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Name: __________________

Career Research Guide Worksheet

Your job title (be specific): Psychology, more specifically a counselor
Job overview/What they do (What would a typical day on the job look like?):
Ill be talking to people, helping them through their problems and giving them advice on how to
get through it. I must attend all meetings.
Psychology Degree Diploma :

Working conditions (Hours you can expect to work? Risk of injuries? Time of day/time of year?
Indoors/outdoors? Clothing required? Etc):
I risk getting attached to clients and getting to emotional. Your hours that you work are really
based on how many meetings and how long your clients are willing to talk to you for. Work
indoors and time in the year considering vacation time. You need to look professional but you
can also look a bit laid back.

Work place for being a counselor:

Salary (what wage can you expect to earn?):

Future outlook (will this job be in demand in the future? Why/why not?):
Yes I will, there are several types of counselors and all are needed.

Post-Secondary Institute/Training Program #1

Okanagan College

Location and name of program: (Where the school is located. What is the name of the program? Also
tell us why this school appeals to you)
Kelowna BC, Therapist Assistant Diploma. This school appeals to me because its close to
Cost: (first year AND total cost of program, including tuition, books, and supplies) $7,847.44
If planning on attending a major university: to calculate an approximate cost
If planning on attending a college: to calculate an approximate cost
Pre-requisites of program: (courses you need to be taking in high school in order to get in, required
B.C. secondary school graduation, or equivalent, or 19 years of age and out of secondary school for at
least one year as of the first day of classes.
A minimum grade of 60% in one of English 12, English 12 First Peoples, Technical and Professional
Communications (TPC) 12, or an equivalent Provincial Level ABE English course. A student without the
minimum grade in any of those three courses may meet this requirement by attaining a minimum score of
24/40 (Level 4) on the LPI (Language Proficiency Index Test). Note: Communications 12 is not acceptable.
Chemistry 11 or an equivalent Advanced Level ABE Chemistry course
At least one of the following: Biology 12 or BIOL 122 or BIOL 124 or an equivalent Provincial Level ABE

Biology course. (Biology 12 or BIOL 122 is strongly recommended.)

High school diploma:

What are 3 related occupations you could take if this one didnt work out for you (what would
you do if you dont end up doing this career and why?):
I could be a baker because thats another job Im interested in.

And most importantly

Why are you interested in this career? (How long have you been interested in it? What led you
to wanting this job? How does it suit/fit your personality, interests, characteristics, strengths,
etc?): Ive been interested in becoming a counselor for a couple years now because I would
love to be able to make a difference in someones life, and help people.

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