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Greetings from 2nd Grade!

December 2014

Dear Second Grade Families,

Wow! It seems like just

they have chosen a special

Ancient Greece unit which will

yesterday that we were writing

experience to write about in a 3-

wrap up just in time for Winter

about shorter days and fall

paragraph narrative essay!

Vacation. Up next Japan

leaves, and now we are

catching glimpses of snowflakes

*The second graders have been


reading up a storm. We have

As we wrap up our first

practiced important skills such

semester, we will be sending

as inferring, activating schema,

work home from the fall. (Keep

It has been an exciting fall to

and have completed an 2-week

an eye on home folders). Please

say the least. We visited the

long author study.

ask your second grader to tell

out the window and bundling up

in winter gear for recess.

MFA, enjoyed a Thanksgiving

Feast with our Pencil Pals, and
created posters for the
schools Canned Food Drive.
Read below for some quick

*The second graders have

added many interesting words
to their vocabularies through
our Text Talk curriculum. (A

you about some of the projects

that they have completed. They
should be very proud of all of
their hard work.

full list of words is on our class

In the next couple of weeks we

website, along with our schools

will be saying goodbye to Mr.


Words of the Week.

Bertelsen and welcoming Ms.

*In spelling we have


subject updates.

introduced a many Priority

Words. In our lessons we
have also discussed
homophones, contractions,
and word building (among

Shea into second grade

(starting in January). We are

*Word problems, calendar

sad to see Mr. Bertelsen go, but

questions, fractions, addition,

happy that he will be joining our

subtraction, multiplication,

pencil pal class.

money and more!

other skills).


*The second graders are

*We are in the midst of our

Have a happy and healthy New

Year, everybody!

writing constantly. Recently


can, an, we, there, your/ which, their, said, if, do/ will, up, how, about, each/ many, out,
them, then, she/ other, so, some, these, would/ has, her, into, more, two/ time, see, could,
him, like/ no, make, than, first, been

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