Biology Final Exam Study Guide

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Biology Final Exam Study Guide

1. What is the primary function of carbohydrates?

Quick source of energy
2. Which of the following statements correctly matches a cell part with its function?
a. The cell membrane packages lipids for
c. The nucleus produces energy.
b. The chloroplasts capture solar energy.
d. The vacuole digests molecules.
3.Which of the following shows how information is transformed to make a protein?
a. ATP amino acid protein
c. DNA RNA protein
b. cell respiration ATP protein
d. gene chromosome protein
4.What are the parts of Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection?
- more offspring are born than can survive
- variation within a population
- some variations will help an individual survive (adaptations)
- always competition for resources
5.What are the kingdom(s) that include ONLY prokaryotic organisms that were among the first forms of life to
6.List the similarities and differences of DNA and RNA.
Double stranded
A-T, G-C
Found in nucleus
Genetic code

Single stranded
A-U, G-C
Instructions for protein

7.Draw a diagram that shows the organization of the biosphere from SMALLEST to LARGEST.
Organism/individual population community ecosystem (abiotic + biotic) biome biosphere

8. Label the diagram below. X = enzyme; starch = substrate; starch subunits = products


9.Certain poisons are toxic to organisms because they interfere with the function of enzymes in mitochondria. This
results directly in the inability of the cell to
a. build proteins.
c. release energy from nutrients.
b. dispose of metabolic wastes.
d. store information.
10.Contractile vacuoles maintain water balance by pumping excess water out of some single-celled pond
organisms. In humans, the specialized cells of the kidney are chiefly involved in maintaining water
balance. These facts best illustrate that
a. a disruption in a body system may disrupt c.
interference with nerve signals disrupts
the homeostasis of a single-celled
cellular communication and homeostasis
within organisms.
b. all organisms, whether single-celled or
tissues, organs, and organ systems
multicelluar, rely on cellular processes to
work together to maintain homeostasis in
maintain homeostasis.
all living things.
11.An apple cell contains 18 chromosomes.
What would be the correct number of chromosomes in new apple cells produced by mitosis? 18
12.If an organic substance is described to be waxy and repels water, what macromolecule is being identified?
13.Pea plants have seeds that are either yellow or green. Yellow color is dominant to green. In this cross, what will
be the genotypic and phenotypic ratio of the offspring? 100% yellow; 50% YY and 50% Yy

14.The ozone layer of Earths atmosphere helps to filter ultraviolet radiation. What are the negative impacts of a
depleted ozone layer?
Skin cancer; mutation of DNA in organisms
15.What are the advantages and disadvantages of asexual and sexual reproduction? Consider making a table or
Asexual (Mitosis)
Sexual (Meiosis)
ADV - quicker
ADV genetic diversity; fix DNA mutations
DisADV cannot fix DNA mutations
DisADV - longer
Somatic cells (body)
Sex cells (gametes/egg and sperm)
2 identical daughter cells
4 unique daughter cells
Diploid (2n) 2 copies of chromosomes
Haploid (n) one copy of chromosome

16.From a single monkey, an animal breeder claims that he has successfully cloned two monkeys. He displays the
two monkeys, a male and a female, to the public. The claim of the breeder should be rejected because the monkeys
a. are of two different sexes.
c. developed from more than one sperm cell.
b. are twins.
d. have the same parents.
17.How does camouflage work as an adaptation for an organism? Give an example.
Helps it to blend in to its environment avoid predators, hide from prey
Chameleon, rattlesnake
18.What is the best evidence for the conclusion that animals share similar/common ancestry?
Biochemical evidence/ DNA
19.What does geographic isolation potentially do to a species? Causes new species to form each population
adapts to its new environment

20.In 1950, about 97% of Strep throat infections that doctors treated received a prescription of penicillin. By 2000,
only about 12% of Strep throat infections were treated with penicillin. From an evolutionary standpoint, why
might this be true? Antibiotic resistance the penicillin killed the weaker bacteria but the strong bacteria
survived and reproduced making it resistant to the penicillin
21.Farmer Brown has sprayed his bean field with the same insecticide for 10 years in a row to kill aphids. Despite
his efforts to kill them, Farmer Brown notices that every year, more aphids seem to appear. Explain pesticide
resistance to Farmer Brown.
Each year, Farmer Brown killed the weaker aphids with the pesticide. The stronger aphids survived and
reproduced making them resistant to the pesticide.

22.The illustrations below show vestigial pelvic bones of a baleen whale and vestigial hind limb bones of an extinct

The presence of these bones in the baleen whale and extinct whale provides evidence of what? common
ancestry and at one point in the whales history they had functioning hind limbs
23.The African elephant belongs to the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordata, Class Mammalia, Order
Proboscidea, Family Elephantidae, Genus Loxodonta, and Species africana. Under the modern
classification system, what is the scientific name of the African elephant?
Loxodonta africana
24.List the defining characteristics of Kingdom Fungi. Uni/multicellular; eukaryotic; heterotrophic
25.Why do we study viruses in biology if they are considered to be non-living? They depend on living organisms to
survive they have partial characteristics of life (DNA)
26.List the important differences between viruses and living cells.
Must have a host to reproduce
Can be prevented with vaccine


Reproduce on their own
Can be killed with antibiotics
Has ALL Characteristics of life

27.Compare and contrast primary and secondary succession. Be sure to include how they start and the pioneer
species of each.
Begins where there is no soil
Occurs where there has been an established
PS lichen and mosses
PS weeds and grasses
Extremely long
Shorter and more common
Bare rock/new volcanic islands
Ecosystem is destroyed and grows back (forest
fire, construction site, etc.)

