Stability of Ships - 2

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Transverse Stability
Centres of Buoyancy and Gravity
Stiff and Tender Vessels
Roll Period
Weight Distribution
Longitudinal Stability

1. Transverse Stability
Centres of Buoyancy and Gravity

The drawing above shows a transverse section through a vessel.


represents the waterline at which the ship is floating.

is the keel.

is the position of the transverse centre of buoyancy usually
just called the centre of buoyancy. This is the centre of the
underwater volume of the vessel. It is the point through which the
force of buoyancy supporting the vessel acts vertically upwards.
is the position of the transverse centre of gravity. It is the
point through which all of the weight of the vessel including
deadweight items can be considered to act vertically downwards.
When the vessel is upright, both the centre of buoyancy and the centre of gravity are on the centre line
of the vessel.
Movement of Centre of Buoyancy
The centre of buoyancy is the centre of the underwater volume of the vessel. As the vessel sinks
deeper in the water, the centre of buoyancy will rise higher as shown in Fig 3.2.

When the vessel is floating at waterline W1L1, the

centre of buoyancy is at B1. If the ship sinks to
waterline W2L2 then the centre of buoyancy will
rise to B2, still on the centre line.
Movement of Centre of Gravity
The centre of gravity can be imagined to be a
point, through which all of the vessels weight acts
vertically downward.
The centre of gravity of the vessel at light
displacement is fixed by the arrangement of hull,
superstructure, machinery, etc. The addition of
deadweight items such as fuel, cargo, etc. causes
the centre of gravity to move in various directions.
Therefore the position of the centre of gravity is dependent upon the size of weights added to the
vessel, and the position in which they are added. In other words, the final position of the centre of
gravity is dependent upon the practices of the vessel operator.
The following three rules describe the movement of the centre of gravity of the vessel.


The centre of gravity moves towards an added weight.


The centre of gravity moves away from a discharged weight.

Figure 3.4 Weight Removed

The centre of gravity moves parallel to the movement of a weight which is already on board.
See Fig 3.5.

Figure 3.5 Shifting Weights

The size of the movement of the centre of gravity is directly dependent upon:

The size of the weight involved;


The distance between the centre of gravity of the vessel and the centre of gravity of the


The displacement of the vessel.

Suspended Weights
When a weight is suspended, from a boom for example as shown in Fig 3.6, the effect is as though
the weight were situated at the point of suspension, that is, the head of the boom. Usually, this is a
long way from the centre of gravity of a vessel and therefore, a suspended weight may cause a large
movement of the centre of gravity.

Figure 3.6 Suspended Weight

Previous diagrams showed a transverse view of a vessel in an upright position, with the centre of
gravity and the centre of buoyancy on the centre line. It was said that all of the weight of the vessel,
and any associated deadweight items, can be assumed to act vertically downwards through the centre
of gravity. It was also said that all of the buoyancy effect can be assumed to act vertically upwards
through the centre of buoyancy; and, of course, when a vessel is floating the weight is exactly equal to
the buoyancy.
When the vessel is moved away from the upright by some effect outside the vessel, e.g. a wave, the
vessel is said to be heeled.
In Fig 3.7 the vessel has moved to an angle of heel as shown. The vessel was originally floating at
waterline WL, and after heeling is floating at waterline W1L1.
Wedge 1 has come out of the water, wedge 2 which is of equal volume, has gone into the water.

Figure 3.7 Vessel heeled

The centre of buoyancy (B) is the centre of the underwater volume of the vessel. Because the
underwater shape has changed, the centre of buoyancy moves to the centre of the new underwater
shape, which is at B1.
Buoyancy acts vertically upwards through the centre of buoyancy as shown and cuts the centre line of
the vessel at a point called the metacentre (M). The initial position of the metacentre is determined by
the shape of the underwater portion of the hull.
Note that the position of G has not changed, because no weights have been moved, but weight still
acts vertically downwards, through G as shown.
The distance from G to M is called the metacentric height.

Fig 3.8 shows an expanded view of the relationship between B, B 1, G, Z and M. The lines of action of
weight and buoyancy are separated by a distance GZ, this is called the righting lever
Imagine that GZ was a solid lever fixed in the centre of the ship. The whole weight of the ship pushes
down through G. The force of buoyancy (which is equal to the weight) pushes upwards through Z.

