Genetics and Heredity Scavenger Hunt

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Genetics and Heredity Scavenger Hunt

Answer each of the following questions using the link

What is Heredity?
1. Why do children look like their parents?
2. What 2 ways are our traits determined?
3. How many total chromosomes does one individual have?
4. What cells join to form a zygote? How is a zygote unique?
5. Explain why siblings do not have identical chromosomes.

What is a Trait?
6. How do we inherit traits?
7. What are physical traits? Give an example.
8. What are behavioral traits? Give an example.
9. List three diseases that can be inherited.

How can the environment influence our traits?

a. Physical:
b. Behavioral:
c. Predisposition to Medical Condition:


Do you have a hitchhikers thumb or straight thumb?


Which allele for thumb angle do you have?


How do scientists use the word homozygous?


People with H + h will have ______________________ thumbs.


How do scientists use the word heterozygous?


How many alleles are passed from each parent to determine their childs


What is incomplete dominance? Give an example.


Are traits usually controlled by one gene?

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