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History of Balancing

The first patent for balancing technology was filed by Henry Martinson of Canada in 1870, four years after the development of
the dynamo by Siemens. Near the turn of the century, Akimoff (USA) and Stodola (Switzerland) attempted to develop
Martinson's technology and apply it for industrial use. However, it was in 1907 when a modified version of the technology was
patented by Dr. Franz Lawaczek, and offered to Carl Schenck, Darmstadt, Germany, for development. Schenck built the first
industrial two-plane balancer, and subsequently bought exclusive world rights to the dynamic balancing machine in 1915.

Through the years, craftsmanship and quality have been the hallmarks of Schenck products.
Technology advancements gave way to improved sensitivity, frequency selectivity and plane
separation capability. The development of electronics and mechanical/electrical transducers, greatly
reduced balancing time and paved the way for modern balancing technology.

Today Schenck balancing equipment is used with confidence for a wide range of applications - from the smallest rotors for
dental drill instruments to the largest steam turbines in the world. Our precision balancing machines assure accurate,
dependable rotor operation and are available in nearly any configuration for rotors weighing as much as 600,000 lbs.

of Balancing

Fundamentals of Balancing is designed to give those less interested in theory

and design the practical skills to increase balancing efficiency and streamline
production. Hands-on exercises will be used extensively to improve the operators
technique on both balancing machine and instrumentation.
After a brief overview of basic theory that includes the principles of machine
operation, tolerance specifications and machine setup, students will be divided into
small groups with those that have similar equipment and applications. Service
technicians and engineers will then supervise a number of exercises on machines
and instruments that closely resemble the students' equipment.*

Other topics include:

The different types of unbalance (static, dynamic & couple).

ISO tolerances and terminology.
Industry standard tolerances vs. drawing tolerances.
Machine & rotor setup.
Instrumentation functions & operation.
Maximizing instrumentation features.
Selecting the best balancing speed.
How to avoid interference of measurements due to drive and roller harmonics.
Proper machine maintenance and troubleshooting.
*Since instruments and machines will be selected to closely represent the
attendees' equipment, please specify balancer make, model and instrument with
Level I- Balancing Operator
Who should attend:
This course is intended for newly appointed balancing machine operators (up to 2-3
years) and other personnel directly related to the balancing process. A mechanical
aptitude with emphasis on rotating equipment and precision measurements
(technician level) or machine shop experience is recommended.

Balancing Fundamentals

According to DIN/ISO 1925 Unbalance is that condition which exists in a rotor when
vibratory force or motion is imparted to its bearings as a result of centrifugal forces.

Why Balance?
An unbalanced rotor will cause vibration and stress in the rotor itself and in its supporting
structure. Balancing of the rotor is, therefore, necessary to accomplish one or more of the
a. Increase quality of product
b. Minimize vibration
c. Minimize audible and signal noises
d. Minimize structural stresses
e. Minimize operator annoyance and fatigue
f. Increase bearing life
g. Minimize power loss
Unbalance in just one rotating component of an assembly may cause the entire assembly to
vibrate. This induced vibration in turn may cause excessive wear in bearings, bushings,
shafts, spindles, gears, etc., substantially reducing their service life. Vibrations set up highly
undesirable alternating stresses in structural supports and housings, which may eventually
lead to their complete failure. Performance is decreased because of the absorption of
energy by the supporting structure. Vibrations may be transmitted through the floor to
adjacent machinery and seriously impair its accuracy or proper functioning.

Unbalance vs. centrifugal force

Centrifugal force acts upon the entire mass of a rotating component, impelling each particle
outward and away from the axis of rotation in a radial direction. If the mass of a rotating
component is evenly distributed about its shaft axis, the part is "balanced" and rotates
without vibration. However, if an excess of mass exists on one side of a rotor, the
centrifugal force acting upon this heavy side exceeds the centrifugal force exerted by the
light side and pulls the entire rotor in the direction of the heavy side.
This figure shows the side view of a rotor having an excess mass m on one side. Due to
centrifugal force exerted by m during rotation, the entire rotor is being pulled in the direction
of the arrow F.

