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CEP Lesson Plan

Teacher/s: Nayeon Kang, Shicong Li

Level: I5
Date/Time: Oct. 6, 10-12
Goal: Students will learn how to talk about hypothetical situations
Objectives (SWBAT):
Students Will Be Able To
1. Talk about hypothetical changes in their lives and in the society using the 2nd conditional.
2. Infer the meanings of unknown vocabulary from context.
3. Contrast the structures of the first and second conditionals
4. To use the second conditional to ask for and give advice
Theme: If I had my way
Extensions: SS are to write about issues in their own countries using the second conditionals for
the homework.



Activity 1:

1.1 Pre-Stage: (1) Give instructions: Each

student will read the sentences by another
student. He/She should correct any mistakes in
the sentences. He/She is supposed to guess
who wrote it. If he/she guesses it wrong, the
person they guessed should take another guess
and so on. After three trials, the real writer
should disclose him/herself and tell us the
reason why he/she wrote that. (2) Teachers
can model one example.

If you had your way

(continued from last


1.2. During Stage: (1) Students take turns to

read out the sentence, make corrections and
take a guess. (2) Teachers will help with the
correction and stress the structure. (3)
Teachers should encourage questions and ask
about students feelings about what each other

1.3 Post-Stage: (1) Ask the student to review

the structure again and transition to the next


2 min

10 min

1 min

Transition to #2: Now

lets pay attention to this
structure and try to listen
to it in the conversation.
Nayeon is going to do a
listening practice with you

Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer


Activity 2:

2.1 Pre-Stage:

Teacher will give focused feedback on the

structure of 2nd conditional. Students will get
their writing with corrective feedback.

5 min


5 min


5 min

Listen to the conversation T gives instruction about listening to the

and decide who wants to
conversations. T tells to the students that they
are to listen three two conversations and to
make changes.
decide who wants to change in some way.
2.2. During Stage:
(1) SS listen to the conversation without the
audio-script and decide who wants to make
some changes, and then write down their
(2) SS listen to the conversation again, this
time with the audio-script, and fill in the
blanks with the right form of the conditional
2.3 Post-Stage:
SS work in pair and fill up the second part of T-SS
the sentence with their own ideas. The ifTransition to #3: So far,
contexts are given based on the list: If I were
we learned that we use the taller, If I had the time
second conditional
structure when describing Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer
hypothetical situation
which is untrue and
impossible at the present Fill in the audio-script. Ts go around the
or in the near future. Now, group and see if they make any errors with the
conditional structure. If there are recurrent
lets have a close look at
errors, Ts bring the errors in front of the
the structure itself.
whole class and explain about it.
Activity 3:

5 min

3.1 Pre-Stage:
(1) T gives SS two different groups of
sentences (one set is with the first conditionals
while the other set is with the second

5 min

conditionals) Then, let students think about the

structure, and talk about it with their partners.
(2) T gives inductive explanation of the
structure briefly by showing example
sentences. The target structure is highlighted.


5 min

3.2. During Stage:

(1) T gives example situations where the first
and the second conditional structure are used.
Then, SS are expected to work in pairs talking
about whether the described situations are for
real and possible or unreal and hypothetical at
present or in the near future. (Some of the
situations are from the textbook exercise 4
p.57, and some others are from other grammar
(2) SS work in three discuss the meaning
differences between the two structures. Ts go
around the groups and see if their
understanding is on the right track.

