Academic Enhancement Center Course Syllabus Summer Term

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Academic Enhancement Center

Course Syllabus
Summer Term 2010

Course # Course Name Credit Class Schedule

Blended course:
MAT 098 Arithmetic Review 3 Credits Wed. 8 – 9:15 AM
Computer Lab
AEC and Online

Name of Instructor: Steven Diaz

Phone: 305-628-6643 (office); 786-546-2415 (Cell)
Twitter: CafeRico
IM: kaferico (Google & Yahoo)
Office Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday from 9 am to 3 pm.

Course Description:

MAT-098 is a review of the mathematics skills that are needed for college level mathematics.
The course covers operations with whole numbers, integers, fractions, decimals, percents,
ratios, proportions. The course put emphasis on problem solving, reasoning, connections
(relation of math concepts to other disciplines), communicating mathematical ideas, and number
and operations sense. Credit not applicable toward total credit graduation requirements.

Eligibility to enroll in this course is based on placement examination (CPT).

New students (those who never enrolled previously in basic skills math courses)
can exit this course and be placed in the next higher level math course if they score
90% in the Initial Assessment that will be administered during the first week of
the course.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course, students should have achieved the following learning outcomes:

1. Students will demonstrate improvement of their pre-algebra skills by increasing their pre-
test scores by at least 25% during the post-test.
2. Students will demonstrate mastery level on each of the main concepts of the course (see
below the Course Curriculum) by earning at least 70% on the assessments (i.e. quizzes)
scheduled for each main concept.
3. Students will demonstrate college readiness to handle the rigor of the next mathematics
course by attaining a score of at least 70% in the post-test.
4. Students will demonstrate higher confidence and motivation doing mathematics by
scoring on average of at least a point higher in the Likert scale administered at the start
and end of the course.

Course Text & Materials:

• Bello, Ignacio (2006). Basic College Mathematics, A Real-World Approach 2e; McGraw
Hill: ISBN 0-07-283104-9 (optional)
• ALEKS Access Code: ISBN 0073533440 (required)

A different way of learning math with ALEKS

ALEKS is a web-based assessment and learning math system that uses artificial intelligent
programming to provide an individualized learning experience for every student. The
instructional model of this course will mainly consist on students actively learning at their own
pace with the assistance of ALEKS, the online resources available in Blackboard, and the face-
to-face classroom meetings.

Students must take the initiative and responsibility to use all the available resources to actively
learn the course content. Instructional time will be spent less on listening class lectures and
more on learning by doing and reflecting.

Taking into consideration our diverse population of students and to ensure they are involved as
much as possible in the learning process, this course will be based on a blended learning
model. In a blended course, students complete the majority (60%) of the learning activities
online (i.e. Blackboard and ALEKS), and the other learning activities (40%) takes place in the
face-to-face classroom. Here is what students should expect in this course:

 Face-to-Face Meetings: Class will meet once a week in the classroom (math
center), where students will complete learning activities led by the instructor. Students
will complete a class project in every face-to-face meeting that must be published on
the Internet. In addition, students must visit the math center during instructor’s office
hours to take the course assessments (quizzes & final exam).
 Asynchronous Online Meetings: Students will login at least on two different
days to the course shell in Blackboard and participate in the online discussions that are
posted in the discussion board.
 Computer assisted instruction: A learning and assessment web-based system
(i.e. ALEKS) is used to help students grasp and master the course content. ALEKS will
assess students’ prior knowledge of the course content and create a visual
representation (i.e. pie chart) of what they know and need to learn. Based on this
assessment, students work on the topics they are ready to learn. Students receive
immediate feedback for their performance and are continuously assessed to guarantee
mastery and retention of the course content.
 Self-paced learning: Students complete the course content at their own pace
based on their prior knowledge of the math concepts and skills covered in the course,
and with the guidance of a suggested timeline available in this syllabus. Students have
the opportunity to complete two courses in one academic term.
 Online Learning Resources: ALEKS provides detailed explanations and
demonstrations of the concepts and skills covered in the course. It also provides
supplementary resources such as videos, animations, Power Point presentations, math
dictionary, and the course textbook (i.e. e-book). In addition, students have access in
Blackboard of additional instructor-made resources (i.e. handouts, Power Points,
screencasts, etc.) and math links to other Internet sites that provide tutorials, virtual
manipulatives, and multimedia materials.
 Available Assistance: Students have many alternatives to seek assistance to
succeed in this course: (a) Visit the math center to get individual assistance from the
instructor (see office hours info); (b) Visit the math center during business hours to sign
up for a tutoring session; (c) Ask questions using the Question thread in the discussion
board of Blackboard (questions will be answered within 24 hours); (d) Contact the
instructor by phone Sunday to Thursday from 5 to 8 pm.