Centrifugal force increases with the square of the speed

A rotating element having an uneven mass distribution, i.e., unbalance, will vibrate due to
the excess centrifugal force exerted during rotation by the heavier side of the rotor. When at
rest, the excess mass exerts no centrifugal force and, therefore, causes no vibration. Yet
the actual unbalance is still present. Unbalance, therefore, is independent of rotational
speed and remains the same, whether the part is at rest or is rotating (provided the part
does not deform during rotation). Centrifugal force, however, varies with speed. The higher
the speed, the greater the centrifugal force exerted by the unbalance and the more violent
the vibration. Centrifugal force increases proportionately to the square of the increase in
speed. If the speed is doubled, the centrifugal force quadruples; if the speed is tripled, the
centrifugal force is multiplied by nine.

Causes of unbalance
The excess of mass on one side of the rotor in this figure is called unbalance. In the
example illustrated, it is the "heavy spot". Unbalance may also occur due to lack of mass
(such as a drill hole, porous spot, etc.) in which case it is called the "light spot. Either one
may be caused by a variety of reasons, including the following:

a. Tolerances in fabrication, including casting, machining, and assembly.

b. Variation within materials, such as voids, porosity, inclusions, grain, density, and
c. Nonsymmetrical design, including motor windings, part shapes, location, and density of
d. Nonsymmetrical in use, including distortion, dimensional changes, and shifting of parts
due to rotational stresses, aerodynamic forces, and temperature changes.
Symmetrical design and careful setting of tolerances and fits can often minimize balancing
problems. Large amounts of unbalance require large corrections. If such corrections are
made by removal of material, additional machining cost is involved and part strength may
be affected. If corrections are made by addition of material, cost is again a factor and space
requirements for the added material may be a problem.
Manufacturing processes are the major source of unbalance. Unmachined portions of
castings or forgings, which cannot be made concentric and symmetrical with respect to the
shaft axis, introduce substantial unbalance. Manufacturing tolerances and processes,
which permit any eccentricity or lack of squareness with respect to the shaft axis, are
sources of unbalance. The tolerances, necessary for economical manufacturing and
assembly of several elements of a rotor, permit radial displacement of parts of the
assembly and thereby introduce unbalance.
Limitations imposed by rotor design often introduce unbalance effects that cannot be
corrected adequately by refinement of the design itself. For example, electrical design
considerations impose a requirement that one coil be at a greater radius than the others in
a certain type of universal motor armature. It is impractical to design a compensating
unbalance into the armature.
Fabricated parts, such as fans, often distort nonsymmetrically under service conditions.
Design and economic considerations prevent the adaptation of methods that might
eliminate this distortion and thereby reduce the resulting unbalance.
Ideally, rotating parts should always be designed for inherent balance, whether a balancing
operation is to be performed or not. Where low service speeds are involved and the effects
of a reasonable amount of unbalance can be tolerated, this practice may eliminate the
need for balancing. In parts that require unbalanced masses for functional reasons, these
masses can often be counterbalanced by designing for symmetry about the shaft axis.

