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Criteria for California: Then and Now

All criteria for a 3 are met plus student submits

A report on an early California explorer (Juan Bautista DeAnza, Juan Cabrillo,
Sir Francis Drake, Sebastian Vizcaino, Vitus Bering, Juan Crespi, etc.) with a
hand-drawn, full page picture and hand-written report with research notes. Text
must be students own work, not copied from another source
or a poster of a California Native tribe with four areas described. The student
must make a poster of a tribe that was not presented in class
or a diorama of a native California tribal village
or an in-depth report, with hand-drawn pictures, of one aspect of native
California life (housing, clothing, customs, traditions, etc.) with research notes.
The text of the report may not be copied from books or pasted from internet

All sections of the California: Then and Now booklet are completed
Pictures are hand-drawn and colored (using crayons or colored pencils)
Detailed sentences compare and contrast the subject areas chosen. Clearly discuss
how something was done 200+ years ago and how it is done today. For example,
how food was obtained and prepared 200+ years ago by California Native
peoples, contrasted with how food is obtained and prepared today. This is general
information, not about a specific tribe (although you can be specific and focus on
one tribe)
Front cover: A hand-drawn picture of the student as he/she might have
looked if he or she was a native California child 200+ years ago and how he or
she looks today
Page 1: Discuss which time period the student would prefer to live in (then
or now) and why? Discuss pros and cons of each time period. Be specific. If more
space is needed, students may finish his/her response on another piece of paper.
Text is written in complete sentences. Basic writing conventions such as
including end punctuation, beginning sentences with capital letters, capitalizing
proper nouns, etc. are followed. Remember: this is informative writing, not a

At least half of the project is completed and most pictures are hand-drawn,
colored and some descriptions are written. There is some discussion about then
and now or the time period in which the student would prefer to live.
Incomplete, or one sentence descriptions of then and now

Less than half of the project is completed satisfactorily

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