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Mantras by Richard Meyer

Outcome: students will perform the piece at a high musical level

1. Students will practice Bb major scale/G minor scale on daily basis to make sure that Bb and Eb
are well in tune. I will monitor this both in class and require students to practice the scale every
time students practice at home
2. Students will also practice legato bowing and marcato/staccato bowing by practicing on open
strings before applying the technique to the piece
3. Students will practice on open strings to master some difficult rhythms in this piece
1. I will create a practice guiding sheet with checklist that consists Bb major scale and G minor
scale and bowing practice as I described above
2. Students will also be required to turn in a recording (preferably online) of assigned excerpt that
includes bowing and Bb major scale
Outcome: students will carefully watch the conductor and will follow the conductor, especially in tempo
changes throughout the piece
1. Students will practice watching the conductor and play a note on open string on daily basis to
build up the skill to follow while playing instruments
2. Students will pair up, so that one can conduct basic pattern while the other follows
3. Towards the end of the concert cycle, students will practice playing the passages with tempo
changes without the music so that they are forced to not look at the music
1. Towards the end of the concert cycle, I will informally assess students to make sure that all
students are watching the conductor
Outcome: Students will be able to describe the differences in moods in two main sections in this piece
1. Students will be asked to come up with imageries, words, or story associated with two main
sections of this piece
2. Students will then be asked to come up imageries associated with each instrument section in
the faster section
3. Students will then be asked to describe the differences in two sections using imageries, words,
or story that they already came up with as a guide
1. Students will be asked to write imageries, words, or story both in class and it will be in a written

Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 by J.S. Bach (arr. Richard Meyer)

Outcome: Students will perform the piece at high musical level
1. Students will practice string crossing by practicing them on open strings daily
2. Students will learn and practice placing fingers down while playing string crossing throughout
the concert cycle
3. Students especially who are playing viola, cello, or bass will learn to count during the rest and
come in as a group by breathing together
1. During the middle of the concert cycle, I will have students turn in a recording of them playing
excerpts to measure to progress
Outcome: Students will be able understand the characteristics of Baroque style and will be able to
perform the style on their instruments
1. Students will be given an assignment to listen to another Baroque music and an excerpt from
Romantic period music, and will be asked to describe the differences in sound, timbre, or
techniques that they can hear
2. Students will be asked to listen to the professional recording of the piece and will be asked to
see if they can hear the characteristics that they had come up with in the previous assignment
3. Students will be taught to put separation in each notes (using professional recording as a guide)
to play the piece in Baroque style
1. As described above, students will be asked to turn in a written assignment that would have
them listen to Baroque music and Romantic music and describe the difference
2. Students will then be asked to listen to the recording of this piece and will be asked to write
down the characteristics, and this will occur in class
Outcome: Students will understand the importance of being together as a group and will be able
perform on their instrument
1. Random students will be selected to breathe to cue the whole group. The rest of the group will
be asked to breathe with the leader and play a note
2. Random students (different from the previous time) will be selected to breathe to cue the group
while playing the piece and rest of the group will be asked to follow the leader and to watch
the leader before coming in from the rest
3. After these exercises the leader (concertmaster and section leaders) will be asked to do the task
while performing the piece and have students follow the leader
1. For this outcome, assessment will be done informally and I will assess students to make sure
that they all follow the leader, and that they are also breathing with the leader

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