Correction methods
Corrections for rotor unbalance are made either by the addition of mass to the rotor, by the
removal of material, or in some cases, by relocating the shaft axis (mass centering"). The
selected correction method should ensure that there is sufficient space or material to allow
correction of the maximum unbalance which may occur. The ideal correction method
permits a reduction of the maximum initial unbalance to less than balance tolerance in a
single correction step. However, this is often difficult to achieve. The more common
methods described below, e.g., drilling, usually permit a single step reduction of 10:1 in
unbalance if carried out carefully. Milling and grinding are less accurate, unless carried out
in automatic or semi-automatic balancing machines, which have integrated mass correction
The addition of mass may achieve a reduction ratio as large as 20:1 or higher, provided the
mass and its position are closely controlled. If the method selected for reduction of
maximum initial unbalance cannot be expected to bring the rotor within the permissible
residual unbalance in a single correction step, a preliminary correction is made. Then a
second correction follows to reduce the remaining unbalance to its permissible value.
Addition of Mass
1. Addition of two-component epoxy.
It is difficult to apply the material so that its center-of-gravity is precisely at the desired
correction location. Variations in location introduce errors in correction. This method is
often used in balancing of wound armatures.
2. Addition of bolted or riveted standard washers.
This method is quick, but somewhat limited in accuracy because the washers come in
incremental sizes, i.e., the mass of one washer may vary considerably from the mass of
the next washer of the same type and size. This method is often used in balancing of AC
motor rotors.
3. Addition of premanufactured weights.
The same limitations as in (2) apply. A typical application is addition of spring clips to the
blades of automotive A/C blower wheels.
4. Addition of cut-to-size weights.
This is practiced on drive shafts, for instance, by resistance welding the weights to the
outside rotor surface. Welding provides a means of attaching a wide variety of correction
masses at any desired angular locations. Care must be taken that welding heat does not
distort the rotor.
Removal of Mass
1. Drilling.
Material is removed from the rotor by a drill which penetrates the rotor to a measured
depth, thereby removing the intended amount of material with a high degree of accuracy.
A depth gage or limit switch can be provided on the drill spindle to ensure that the hole is
drilled to the desired depth. This is probably the most effective method of unbalance
2. Milling, Shaping, or Fly Cutting.
This method permits accurate removal of mass when the rotor surfaces, from which the
depth of cut is measured, are machined surfaces, and when means are provided for
accurate measurement of cut with respect to those surfaces; used where relatively large
corrections are required.
3. Grinding.
In general, grinding must be considered a trial-and-error method of correction. It is
difficult to evaluate the actual mass of the material, which is removed. This method is

usually used only where the rotor design or material does not permit a more economical
type of correction.
Mass Centering
Such a procedure is used, for instance, to reduce initial unbalance in crankshaft castings or
forgings. The shaft is mounted in a balanced cage or cradle, which in turn, is rotated in a
balancing machine. The shaft is adjusted radially with respect to the cage until the
unbalance indication for the combined shaft and cradle assembly is within a given
tolerance. At this point the principal inertia axis of the shaft essentially coincides with the
shaft axis of the balanced cage. Center drills, guided along the axis of the cage, then drill
the shaft centers and thereby provide an axis in the crankshaft about which it is in balance.
The subsequent machining of the crankshaft is carried out between these centers.
Because material removal is uneven at different parts of the shaft, the machining operation
will introduce some new unbalance. A final balancing operation is, therefore, still required.
It is generally accomplished by drilling into the crankshaft counterweights. However, final
unbalance corrections are small and balancing time is significantly shortened. Furthermore,
final correction (usually by drilling) does not exceed the material available for it, nor does it
reduce the mass of the counterweights to a level where they no longer perform their proper
function, namely to compensate for the opposed throws and crankpins of the crankshaft.

Units of unbalance
Unbalance is measured in ounceinches, graminches, or grammillimeters, all having a
similar meaning, namely a mass multiplied by its distance from the shaft axis, i.e., its
"radius". An unbalance of 100 gin, for example, indicates that one side of the rotor has an
excess mass equivalent to 10 grams at a 10 inch radius, or 20 grams at a 5 inch radius.

View of Rotor With 100 gin Unbalance

In each case the mass, when multiplied by its distance from the shaft axis, amounts to the
same unbalance value, namely 100 graminches. A given mass will create different
unbalances, depending on its distance from the shaft axis. To determine the unbalance,
simply multiply the mass by its radius.
Since a given excess mass at a given radius represents the same unbalance, regardless of
rotational speed (provided the rotor does not change its shape over speed), the speed at
which the unbalance is measured is determined primarily by the type of balancing machine,
its drive system, the required balancing accuracy, and safety concerns (i.e. the slower the
rotational speed, the less energy is stored in the rotor).
Once the unbalance has been corrected there will no longer be any significant disturbing
centrifugal force and, therefore, no more excessive vibration. A small residual unbalance
will usually remain in the part, just as there is a tolerance in any machining operation.
Generally, the higher the service speed, the smaller should be the residual unbalance.
Balancing tolerances for various types of rotors will be discussed later in this book.
While most countries use the metric system, and subsequently use metric units of
unbalance, e.g., grammillimeters (abbreviated gmm), in the U.S.A. many branches of the
industry use a combination of metric and English units, graminch (abbreviated gin),
because it has proven to be the most practical. A true English unit, e.g., ounceinch
(abbreviated ozin) is too large for many balancing applications, necessitating fractions or a
subdivision into hundredths, neither of which has become very popular.