Course Curriculum

In this course, students will cover the following main concepts:

 Whole Numbers (55)

 Fractions (30)
 Decimals, Proportion, Percents (40)
 Measurement and Data Analysis (27)
 Geometry (26)
 Signed Numbers and Intro to Algebra (43)

The main topics are represented visually with a pie chart in ALEKS. Students meet
the course objectives of each main topic when they have filled the slice that
represents the main topic. In total, students must master 221 objectives (or topics)
to pass this course. To see a detailed distribution of the 221 topics by main
concepts, please visit the site
and select the course Basic Math. A dark color in the pie represents how much students
have mastered a particular main topic, and a light color represents how much of the main topic
students still need to master.

The course textbook is an important source of reference to help students master

the course concepts. Each main concept (slice of the pie) consists of the following
chapters in the course textbook:

Course Concept Pie Slice Color Textbook Chapter(s)

Whole Numbers Green 1
Fractions Light Blue 2
Decimals, Proportions,
Dark Blue 3, 4, and 5
& Percents
Measurement & Data
Orange 6 and 7
Geometry Yellow 8
Algebra Red 9 and 10

Grading Policy:

Letter Grades
70-100 Pass (P)
0-69 Fail (F)

A student must earn an average of at least 70% to pass this course.

Course Grading Criteria:

• Your grade for this course will be based on the following components:

Grading Categories
ALEKS (Fill Pie Chart) 20%
Final Exam 20%
Quizzes 25%
Class Projects/Participation 35%
TOTAL 100%

Important Notes

• Students take a quiz only when they have filled a pie’s slice.
• A quiz should be taken immediately after completing a slice of the pie.
• Students take quizzes in numerical order. See course outline below.
• Students must complete the whole pie; take all quizzes; and take Final Exam (Assessment)
to have a chance passing the course.
• Quizzes must be taken on-site (at the math center) during the instructor’s office hours.
• Students must retake a quiz until they earn at least 70% to pass such quiz.
• If an assessment pops up in the system, contact the instructor immediately. Do not take the
assessment unless the instructor specified otherwise.
• Pie must be completed by the week prior final exam week.
• Incomplete grade is only granted if a student completed his/her pie and s/he took 3/4 of the
quizzes by end of course.
Course Outline/Schedule:

This schedule is the suggested timeline (i.e. the slowest pace) that students should follow to
complete successfully the course objectives in ALEKS. However, students can complete the
course objectives at a faster pace. Students who fall behind the schedule are jeopardizing their
chances to pass this course.

Weeks Item/Subject Textbook Chapter Pie Slice Color Assessment

Take Quiz 1
(ALEKS): Dark
1-2 • Whole Numbers • Chapter 1  Dark Green
Green Slice by
Week 2.
Take Quiz 2
• Fractions and (ALEKS): Light Blue
3-4 • Chapter 2  Light Blue
Mixed Numbers Slice by
Week 4.
• Decimals Take
• Ratio, Rate, and Quizzes 3, 4, & 5
• Chapters 3, 4 &  Dark Blue (or
5-7 Proportion (ALEKS): Dark Blue
5 Purple)
(or Purple) Slice by
• Percent Week 7.
• Statistics and
Graphs Take
Quizzes 6 & 7
8-10 • Chapters 6 & 7  Orange
• Measurement (ALEKS): Orange
and the Metric Slice by Week 10.
Take Quiz 8
(ALEKS): Yellow
11-12 • Geometry • Chapter 8  Yellow
Slice by Week 12.

• The Real Take Quiz 9

Numbers (ALEKS): Red Slice
13-14 • Chapter 9  Red
by Week 14.
• Algebra
Take any pending
15 • Make up week • Chapters 1-10
16 • Final Exam • Chapters 1-10

1 Participation
Class participation and student interaction are important components of the learning experience. In order
to achieve the maximum benefits from the course, all students are expected to meet participation
requirements by doing the following:

• Login at least on two different days to the course shell in Blackboard and actively participate in
the online discussions that are posted in the discussion board.
2 Practice Problems and Quizzes
All practice problems and quizzes are done in ALEKS. Students can do the practice problems at any
time and any place since ALEKS is a web-based program. Students should average at least 6 hours per
week working in ALEKS to have a chance to complete the course objectives.

