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Sojourner Truth

By: Emily HUante

Sojourner Truth

For my project Im doing Sojourner Truth her real name is Isabella

baumfree. I think that she is considered as an American hero.
She is an American hero because she wanted her people not to be
slaved and wanted to fight womens rights, but first I will tell you
what had happen to Sojourner Truth.
When Isabella was born she was born into slavery. Around 1815
she fell in love with a slave named Robert and got married and
had their first daughter named Diana, but Roberts owner
separated them and Sojourner had to marry a man named
Thomas and they had one boy named Peter and two daughter
named Elizabeth and Sophia.Years passed and in 1826 she
escaped with her infant daughter, Sophia. Then she heard that
her son peter had been sold and she sues Thomas and had been
arrested. She gets peter to live with her until 1839.
On June 1, 1839 Isabella Baumfree changed her name to
SOjourner Truth. In 1846 she joined the Northampton Association
of Education. Isabella was a hero because she wanted slavery to
end so she fought for women's rights. The one thing that makes
her a hero is that she wanted to her people not to be slaves
The think she did was that she asked Abraham Lincoln to help her
free the slaves and she made her book called Aint I a woman.
she got help Olive Gilbert and William Lloyd, they helped by
supporting her. When she was a kid she wanted to free every

Sojourner Truth is a hero because she become the most powerful

the only reason she wanted this is because she didn't want her

people to be slaved and when she died she was known as one of
the leaders of the abolition movements and an early advocate of
women's rights. Although she began her career as an abolitionist,
the reform cause she sponsored were broad and varied including
prison reform, property rights and universal suffrage.
I think that Sojourner Truth is a hero because she was the most
important person that becomes her a hero she made a speed
calle " Ain't I a woman?" And it says : It doesn't matter if your
black or white have to be equal. "The spirit of the lord had told me
her to avail herself of the opportunity of speaking to so many
children assemble." "Children, who made sin white, was it not
god. Who made mine black." Was it not the same God. I picked
Sojourner Truth he real name was Isabella Baumfree because I
learned that she was the most interesting people I ever known.I
learned that she wanted to make the white and black to be
equally in very way.

Work cited

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