Types of unbalance
The following paragraphs explain the four different types of unbalance as defined by the
internationally accepted ISO Standard No. 1925 on balancing terminology. For each of the
four mutually exclusive cases an example is shown, illustrating displacement of the principal
axis of inertia from the shaft axis caused by the addition of certain unbalance masses in
certain distributions to a perfectly balanced rotor.
a. Static Unbalance

Static Unbalance
Static unbalance exists when the principal axis of inertia is displaced parallel to the shaft
axis. This type of unbalance is found primarily in narrow, disk-shaped parts such as
flywheels and turbine wheels. It can be corrected by a single mass correction placed
opposite the center-of-gravity in a plane perpendicular to the shaft axis, and intersecting the
Static unbalance, if large enough, can be detected with gravity-type balancing devices, for
instance, a pair of precision ground knife edges. If the knife edges are level, the rotor will
turn until the heavy spot reaches the lowest position.
The use of knife edges for the detection of unbalance is very limited because of the
The device can only indicate the angle of unbalance, not the amount of unbalance.
The amount of unbalance can only be estimated and corrected by trial-and-error.
The accuracy is limited by the friction between knife edge and journal.
Static unbalance can be measured more accurately by centrifugal means on a balancing
machine than by gravitational means on knife edges or rollers. Static balancing by gravity is
satisfactory only for relatively slowly revolving, disk-shaped parts or for parts that are
subsequently assembled into a larger rotor, which is then balanced dynamically as an
b. Couple Unbalance

Couple Unbalance
Couple unbalance is that condition for which the principal axis of inertia intersects the shaft

axis at the center of gravity. This condition arises when two equal unbalances are
positioned at an axial distance on a rotor and spaced 180 from each other. Since this rotor
will not rotate when placed on knife-edges, a dynamic method must be employed to detect
couple unbalance.
Couple unbalance is expressed in units of gram-millimeter2 (abbreviated gmm2),
graminch2 (abbreviated gin2), ounceinch2 (abbreviated ozin2), or similar, wherein the
second length unit refers to the distance b between the two planes of unbalance.
This type of unbalance cannot be corrected by a single mass in a single correction plane. At
least two masses are required, each placed in a different transverse plane (perpendicular to
the shaft axis) and 180 opposite to each other. In other words, a couple unbalance needs
another couple to correct it. In the example for instance, correction could be made by
placing two masses at opposite angular positions on the main body of the rotor. The axial
location of the correction couple does not matter as long as its value is equal in magnitude
but opposite in direction to the unbalance couple.
c. Quasi-Static Unbalance

Quasi-Static Unbalance
Quasi-static unbalance is that condition of unbalance for which the central principal axis of
inertia intersects the shaft axis at a point other than the center of gravity. It represents the
specific combination of static and couple unbalance where the angular position of one
couple component coincides with the angular position of the static unbalance. This is a
special case of dynamic unbalance.

Couple plus Static Unbalance results

in Quasi-Static Unbalance, provided
one Couple Mass has the same
angular position as the Static Mass.

Note that the single unbalance mass in the first figure represents the same quasi-static
unbalance as the 3 masses in the second!

d. Dynamic Unbalance

ynamic unbalance, is that condition in which the central principal axis of inertia is neither
parallel to, nor intersects with the shaft axis. It is the most frequently occurring type of
unbalance and can only be corrected (as is the case with couple unbalance) by mass
correction in at least two planes perpendicular to the shaft axis. Dynamic unbalance is a
combination of static unbalance and couple unbalance, where the angular position of the
static unbalance relative to the couple unbalance is neither 0 nor 180.