5 min


10 min


5 min


5 min

4.1 Pre-Stage: (1) Introduce the background of T-SS

Catalonia through an infographics. (2) Divide
the students into pairs. Give each pair one

5 min

(3) T invites one S from each group and let

them explain what they have talked to other
students. T wraps up what SS explained. If
there is any misunderstanding, T corrects it
3.3 Post-Stage:
(1) SS work in group of three checking their
Transition to #4:
answers of the homework in the workbook. T
asks them anyone of each group can be a
Now, I think you are ready teacher of that group so that he or she can
to use the structure in
explain the answers if there is any questions.
expressing you own
opinion. Ivy brought an
Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer
interesting issues to talk
about, and it is actually
something we talked about SS talks about what they discussed with the
structure and meaning of the target structure.
last week.
Activity 4:

Debate: If Catalonia were paragraph of reading about the pros and cons
independent, what would of the independence of Catalonia. (3) Give
instructions: Students need to summarize the
it be?
paragraph by one sentence using 2nd
conditional. (4) Teachers can model: If
Catalonia were independent, it would have a
heavy debt.
4.2 During Stage: (1) Each pair gives a
sentence to summarize the paragraph. (2)
Students can choose if they support or do not
support the independence of Catalonia. Divide
into two groups. (3) Each student in each
group should prepare one sentence of how it
would be if Catalonia were independent. (4)
Each group need to present their ideas. The
other group should take notes of at least two of
their points and gave counter-argument. (5)
Ask students to re-decide which side they
support. (6) Teachers should take note of
common mistakes through the debate.

43 Post-Stage: (1) Emphasize the structure

again. (2) Address common mistakes.

5 min
2 min

10 min
5 min
10 min


8 min

Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer

Transition to #5: So I
hope youve learned a lot
through the debate. What
about writing something
for your own countrys
situation? It can be
political, economic,
historical, etc.
Activity 5:
Giving advice and speak

Teachers give focused feedback on the

structure of 2nd conditional.

5.1 Pre-Stage:
(1) T gives brief explanation about the first
and the second conditionals, both the structure

5 min

and the meaning as a review.

(2) T introduces special function of the second
conditional: giving advice with the structure of
If I were you

Transition to #5: Now, I

believe you became quite
familiar not only with the
structure of the
conditional sentences but
also with the meanings.
There are quite many
occasions where the
second conditionals are
used. We will continue
talking about it next time.

exit tickets

5.2. During Stage:

(1) T gives simple but problematic situation to
the SS and SS work in group exchanging
advice by using the second conditional
(2) T gives example expressions of
encouraging or discouraging given advice.
Then, T provides model structure of the
conversation on the screen and briefly explains
how it is framed.
(3) T prepares twelve cards (each two of the
cards are the same color) each of which
contains a scenario of a problematic situation.
Each S picks one card and find his/her partner
who are supposed to have the card with same
color. They work together, and make a
conversation starting from the explanation of
the problematic situation, giving advice,
discouraging that advice, coming up with
another advice, and then encouraging
(accepting) that advice.
(4) Each group(2 students each) come to the
front of the whole class and demonstrate their
conversation. They take turns as each of them
has one problematic situation.
5.3 Post-Stage
(1) T collects some errors and review them
quickly with the SS.

5 min


10 min


5 min


15 min


15 min


5 min


3 min

Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer

SS will demonstrate their conversation in front
of the whole class.
T gives concrete feedback on the contents of
the conversation students brought up with.
Lesson Evaluation Procedures:
T gives each student one blank card, and asked
them to write down two things they learned today,
and two things they didnt understand during the


audio script for listening activity, PPT slides, cards for speaking activity.

Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions:

It might be hard to control the debate and let everyone participate in the debate actively, because
the theme is a little bit local.
Contingency Plans (what you will do if you finish early, etc.):
We prepared some other discussion issues with which students can practice using the second
Post-Lesson Reflections:
Students seemed to fully engage themselves in participating meaning oriented conversation of
giving advice. While an example conversation was provided before they started to make their
own dialogues, they framed their ideas even further to include preliminary situation which
helped the whole context much more meaningful. While they were coming up with the possible
solutions for the problematic situation, they also utilized humoristic interpretation of the situation
and make the dialogue very interesting. As the activity was wholly students-centered, the
outcome was, to be honest, beyond my expectation.
We found the debate was hard to control, but it gets students to talk about what they may talk
about in real life. Still need more practice to manage the classroom.

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