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Person Of Influence Essay By Jaegar Hartwig

Calvin and Hobbes is largely considered to be one of the greatest comic strips to
have ever ran. Its quirky nature, and sly commentary of the North American
culture, drew in readers of all ages, and has been appreciated on a worldwide scale.
While faces of young Calvin, and his furry companion Hobbes, are quite
recognizable, the name of their ingenious creator often goes unknown. Bill
Watterson was born in Washington, D.C. but was quickly relocated to the small
town of Chagrin Falls, Ohio. He discovered a love of drawing at an early age, and
consequently spent a vast majority of his youth by himself, drawing and creating
cartoons. With the support of his parents, Bill would go on to pursue his dream of
becoming a professional cartoonist. Through hard-work, dedication, and a passion
for drawing, he would later go to create one of the most celebrated comics in the
world; Calvin and Hobbes.
Bill Wattersons choices on Calvins character are particularly interesting. Calvin
is a reckless boy, and tends to get on the nerves of other characters throughout his
misadventures. He is only ever shown to interact with one other child, that being
Susie Derkins, and these interactions never seem to go especially well. He is
constantly at ends with his parents, babysitter, and teacher as well. For the most
part Calvin is a loner, and a troublemaker. These traits make Calvin appear to be a
terrible character to center a comic around, however if one takes a closer second
look it soon becomes obvious that Calvin possess a remarkable imagination, deep
feelings of loyalty and compassion, and an overpowering sense of curiosity. Bill
Watterson didnt choose to create a character who was popular or accomplished,
but instead imagined something entirely more human. Calvin embodies what it is
to be human, in the fact that he is far from being perfect. Just like you or I, Calvin
has insecurities, and doesnt always make the right choice. But his true humanity
shows in his wonderment of the world, and his love of his stuffed tiger. People are
inherently compassionate, and Bill Watterson masterfully captures exactly what it
means to be human, through Calvin and Hobbes relationship. He cleverly shows
that despite our downfalls, the most humane act we can accomplish is loving
another selflessly.

Calvin and Hobbes relationship truly speaks volumes. It is remarkable that Bill
Watterson is able to convey so much about people and their need for each other,
through the bond between a young boy and his stuffed tiger. Calvin and Hobbes
are prime examples of the fact that as long as you have someone at your side, you
can face any adversity. They not only dealt with minor problems such as a nagging
babysitter or a pesky Susie Derkins, but also often faced greater trepidations such
as the prospect of dying alone, or the fear of being unacomplished. However,
whatever the obstacle, they could always find solace in the fact they could face it
together as best friends. Bill Watterson slyly demonstrated that in order to to truly
live life to fullest extent, you must have someone with you to experience it as well.
Bill Watterson explored many different themes throughout the run time of Calvin
and Hobbes. One particular strip that has stuck with me, is one in which Calvin
discovers an injured raccoon. Despite his best efforts, the raccoon soon dies. This
event visibly distraughts Calvin, but shows also illustrates Calvins morality. This
symbolization of peoples natural empathy shows that Bill Watterson truly believes
people are good. It is further showcased by the fact that Hobbes and Calvins
parents all sympathize with Calvin after he becomes upset over the raccoons
death. Bill Watterson accurately displays our natural ethics, and shows us that
despite our initial downfalls, people are good at heart.
Ive read every issue of Calvin and Hobbes that has been printed, and despite
being a simple comic, it has greatly affected the way I view the world and my
relationships with others. I find inspiration in Bill Wattersons creation because it
is a faithful ode to the joy and beauty of life, and loving bonds shared between
individuals. It gives me faith in the idea that I can face life and all of its
challenges, and come out smiling. Bill Watterson has made me come to the
realization that I have the ability to visualize and create, and possibly even change
the world. The fictional characters of Calvin and Hobbes have instilled a sense of
deep curiosity and passion in me, and I have Bill Watterson to thank for that.

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