Types of Balancing Machines

The balancing machine is a measuring tool.
A balancing machine is used to detect, locate and measure unbalance. The data furnished
by the machine permits changing the mass distribution of a rotor, which, when done
accurately, will balance the rotor. Balance is a zero quantity, and therefore is detected by
observing an absence of unbalance. The balancing machine measures only unbalance,
never balance.
The soft-bearing balancing machine derives its name from the fact that it supports the rotor
to be balanced on bearings which are very flexibly suspended, permitting the rotor to vibrate
freely in at least one direction, usually the horizontal, perpendicular to the rotor shaft axis.
Resonance of rotor and bearing systems occurs at one half or less of the lowest balancing
speed, so that by the time balancing speed is reached, the angle of lag and the vibration
amplitude have stabilized and can be measured with reasonable certainty.
Bearings (and the directly attached support components) vibrate in unison with the rotor,
thus adding to its mass. Restriction of vertical motion does not affect the amplitude of
vibration in the horizontal plane, but the added mass of the bearings does. The greater the
combined mass of the rotor and the bearings, the smaller will be the displacement of the
bearings, and the smaller will be the output of the devices which sense the unbalance.
The relationship between unbalance and bearing motion is very complex. A direct indication
of unbalance can be obtained only after calibrating the indicating system for a given rotor by
making several calibration runs with calibration weights of known value attached to the rotor
in the chosen correction planes. Calibrating a soft-bearing machine by shaking the rotor
(without spinning it) has been attempted by several manufacturers but proven inaccurate
because the polar moment of inertia is ignored.
Hard-bearing balancing machines are essentially of the same construction as soft-bearing
balancing machines, except that their bearing supports are significantly stiffer in transverse
horizontal direction. This results in a horizontal resonance for the rotor and bearing support
system which occurs at a frequency several orders of magnitude higher than that for a
comparable soft-bearing balancing machine. The hard-bearing balancing machine is
designed to operate at speeds well below this resonance in an area where the phase angle
lag is constant and practically zero, and where the amplitude of vibration - though small - is
directly proportional to centrifugal forces produced by unbalance.
Since the force that a given amount of unbalance exerts at a given speed is always the
same, no matter whether the unbalance occurs in a small or large, light or heavy rotor, the
output from the sensing elements attached to the balancing machine bearing supports
remains proportional to the centrifugal force resulting from unbalance in the rotor. The output
is not influenced by bearing mass, rotor mass, or inertia, so that a permanent relation
between unbalance and sensing element output can be established.
Centrifugal force from a given unbalance rises with the square of the balancing speed.
Output from the pickups rises proportionately with the second or third power of the speed
depending on the type of pickup used. Suitable integrator circuitry then reduces the pickup
signal inversely proportional to the square respectively cube of the balancing speed
increase, resulting in a constant unbalance readout. Unlike soft-bearing balancing machines,
the use of calibration masses or shakers is not required to calibrate the machine for a given