Figure 3.8 Righting Lever

What happens to the lever GZ? In this case it experiences a force (turning moment) tending to rotate it
in an anti-clockwise direction. This turning moment has the effect of rotating the whole ship is an
anti-clockwise direction. (The lever is fixed remember). Now look at Fig 3.7 again. An anti-clockwise
rotation would return the ship to the upright position. As that happened, B would once again be
vertically under G, and the righting lever would disappear, since a righting lever only exists when B is
not directly underneath G.
Equilibrium is the term used to describe a vessel that is afloat. It is a word made up of two words
namely equal, and balance. A vessel will float when the forces of weight and buoyancy are equal, and
they balance - that is both B and G are in the same vertical line, and the vessel is not being acted on
by an external force (a force other than buoyancy or weight).
Stable Equilibrium
A vessel which will tend to return to the upright after being heeled by an external force, is said to be
in stable equilibrium. When G is below M the vessel is in stable equilibrium e.g. the situation shown
in Fig 3.7.

Unstable Equilibrium

Figure 3.9 Unstable Equilibrium

If G is above M as shown in Fig 3.9 the ship is said to be in unstable equilibrium. It will not remain
upright. It will heel to an angle called an angle of loll. At that angle of loll it will have picked up
stability and will return to the angle of loll if disturbed by an external force. If G is sufficiently far
above M, then the angle of loll may be very large and the vessel may capsize. Angle of loll is
described below.
Neutral Equilibrium
If G and M coincide, as shown in Fig 3.10 then, theoretically the vessel will have no reason to remain
upright. Also, if it is heeled, it will have no tendency either to heel further or to return to the upright.
This unsafe state is called a loll.

Figure 3.10 Neutral Equilibrium

In order that a vessel is able to float upright the centre of gravity and the centre of buoyancy must be
on the centre line. The buoyancy and weight are then equal in size and are acting along the same
straight line but in opposite directions. See Fig 3.11.

Figure 3.11 Without List

If weights are loaded or discharged or moved within the vessel G may move off the centre line.

Figure 3.12 G Located Off Centre Line

The buoyancy and weight are not acting along the same straight line shown below in Fig 3.12. The
vessel will tend to take up an angle of list as shown in Fig 3.13.

Figure 3.13 Vessel Listed

As the vessel lists B will move until it is vertically below G at B 1. Then buoyancy and weight will be
acting along the same straight line and the vessel will come to rest at an angle of list. An angle of list
may be removed by moving weights so that G moves back onto the centre line.
Stiff and Tender Vessels

Figure 3.14 Stable Equilibrium

Fig 3.14 shows a vessel in a stable condition. This is the only condition in which any vessel should be
The way in which the vessel returned to the upright was illustrated in Fig 3.7 and 3.8. In general, the
bigger the righting lever, the more stability a vessel will have.
The size of the righting lever is dependent upon the position of G.
In Fig 3.15 it can be clearly seen that G1Z1 is smaller that GZ and G2Z2 is bigger than GZ.
Also, G1M is smaller that GM, and G2M is bigger than GM. In fact the size of GM and GZ are related.
The bigger the GM the bigger the GZ.

Figure 3.15 GZ is determined by position of G

If a vessel has a lot of stability i.e. if it has a big GZ and GM then it will tend to roll quickly, and
perhaps uncomfortably, it is said to be 'stiff'
If a vessel has a small measure of stability, i.e. if it has a small GZ and GM then it will roll slowly and
easily, it is said to be tender.
Roll Period
After heeled by wave action a vessel will start to roll. Every vessel has its own natural roll period (the
time that it takes to roll from upright, over to the left, then to the right and finally back to the upright).
The period of the roll is determined by:

the metacentric height (the length of the vessels GM)


the vessels shape (beam and length)

If the GM is large, the roll period is short (the vessel is stiff). If the GM is small, the roll period is long
(the vessel is tender). If the vessel is overloaded with G above M (negative GM) the vessel is
unstable. Masters are well advised to continuously monitor this indicator of stability, particularly in
vessels that load at sea (fishing vessels) or damaged vessels that are taking on water.
Initial surveyors traditionally conducted a rolling test on small vessels to assess righting ability and
obtain approximations of GM. While testing, the boat is in smooth water without wind and tide, with
slack moorings and adequate side and bottom clearance. All loose weights are secured and all slack
tanks pressed up. A roll is initiated, perhaps by pulling on a masthead line from the wharf, and when
the vessel is rolling freely, several rolls are timed, and averaged.
An approximate value for the GM in metres may then be found from the formula:

Where: B is the beam of the vessel in metres

T is the seconds for a complete roll (upright, port, starboard, port, upright).
F is a factor allowing for a vessels individual shape (typically 0.73 - 0.98)
Example: A vessel has a factor of 0.88, a beam of 12 metres and a roll period of 10 seconds. What is
the vessels GM?