Quizzes are taken only in the classroom during the instructor’s office hours. Students must earn at least
70% to pass a quiz; otherwise, the student must retake the quiz.
3 Attendance
Educational research has proven there is a positive connection between attendance and academic
success, so students are strongly urged to attend classes regularly. Face-to-Face attendance is
mandatory on Wednesdays. A project will be submitted by the end of every class session. Students
who miss 7 class sessions will automatically earn a No Pass (NP) grade. Contact immediately the
instructor to find out how to make up an absence.
4 Use of Computers
“Computers and network systems offer powerful tools for communications among members of the St.
Thomas community and of communities outside St. Thomas. When used appropriately, these tools can
enhance dialogue, education, and communications. Unlawful or inappropriate use of these tools,
however, can infringe on the rights of others. Activities that are expressively forbidden on St. Thomas’
computers include but are not limited to the viewing, downloading or use of inappropriate materials,
vandalism, virus propagation and installation of unauthorized materials. In addition, you are expected to
act as a professional and use the equipment only when directed or appropriate to classroom activities. A
lack of compliance with any of these directives could result in disciplinary action and dismissed of class
or course.
5 Expected Classroom Behavior
Students have a responsibility to maintain both the academic and professional integrity of the school and
to meet the highest standards of academic and professional conduct. Students are expected to do their
own work on examinations, class preparation and assignments and to conduct themselves
professionally when interacting with fellow students, faculty and staff. Academic and/or professional
misconduct is subject to disciplinary action including course failure and/or probation of dismissal. No
food allowed in the classroom. Dress appropriately to attend class. For additional clarification,
please see Student Code of Conduct as stated in the Student Handbook.
6 Cell Phones and Calculators
Cell phones must be turned off or in vibrating mode. If a student must answer a phone call then the
students must leave the classroom without disrupting the flow of the class. Students who spend a
considerable amount of time attending a phone call outside the classroom will be considered absent.
Calculators permitted during class only in certain circumstances the instructor considers appropriate.
7 Assistance and Tutoring
Students should take advantage of the individualized assistance from the instructor during his office
hours at the Math Center (Academic Enhancement Center). One of the keys to pass this course is to ask
questions without hesitation. In addition, students can sign up for tutoring sessions at the Academic
Enhancement Center. Visit the center for additional info.
8 Incomplete Grade
Students will be granted an incomplete grade if s/he completed the whole pie in ALEKS by week 15 and
took ¾ of the scheduled quizzes. An incomplete grade grants the student another week to complete
pending assignments.

Rubric for Quizzes

The following rubric (grading criteria) will be used to score quiz items.

Points Expectation
Correct answer. Work or process to support answer is logical and
1-point neatly organized. It reveals student understanding of concepts
and skills.
1 1 2 3 Incorrect answer. Work or process to support answer is logical
, , , or - point and neatly organized. It reveals student understanding of
4 2 3 4 concepts and skills. Minor computational or careless mistakes.
Correct or Incorrect answer. Work or process to support answer
0-point is not logical or shown. It reveals student’s misunderstanding of
concepts and skills. Major computational mistakes.

Become an Active Learner

An active learner takes control and ownership of the learning process to meet the course’s
goals and expectations. Active learners decide why, what and how of their learning. They do not
wait for learning to happen; instead, they make it happen. The instructional model of this course
requires students to become active learners to meet successfully the course objectives. The
following traits are typical of active learners:

1. Identify personal goals and the steps necessary to achieve the goals.
2. Use resources. Identify the people and tools available to aid in goal pursuit.
3. Learn how to solve almost any problem they ever have to face.
4. Look at situations objectively.
5. Ask the right questions.
6. Use time well. They organize and set priorities.
7. Apply good reading, studying, and questioning skills to course materials.
8. Apply good listening skills in the classroom.
9. Find patterns and take effective notes to organize materials for studying.
10. Assess progress along the way and revise their plans.

English Second Language Learners

For students who do not speak English as their first language, the following suggestions may be
helpful to succeed in this course:

1. Bring a dictionary that translates from the student’s native language to English and vice
versa. If a student does not have a dictionary, the following website provides word and
text translation:
2. Find a classmate or group of students who speak English fluently to study for the class
and to gain proficiency with the English language.
3. If there is a classmate that speaks the same native language, students can ask for
clarification or assistance using their native language as long it does not disrupt the
classroom learning experience.
4. The instructor of this course is bilingual (English-Spanish) and welcome students to
speak Spanish during office hours or before-after class. In addition, there are many
languages that have words which are pronounced and written similarly. Therefore, the
instructor encourages students to sometimes use words in their native language to
communicate ideas, concerns, or questions.
5. If students learned different ways or methods for simplifying or solving math problems in
their countries, the instructor encourages these students to share their methods with

In addition, ALEKS offers the option of presenting course content in Spanish for the Spanish
speaker students.

Students with Disabilities

Please note that students requiring accommodations as a result of a disability must contact
Maritza Rivera (e-mail: and phone number: 305-628-6563) at the Academic
Enhancement Center.

Note for Changes: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus at any time during
the term in order to better meet the needs of this particular class group.

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