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Corticate No, 0838867280/1308 CARGO SHIP SAFETY CERTIFICATE This Certficate shal be supplemented by 9 Record of Equipment (Form C) No. 093898/280/13008RC Issued under fre provisions of INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974, 25 modtiod by the Protocol of 1988 relating thereto (under the autorty of the Government of the NETHERLANDS by GERMANISCHER LLOYD Distinctive Name of Ship amber Post of Registry Gross Tonnage | IMO Number or Letiers ALMA, PORK Heerenveen i” 9183415 Deadweight of ship * — metric tons Length of ship (equation 3,12): 98.43 mm ‘Sea areas in which ship ts certited to operate (rogulation 'V/2) AI +A2+ A3 (INMARSAT) Typeot stip ee et ee (Cargo ship other than any of the above Date of uae ~ Date of butting contract net applicable: ~ Date on which heel was aid oF ship wes at similar stane of constuction: th December, 1967 (Date of delivery: fst June, 1998 ~ Dato on which work fora conversion or an alternation or modification ‘ola major character was cammenced (where applicable): not applicable ‘Ni applicable dates shal be completed THISIS TO CERTIFY 1 That he shiphas been surveyed in accordance wih the requrements of requlatons U8, ¥@and V10 of me Comvention, 2 Thathesuney showed that 2.1. the condition of the structute, machinery and equipment as defined in regulation V/10 wax saitstactory and the ship Complied with the relevant requirements of chapter II-1 and chapler I? of the Convenon (other than those relating to fre Safoly systems and appitances and fre contol plans): 22 theliasttwo inspections of the outs ofthe ship's bottom took place con 8th November, 2010 sn Sth July, 2013. 5, Forattaters, chem antes nt gan cers sey, ‘mm me econ Fem en S7/ 012.07 Page tt? 23° theshiocometed with the requrements of te Comenton 2s renards fee safety systems and appliances and fre contrat plans 24 thelite-saving apptances and the equipment ofthe lfeboats, Merafts and rescue boats were provided in accondance with the requrements cf the Convention; 25 theshipwas provided wih a ine-throwing agplance and rado intalatons used in ite-saveg appliances in accordance win the requrements of he Convention: 26 theshipcompled wih the requirements of the Convention 2s regards racio stations: 27 the functoning of the ratio instafiatons used in Me-saving appliances complied withthe requrements ofthe Conventon. 2.8 the shipcompled with the requeements of he Convention as regards shiptore navigational equipment, means of ‘erbarkaton tr plots and nauieal publeations, 2.9 the shipwas proved with ights, shapes, means of making sound signats and distress signais in accordance wih the ‘equitements of the Conventon and the Intemational Reguiatons for Preventing Collisons at Sea in force: 2.40 inallother respects the ship complied withthe relevant requirements ofthe Convention 2.11 he ship wantwas not” subject to an aterative design and arangements in pursuance of regulations) WAA55 1 1H2017 1 38 the Corvenion, 212 a Document of approval of atemmative design and arrangements for ‘machinery and electrical installations / fre protection / life-saving appliances and arrangements” iis not" appended tots Certificate. 3 Thatan Exemption Certlicate hae/has not” been issued ‘Thos contfcate is vid wntt 30th June, 2018 ‘Subject ip the anual intemnediate and periodical surveys and inspectons of the cuts tthe ship's bottom in accordance wit regulations V8, ¥9 and 10 ofthe Convention (Completion date of the surrey on which ths cerficate i based OSAT/2013, suet abu Mh yt Clb, 2013 G L Germanischer Lloyd ~ Cte appt Ferm ns 7202 Page 2 ot Endorsement for annual and intermediate surveys relating to structure, machinery and ‘equipment referred to in paragraph 2.1 of this certificate ‘Due date (srrwversary Gate) ‘30th June Range ‘1st Ape to 20th September THIS IS TO CERTIFY tat at a survey requred by requtaton I/O of the Convention the ship was found io comply win the relevant requirements of the Comeeniton Annus survey i i | Place: Date: Ancalntermedte™ survey Signet — Proce: Date: ‘Aro save ‘Signed. Prove: Date Annual/intermediate survey in accordance with regulation 1/14 (h)(iii) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that at an annualintermediate” survey in accordance with requtatons 1/10 and W/14(h)(a) of he Convention, the ship was found to comply wih the relevant requirements of the Convention. | * Deka ae rope Fon a $724 201207 Page Sek? Endorsement for inspections of the outside of the ship's bottom THIS 1S TO CERTIFY that at an inspection requied by requtaion V10 of fhe Convention, the ship was found to comply with te ‘relevant requirements of the Convention. Fist inspection Signed. — Proce: Date: ‘Second inspection Signed Proce Dane: Endorsement for annual and periodical surveys relating to life-saving appliances and other equipment referred to in paragraphs 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 28 and 2.9 of this certificate THIS IS TO CERTIFY that, ata survey required by reguiston Vt of the Convention, the ship was found to comply wh the reSevant roqutemerts of the Convention. Anca survey ‘Signed: Proce: Date AnnuaiPetcsica mrvey ‘Senet Pace Oate ‘AnnuiPorcdicl® survey Signed Proce Date Anvacd savey Sapet Proce: Date * Dak erie Fem i. S728) 201207 Page ot? Annual/periodical survey in accordance with regulation 1/14 (h)(iii) ‘TWIS IS TO CERTIFY that at an annuaiiperodia™ survey in accordance with regulations Vand W14(h)(i of the Convention, the ‘Sip was found 1 comply wet the relevant requirements of the Convenson, ‘Signed: Endorsement for periodical surveys relating to radio installations referred to in paragraphs 2.6 and 27 of this certificate THIS IS TO CERTIFY that, ata survey required by regulation U9 ofthe Convention, the ship was found to comply wit the relevant requirements ofthe Convention Penodcal survey Sioned Place Pevodcal sarvey sored Pace: Date Fenatea survey Signed Place: Date: Penedcal survey Signed fe ~ Dena prope Frm Ns 5728/2012 Page Sl 7

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