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Child: Maryam

Date: October 2014

Written by: T. Natasha
This afternoon Maryam your mother left you in the classroom as she spent some time in our under two classroom. It
was great to see you so happy and engaged even without Mum. You were exploring our Arabic puzzle which correctly
pronounces the alphabet letter as you match it in to the correct space. You were very engaged even after friend Ebado
left and enjoyed showing different friends how the puzzle made the sounds as they came over curious at what you had
Review of learning
Maryam it is excellent to see your sense of Mana Whenua/Belonging and Mana Atua /Well-being at An-Nur comes
from your teachers, friends and environment as well as your mother. I can see this when you took an interest in the
Arabic puzzle, working on the positive learning disposition of courage and curiosity, as well as when you choose to be
involved which shows you are working on the positive dispositions of trust and playfulness. This activity also showed
me you are able to strive for accuracy, strengthen connections between home, centre and the wider community as well
as your strong fine motor skills, spatial reasoning, ability to set and see goals through to completion, managing
impulsivities, and basic math skills such as counting, colours and shape recognition.
Where to next?
I am aware Maryam may be away for a week or so and that her mother will be stopping breast feeding. Therefore we
will continue to focus of Maryams confidence and sense of belonging and well-being by allowing a primary caregiver
system for her and planning the environment based on her observed interests.

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