GM = (1.056)2
= 1.11 metres (approximately)

While roll period calculation must not be relied on to determine safe loading (the vessels stability
book provides this information) it is a good indicator of stability. You should time your vessels roll
period in different conditions of safe loading, and thereafter be aware of the feel of your vessel. If the
roll period seems longer, or if the roll becomes sluggish, investigate the cause immediately.
Weight Distribution
The distribution of deadweight items within a vessel is the responsibility of the operator. It is normal
for vessels to be stable and upright in their lightship condition. Therefore, if a vessel is unstable or
listed, after the addition of deadweight items, it can be corrected by the action of the operator.

G moves towards a loaded weight.


G moves away from a discharged weight.


G moves parallel to a shifted weight.


A suspended weight acts as though it is located at the point of suspension..


Stability improves if G is lowered.


Stability gets worse if G is lifted.


Free surface effect makes stability worse.

Therefore stability is improved if:


Weights already on board are lowered.


Weights are added low down.


High weights are removed.


Suspended weights are lowered.


Tanks are kept completely full or completely empty.

Stability is worsened if

Weights already on board are lifted higher.


Weights are added high up in the vessel.


Weights are removed from low down in the vessel.


Weights are lifted on booms etc.


Many tanks have free surfaces.

Calculating Loading and Unloading of weights:

The amount that the centre of gravity of a vessel is shifted by the loading of a weight can be
calculated by the formula:
Distance from VCG

weight added

Weight of vessel

weight added

Change in metres of
Vertical Centre of Gravity

The amount that the centre of gravity of a vessel is shifted by the unloading of a weight can be
calculated by the formula:
Distance from VCG

weight added

Weight of vessel

weight added

Change in metres of
Vertical Centre of Gravity

Longitudinal Stability
Parameters such as centre of gravity and centre of buoyancy have been used in describing transverse
stability, so far. They can also be used to describe longitudinal stability.

Figure 3.16 LCB Forward of LCG - Vessel trims by the stern

In Fig 3.16 LCB is the longitudinal centre of buoyancy. This is the longitudinal centre of the
underwater volume, and is the point through which all the buoyancy can be said to act vertically
LCG is the longitudinal centre of gravity. This is the point through which all of the weight of the
vessel can be said to act vertically downwards.
If the position of LCG and LCB are as shown in Fig 3.16 then the actions of buoyancy and weight
will cause the vessel to rotate as shown by the arrow. The stern will sink deeper, the bow will rise
higher. LCB is the longitudinal centre of all underwater volume. As the vessel rotates, the shape of the
underwater volume will change and LCB will move to the new centre.
When LCG and LCB are in the same vertical line, the rotation will stop, the vessel will be trimmed by
the stern as shown in Fig 3.17.

Figure 3.17 LCG and LCB in same vertical line no trimming moment
If the vessel had started with LCB aft of LCG as shown in Fig 3.18 then the rotation would cause a
trim by the bow.

Figure 3.18 LCB aft of LCG - vessel trims by the head

Vessels are not generally symmetrical fore and aft, so they do not necessarily rotate about amidships
when trimming. In fact, they rotate about a point called the longitudinal centre of flotation (LCF).
LCF is the centre of the shape of the waterline at which the vessel is floating. See Fig 3.19.

Figure 3.19
Calculating Loading and Unloading of weights:
The amount that the centre of gravity of a vessel is shifted by the loading of a weight can be
calculated by the formula:
Distance from LCG

weight added

Weight of vessel

weight added

Change in metres of
Long. Centre of Gravity

The amount that the centre of gravity of a vessel is shifted by the unloading of a weight can be
calculated by the formula:
Distance from LCG

weight added

Weight of vessel

weight added

Change in metres of
Long. Centre of Gravity

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