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Mid Project Review

1)'Outline the success, failures, additions and/or changes you made as you followed your
plan at the start of the project?'
There was one most notable failure of my project, it was the fact that I had to change the
initial question of my essay from ''How has Britain's Economy changed over the past 100
years?''. After having a brief conversation with my supervisor I changed my dissertation
question to ''How can the underground system in London react to the challenges of a
growing population/ old technology?''. The reason why this change was done is because
picking transport over a 100 years is a huge time period which makes it very time
consuming and difficult to conduct the research in such a short space of time. So by
making my topic more specific it makes it more manageable and easier to handle. The
successes on the hand are the fact that by creating a essay plan it has made it easier for
me to write the essay, I have already completed the introduction and the first paragraph
to a high level due to this planning process, by being at this stage it provides me with a
foundation to be on track to finish the essay. Another strength is that I have been in touch
with someone with TFL, with a interview on my topic and questions regarding the future
on the cards, this will provide me with very reliable primary sources and make my report
style work more credible.
2)'Outline your planned steps to complete your project?'
To complete my project I know need to finish the other 5 paragraphs, by doing two it has
already speeded up the process of reaching my target of 5,000 words. By doing plans for
my interview with the TFL worker and for my essay it has made it easier for me to stick to
my task.

Interview questions that I will ask

My essay plan for my dissertation

Examples of some of the secondary


3)'Your supervisors main comments and advice at this stage'

Interview transcript:
1) What have I done well so far?
'' You've been making some good progress. This mostly comes from the extensive
research you have done with the prospect of doing interesting primary research. Also
some good it's good that you adopted the change in idea, makes your work more focused.
Your initial idea has a much clearer idea of what your answering.''
2)What skills areas do I need to focus on improving?
''You need more research on population growth, population growth in London, UK as a
whole and globally. By incorporating employment it could make it more interesting. Also
look at people working at home, whether this could be a solution for the future. Be wary
of your referencing, Neil's Toolbox is a good website you could use. Also ensure the
accuracy in research, be speculative but being factual is the most important thing.''
3)How feasible/realistic is my plan for the rest of the project?
''Yes your project is feasible and realistic, this is mainly because it's a dissertation. Very
4)'Changes, clarifications or additions you have made as result of your discussion with
your supervisor at this stage?'
My supervisor has recommended me that I conduct some more secondary research on
population growth, around the world and in the UK. This could make my work seem more
rounded and its necessary to make my dissertation more realistic. This could be by looking
at economic journals from academics in this field(professors and scholars) and even books
online or at any library. Also its very important that I make my essay factual, this is due to
the nature of my topic, it can't be fiction or just based on assumptions. This means that
there needs to be appropriate levels of certainty in my writing, being cautious and
tentative with what I say. Overall my project so far has gone well in the sense that I have
been on target and on track to finish with limited setbacks.

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