28.How is nitrogen changed from the atmospheric N2 form into a usable form for plants in the soil?
Bacteria in the soil
29.Explain a climax community and when it occurs in ecological succession.
Final and stable community of plants and animals; occurs at the end of succession (primary or secondary)
30.The diagram below represents the interaction of two different populations, A and B, within an ecosystem.

Population A is made up of living animals. The members of population B feed on these living animals.
The members of population B are most likely ________.
a. autotrophs
c. predators
b. parasites
d. scavengers
31.Two nucleotide sequences found in two different species are almost exactly the same. This fact suggests that
these species probably are closely related__________________________.
32.French grunts are tropical fish that live in groups called schools in order to give the appearance of being a
larger animal. Which of the following is the most likely reason for this behavioral adaptation?
a. Their food supply is limited.
c. They must compete for a mate.
b. They can avoid being eaten by a predator. d. They need to survive the changing
33.List possible effects of global warming.
Rising sea levels because of melting glacial ice
34.The graph below represents the energy involved in a chemical reaction that takes place with and without an

According to the diagram, explain the role of an enzyme.

Lower activation energy to speed up a chemical reaction
35.The illustration below shows a Siamese cat. In Siamese cats, an enzyme determines the color of the fur. On the
cooler places of the body, the enzyme causes darker fur. On the warmer parts of the body, the enzyme
does not function.

Which of the following statements best explains how temperature affects this enzyme?
a. Cooler temperatures cause more enzyme c. Heat allows the enzyme to break down
white pigment.
b. Cooler temperatures denature the enzyme. d. The enzyme is active in a specific
temperature range.
36.A single cell and a multicellular organism are represented below.

Which structures are correctly paired with their primary function?

a. A and Gtransmission of nerve impulses c. C and Hdigestion of food
b. B and Ephotosynthesis
d. D and Fgas exchange

37.Genetic information for a breed of chicken is shown below.

Which of the following crosses of chickens will produce only Frizzle fowl offspring?
a. Feather shedder X Feather shedder
c. Normal X Feather shedder
b. Frizzle fowl X Frizzle fowl
d. Normal X Frizzle fowl
38.Two pea plants were bred to produce 105 offspring. 78 of the offspring produced seed pods with an inflated
shape and 27 of the offspring produced seed pods with a restricted shape. Restricted pod shape is
probably what type of trait?
a. dominant
c. recessive
b. polygenic
d. sex-linked
39.The diagram below shows a process,_crossing over, that can occur during meiosis.

What does this process increase? Genetic diversity

40.A gene that codes for resistance to Roundup, a biodegradable weedkiller, has been inserted into certain plants.
As a result, these plants will be more likely to ________.
a. convert Roundup into fertilizer.
c. produce chemicals that kill weeds growing
near them.
b. die when exposed to Roundup.
d. survive when Roundup is applied to
41.The diagram below illustrates the change that occurred in the physical appearance of a rabbit population over a
10-year period.

Which condition would explain this change over time?

Natural selection survival of the fittest
42.A biologist used the Internet to contact scientists around the world to obtain information about declining
amphibian populations. He was able to gather data on 936 populations of amphibians, consisting of 157 species
from 37 countries. Results showed that the overall numbers of amphibians dropped 15% a year from 1960 to 1966
and continued to decline about 2% a year through 1997.
What is the importance of collecting an extensive amount of data such as this? Makes the information more valid
43.If decomposers, such as bacteria and fungi, were removed from the earth, what would the greatest consequence
be to the carbon cycle?
a. Excess carbon dioxide would accumulate c. Organic compounds would not be broken
in the atmosphere.
down and recycled.
b. Limestone in the oceans would degrade
d. Plants would no longer be able to
and ruin coral reef ecosystems.
44.Students conducting a study on an insect population placed 25 insects of the same size in a box. The amount of
food, water, and shelter available to the insects was kept constant. Each month, students removed and
counted the number of insects present, recorded the total, and returned the insects to the box. The
graph below shows the number of insects in the box over a 12- month period.

What inference can be made regarding this insect population?

a. All the insects in the box are the same age. c. The population has carnivorous members.
b. The insects hibernated from January to
d. The population reached carrying capacity
by January.
____ 46. The diagram below shows an aquatic food chain that includes two species of fish.

According to this diagram, both of these fish

a. eat bacteria.
c. give off toxic wastes.
b. get their energy from other animals.
d. take in minerals through their gills.

46.Some willow trees alter the chemical composition of their leaves when attacked by caterpillars. Compared to
normal leaves, the chemically altered leaves are less nutritious and are more difficult for caterpillars to digest.
Which of the following is a likely effect of this ability to alter leaf composition?
a. Caterpillars that feed on willow trees with c. Willow trees with this ability will attract
this ability will be larger than caterpillars
more caterpillars than other willow trees.
on other willow trees.
b. More butterflies will lay their eggs on
d. Willow trees with this ability will have a
willow trees with this ability than on other
survival advantage over other willow
willow trees.
47. The lizard pictured here lives in a desert ecosystem. List characteristics that would best allow this animal to
survive the stressful environmental conditions of its habitat. Travels at morning and night time;
coloration (camo); thick skin/scales to retain water

48. A current idea in the field of classification divides life into three broad categories, as shown below. Which
concept is supported by this diagram?

a. All evolutionary pathways continue for

c. Evolutionary pathways diverge and
the same length of time.
proceed in many different directions.
b. All evolutionary pathways eventually lead d. Evolutionary pathways proceed in only
to present-day organisms.
one set direction over time.

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