Balancing and Vibration Standards

ISO 1925:2001 Mechanical vibration -- Balancing -- Vocabulary
ISO 1940-1:1986 Mechanical vibration -- Balance quality requirements of rigid rotors -Part 1: Determination of permissible residual unbalance
ISO 1940-2:1997 Mechanical vibration -- Balance quality requirements of rigid rotors -Part 2: Balance errors
ISO 2041:1990 Vibration and shock -- Vocabulary
ISO 2371:1974 Field balancing equipment -- Description and evaluation (withdrawn)
ISO 2953:1999 Mechanical vibration -- Balancing machines -- Description and evaluation
(available in English only)
ISO 2954:1975 Mechanical vibration of rotating and reciprocating machinery -Requirements for instruments for measuring vibration severity
ISO 3719:1994 Mechanical vibration -- Symbols for balancing machines and associated
ISO 4866:1990 Mechanical vibration and shock -- Vibration of buildings -- Guidelines for
the measurement of vibrations and evaluation of their effects on buildings
ISO 5343:1983 Criteria for evaluating flexible rotor balance (withdrawn)
ISO 5344:1980 Electrodynamic test equipment for generating vibration -- Methods of
equipment characteristics
ISO 5348:1998 Mechanical vibration and shock -- Mechanical mounting of accelerometers
ISO 5406:1980 The mechanical balancing of flexible rotors (withdrawn)
ISO 7475:2002 Mechanical vibration -- Balancing machines -- Enclosures and other
protective measures for the measuring station (available in English only)
ISO 7626-1:1986 Vibration and shock -- Experimental determination of mechanical
mobility -- Part 1: Basic definitions and transducers
ISO 7626-2:1990 Vibration and shock -- Experimental determination of mechanical
mobility -- Part 2: Measurements using single-point translation excitation with an attached
vibration exciter
ISO 7626-5:1994 Vibration and shock -- Experimental determination of mechanical
mobility -- Part 5: Measurements using impact excitation with an exciter which is not
attached to the structure
ISO 7919-1:1996 Mechanical vibration of non-reciprocating machines -- Measurements on
rotating shafts and evaluation criteria -- Part 1: General guidelines
ISO 7919-2:2001 Mechanical vibration -- Evaluation of machine vibration by
measurements on rotating shafts -- Part 2: Land-based steam turbines and generators in
excess of 50 MW with normal operating speeds of
1500 r/min, 1800 r/min, 3000 r/min and 3600 r/min
ISO 7919-3:1996 Mechanical vibration of non-reciprocating machines -- Measurements on
rotating shafts and evaluation criteria -- Part 3: Coupled industrial machines
ISO 7919-4:1996 Mechanical vibration of non-reciprocating machines -- Measurements on
rotating shafts and evaluation criteria -- Part 4: Gas turbine sets
ISO 7919-5:1997 Mechanical vibration of non-reciprocating machines -- Measurements on
rotating shafts and evaluation criteria -- Part 5: Machine sets in hydraulic power generating
and pumping plants

ISO 8042:1988 Shock and vibration measurements -- Characteristics to be specified for

seismic pick-ups
ISO 8569:1996 Mechanical vibration and shock -- Measurement and evaluation of shock
and vibration effects on sensitive equipment in buildings
ISO 8821:1989 Mechanical vibration -- Balancing -- Shaft and fitment key convention
ISO 9688:1990 Mechanical vibration and shock -- Analytical methods of assessing shock
resistance of mechanical systems -- Information exchange between suppliers and users of
ISO 10055:1996 Mechanical vibration -- Vibration testing requirements for shipboard
equipment and machinery components
ISO 10137:1992 Bases for design of structures -- Serviceability of buildings against
vibration (available in English only)
ISO/TS 10811-1:2000 Mechanical vibration and shock -- Vibration and shock in buildings
with sensitive equipment -- Part 1: Measurement and evaluation
ISO/TS 10811-2:2000 Mechanical vibration and shock -- Vibration and shock in buildings
with sensitive equipment -- Part 2: Classification
ISO 10814:1996 Mechanical vibration -- Susceptibility and sensitivity of machines to
ISO 10816-1:1995 Mechanical vibration -- Evaluation of machine vibration by
measurements on non-rotating parts -- Part 1: General guidelines
ISO 10816-2:2001 Mechanical vibration -- Evaluation of machine vibration by
measurements on non-rotating parts -- Part 2: Land-based steam turbines and generators
in excess of 50 MW with normal operating speeds of 1500 r/min, 1800 r/min, 3000 r/min
and 3600 r/min
ISO 10816-3:1998 Mechanical vibration -- Evaluation of machine vibration by
measurements on non-rotating parts -- Part 3: Industrial machines with nominal power
above 15 kW and nominal speeds between 120 r/min and 15 000 r/min when measured in
ISO 10816-4:1998 Mechanical vibration -- Evaluation of machine vibration by
measurements on non-rotating parts -- Part 4: Gas turbine driven sets excluding aircraft
ISO 10816-5:2000 Mechanical vibration -- Evaluation of machine vibration by
measurements on non-rotating parts -- Part 5: Machine sets in hydraulic power generating
and pumping plants (available in English only)
ISO 10816-6:1995 Mechanical vibration -- Evaluation of machine vibration by
measurements on non-rotating parts -- Part 6: Reciprocating machines with power ratings
above 100 kW
ISO 10817-1:1998 Rotating shaft vibration measuring systems -- Part 1: Relative and
absolute sensing of radial vibration
ISO 10819:1996 Mechanical vibration and shock -- Hand-arm vibration -- Method for the
measurement and evaluation of the vibration transmissibility of gloves at the palm of the
ISO 11342:1998 Mechanical vibration -- Methods and criteria for the mechanical balancing
of flexible rotors (available in English only)
ISO 11342/Cor1:2000 Mechanical vibration -- Methods and criteria for the mechanical
balancing of flexible rotors (Technical Corrigendum 1)
ISO 13373-1:2002 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Vibration condition
monitoring -- Part 1: General procedures
ISO 14694:2003 Industrial fans -- Specifications for balance quality and vibration levels

