

Department of Chemical Engineering, SSN College of Engineering

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Where R is the Radius of the Ball mill and r is the radius of the ball.
19. What is filter press?
A filter press contains a set of plates designed too provide a series of chambers or
compartments in which solids may collect. The plates are covered with a filter medium such
as canvas. Slurry is admitted to each compartment under pressure, liquor passes through the
canvas and out a discharge pipe,, leaving a wet cake of solids behind.
20. What is the Separation factor in a Cyclone separator?
The ratio between centrifugal force to gravity force is called the separation factor.


utan- Tangential velocity; r- radius

Larger diameter cyclone has a much lower separation factor at the same velocity. Small
diameter cyclones may have a separation factor as high as 2500.
21. What is Sedimentation and Thickener?
The separation of dilute slurry by gravity settling into a clear fluid and a slurry of higher
solids concentration is called sedimentation. Industrial sedimentation operations are often
carried out continuously in equipment called thickeners.
22. What is Critical settling point?
In a batch sedimentation process there are different zones namely clear liquid zone, uniform
concentration zone, Transition zone and coarse solid zone. The settling proceeds the height of
the each will vary. Clear liquid zone and coarse solid zone grow larger at the expense of
uniform concentration zone. Eventually as point is reached where the zone uniform
concentration zone and transition zone disappears and all solid particles appear in the coarse
solid zone. This point is referred to as critical settling point.
23. What is centrifugal filtration?
Centrifuges are also used in centrifugal filtration, where a centrifugal force is used instead of
pressure difference to cause the flow of slurry in a filter where a cake of solids builds upon a
screen. The cake of granular solids from the slurry is deposited on a filter medium held in a
rotating basket, washed and then spun dry .centrifuges and ordinary filter are competitive in
most solid-liquid separation problems.
24. Differentiate cyclones and hydroclones?
Equipment used for separation of solids from gases is known as cyclones.
Equipments used for liquid-solid separation is known as hydro clones or hydro cyclones.
Hydro clones find applications in degritting operation in alumina production, removing
carbon in upgrading gypsum for phosphoric acid manufacturing, classifying pigments and
crystal magmas and similar process steps.

Department of Chemical Engineering, SSN College of Engineering

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