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November 2014

In this issue Stantons First Ever Literacy Fair and Book Fair Burges celebrates RAD
Aoy Has Author Visit and RAD Irvin does RAD week Parks RAD day and book fair

Stanton Elementary Library

Burges High School Library

By Annette Schatzman, Librarian

By Armando Loera, Librarian

Photo Credit: Annette Schatzman

Photo Credit: Armando Loera

The Burges High School Community

embraced Reading Across the District or
RAD! The Burges Band and cheerleaders
had a mini-parade at 09:40 am through
Burges' hallways.
They played their
instruments and cheered to signify that the
start of the RAD Celebration was near. A
total of 1421 students and 102 faculty and
staff dropped everything to READ at 10:00.

During the week of November 3rd 11th,

the Literacy team, parent volunteers, and I
teamed up to sponsor our schools first
literacy fair.
Our Scholastic rep., Lisa
Moreno, came to our school in October to
demonstrate Book Share with our teachers
and to conduct training on the literacy fair.
We decided to bring in the book fair with
an overriding theme of Literacy.
decided to have the theme of On the
Path to Literacy using the Wizard of Oz as
our school theme. Our entire school was
involved in the fair, the library is the Land of
Oz complete with a yellow brick road, and
through the support of the UTEP drama
department, the library sponsored Oz
costumes for our teachers.

See page 2

Stephanie Valle from Channel 7 News and

Charles Geach from C & I read to several
classes in the library. This audience was
composed of a variety of age groups; CDL
students (daycare), students in our CRC
classes and Freshmen in our BECHS
program enjoyed the wonderful readers.
See page 3

The Library Link / Page 1

(Continued on page 2)

November 2014

Stanton Elementary Library (continued from page 1)

By Annette Schatzman, Librarian
Photo Credit: Annette Schatzman

On Friday, November 7th, we had food, 3rd grade skits and Oz

songs, door prizes, 4th grade teachers also dressed up as Oz
characters, and book fair wrap up! We are entering the Scholastic
contest for the grand prize an author visit and $2,000 in books. I
checked with our thoroughly AWESOME Scholastic rep., Lisa
Moreno, and we qualify for the contest! Lisas boss came to the
school to see what was up, and he was very excited over the
entire school being involved in the Literacy Fair. Both Lisa and her
boss mentioned that they have not seen an entire school involved
in a Literacy Fair to the extent we have done this year and
included a book fair.

Quotes of the

Save the
First through 5th graders made their literacy boards, they were
judged by the grade level, one literacy board per class per grade
level were presented to the library for judging. A representative
from one of our Partners in Education, Peter Piper Pizza and two
volunteers from El Paso Community College conducted the final
judging. We had Sweepstakes winners, Honorable Mentions, and
each grade level had a winner.
The fair was a success and we hope to have more parents
involved next year! Our AWESOME new principal has decided that
the school will leave the decorations up at least until Christmas.
We have discussed having the students write haikus on the paper
or a descriptive paragraph about what they liked best about the
fair before it is all removed. To continue our quest for Literacy and
developing a love a reading for RAD we will be having mystery
reader each day of the week leading up to THE DAY. Student
drawings will be held and the winner will win the book read for that

December 1-5
December 19
End of Fall
Early Dismissal
December 22
January 2
Winter Holidays
January 5
Teacher Prep
January 6
First Day of Spring
January 19
Holiday (MLK day)

The Library Link / Page 2

November 2014

Burges High School Library (continued from page 1)

By Armando Loera, Librarian
Photo Credit: Armando Loera


In the afternoon, another group of students enjoyed Chico the

Chihuahua and his handler from The El Paso Chihuahuas Baseball
Team. The students had fun with Chico and his handler talked about
literacy and the importance it plays in our lives; he also read the
classic poem "Casey at the Bat." Overall, a great time was had by all
at Burges celebrating READING!

Aoy Elementary Library

By Carol Gonzalez, Librarian
Photo Credit: Carol Gonzalez

Aoy PK-2 students enjoyed a special

visit from Michael Hodge, the author
of the Bilingual Benny books,
on November 5. Mr. Hodge read
several of the stories and then
explained how he developed the
character Benny and the concept of
the stories. Books were also available
to purchase.
RAD Day was a great success for all Aoy students. Our special
presentation in the library for 4th graders was by Lee Byrd from Cinco
Puentos Press. She read "Pajaro Verde" by Joe Hayes. She was able to
tell the students many background details about publishing the book
and the people the illustrator used to depict the characters in the
story. We had many guest readers that included people from central
office and EPCC as well as from the El Paso Museum of Art's
education dept. Several retired teachers also came back to read.
Every class had a special guest to read to them.

The Library Link / Page 3

November 2014

Irvin High School Library

By Lenny Jaquez, Librarian
Photo Credit: Lenny Jaquez

Irvin High School built momentum for the Reading Across the District time by having
different events throughout the week promoting reading. In the weeks prior, students,
teachers, and staff were asked about their favorite book. Photos and the book covers were
placed side by side along with descriptions of why they liked that book. These were
photocopied and posted all over campus promoting the RAD event. The week of the
event, staff and students had dress days throughout the week. For example, on Monday,
students dressed in purple to celebrate the modern classic "The Color Purple" and
on Friday students dressed up as their favorite book character that included a book fairy.
The dual-credit photojournalism class made book trailers promoting different Young Adult
books that were meant to be shown through our TVs.

Also, the Food Science classes got involved by making cakes and decorating them as their
favorite books. Thirty-two cakes were submitted. They were beautiful, delicious, and
promoted literacy! At the library, students were excited to have their picture taken and
receive their own photo bookmark while "Hanging out at the Rocket Library". They also
played trivia games about their favorite books at the library. Mr. Winkelman, from central
office, Mr. Jaquez, the Irvin Librarian, and Mr. Wiggs, from the Northeast community, read
to the Child Development Lab on campus for 30 minutes as well. The children loved being
read to out loud. All classes were asked to participate and at 10:00AM one could hear a
pin drop in the hallways as the students and staff all read. Reading Across the District was a
great success as about 1600 students and staff read for pleasure!

Teacher and students dress up days included favorite book characters and Mockingjay: the Capitol (wear
white) versus the Rebellion (wear black)
The Library Link / Page 4

November 2014

Park Elementary Library

By Carla Delgado, Librarian
Photo Credit: Carla Delgado

Read Across the District was a BIG success at Park! We had many
wonderful guests including Mr. Tim Haggerty from the El Paso
Chihuahuas, Fire investigators, Chapin cheerleaders, Chapin football
players, Chapin student council members, Ms. Pam Howard, and Ms.
Julia Rivas-Lopez. All of our students participated in this reading

Resources (LLR)
Kayla Anderson
Library Administrator

Esther Arriola
LLR Clerk

Greg Galbraith
LLR Clerk

We met our book fair book goal! As a book fair challenge, Our
principal, Mr. Hernandez, agreed to be taped to the wall by
students. Students who wanted to tape him to the wall, wrote a short
essay about why they should be chosen to tape him to the wall.

Databases for
EBSCO Online
Password: password

Wilson Education
Password: cowboy

Wilson Library
Literature and
Password: cowboy
The Library Link newsletter showcases EPISD libraries and their invaluable programs. Please send your comments, or, if
youre an EPISD librarian, your Wonderfuls/library events to so they can be included in the next issue.
Thank you for using, promoting, and supporting your EPISD libraries!

The Library Link / Page 5

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