ISO 14695:2003 Industrial fans -- Method of measurement of fan vibration

ISO 14839-1:2002 Mechanical vibration -- Vibration of rotating machinery equipped with
active magnetic bearings -- Part 1: Vocabulary
ISO 16063-1:1998 Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers -- Part 1:
Basic concepts
ISO 16063-11:1999 Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers -- Part
11: Primary vibration calibration by laser interferometry (available in English only)
ISO 16063-12:2002 Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers -- Part
12: Primary vibration calibration by the reciprocity method (available in English only)
ISO 16063-13:2001 Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers -- Part
13: Primary shock calibration using laser interferometry

ANSI S2.7-1982

Balancing Terminology (identical to ISO 1925)

ANSI S2.60-1987

Balancing Machines - Enclosures and Other Safety

Measures (identical to ISO 7475)

ANSI S2.42-1982

Procedures for Balancing Flexible Rotors (identical to ISO


ANSI S2.38-1982

Field Balancing Equipment - Description and Evaluation

(identical to ISO 2371)

ANSI S2.19-1989

Mechanical Vibration - Balance Quality Requirements of

Rigid Rotors - Part 1, Determination of Permissible
Residual Unbalance (identical to ISO 1940)

SAE Documents
ARP587B : Balancing Machines - Description and Evaluation Horizontal, Two-Plane, SoftBearing Type for Gas Turbine Rotors
ARP588B : Balancing Machines - Description and Evaluation Vertical, Single-Plane, SoftBearing Type for Gas Turbine Rotors
ARP1134 : Adapter Interface - Turbine Engine Blade Moment Weighing Scale
ARP1202 : Balancing Machines, Dynamic, Ball Type Slave Bearings for Rotor Support
ARP1382 : Design Criteria for Balancing Machine Tooling
ARP4048 : Balancing Machines - Description and Evaluation Horizontal, Two-Plane, HardBearing Type for Gas Turbine Rotors
ARP4050 : Balancing Machines - Description and Evaluation Vertical, Two-Plane, HardBearing Type for Gas Turbine Rotors
ARP4162A Balancing Machine Proving Rotors
ARP4163 : Balancing Machines, Tooling Design Criteria (as of 7-2003 being worked on,
will supersede ARP 1382)
ARP5323 : Balancing Machines - Description and Evaluation Vertical, Single-Plane, HardBearing Type for Gas Turbine Rotors
ARP510A : Moment Weight of Turbine and Compressor Rotor Blades

AIR1839 : A Guide to Aircraft Turbine Engine Vibration Monitoring Systems

ANSI and ISO Documents may be ordered through
API Standards may be ordered through a distributor, Global Engineering Documents at
SAE Standards may be ordered through

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