Exploring Social Justice Issues

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Social Justice Issue

Description of Issue


Action Plan

Record 3 separate social

justice issues you have
located in your research.
Post a link to site below.
Each site should focus on
ONE social justice issue

Provide a detailed description of each social

justice issue you have located in your
research. Include 5 Ws (Who, What, Where,
When, and Why).

Answer each of the

prompts below by
providing a specific
detailed response.
This makes me think
This makes me feel
I feel this way because

For current issues

What can I do to bring
about change?

This makes me think why

women are treated
differently based on what
gender they are. This
makes me feel confused. I
feel confused because I
dont get why women
arent treated as equals
as they seem fully
capable to do the same
things as men.
This makes me think
about how North Korea
is still a serious threat
against human rights. I
feel mad. I feel mad
because the UN and the
world do little to stop the
atrocities going on in
North Korea

People can share this

on social media and
tag it with #HeforShe
to bring awareness to
this topic. People
(including me) also
can treat the other
gender as equals to

This speech by Emma Watson is about
https://www.youtube.com equality for each gender. The speech was
spoken at the United Nations Headquarters
November 20, 2014. She was holding a
special event for the #HeforShe campaign
which says that women arent being treated
equally to their male counterparts.


This is a news article about North Korea and

the human rights that they violate. North
Korea is a serious issue that needs to be delt
with. North Korea deny their citizens of food,
torture them with metal rods, execute them
based on their beliefs, and force them into
labor camps and much more. This article was
written by the Human Rights Watch in 2012.

For past issues:

What did people do to
bring about change?

People (including me)

can bring awareness
to this issue and can
learn more about
what is going on.
Unfortunately there
arent many
organizations for
helping the defection

of citizens in North
Korea. There is the
HRNK which is the
Committee for
Human Rights in
North Korea.

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