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Why our country is
poor? Dont we have
resources for the

development of our
country? Is there a
possibility for our

country to be
developed? How can
our country become

great? What are the

roots for the downfall
of our country? We

have many question,

lets analyze how
politics affect all this
One of the
statements of late
senator Benigno S.
Aquino in his famous
speech which is The
Filipino is Worth
Dying For that our
country is one of the
greatest nation
untapped resources
because we are rich
in minerals like gold,
silver, bronze and
chromites, through
good management we
can use it as a source
of our revenues.
Our country is a rich
country and we have
many source unlike
the other , one
example is we have
wide land for
Agriculture , good
tourism place like
boracay, chocolate
hills, and now Vigan
which is nominated
in 7 wonders of the
world and there are
still others. Not only
that but according
also to Lee kuan Yeu
that our Filipino
people are more
intelligent in
professionals and we
must proud for it
because we are
praised by one of the
greatest leader in the

With this kind of

country where you
have many
advantages especially
advantages, and the
other country like
Japan, Singapore,
Korea who suffered a
lot in Wars, why did
they become more
progressive than to
our country? One of
the roots is the
corruption in our
country by the
leaders, the abused of
powers by the leaders
to the people. They
dont give what is to
given to the people
but they use it for
themselves, that why
there are many
people who are
suffering in our
country, the rich
people become rich
and the poor people
become more poorer.
As we can watch in
news or read in
books we have many
different kind of
abusing of power,
corruption and other
anomalies by the
leader, but when time
pass we forget all the
things that they done
and we vote them
again. Other people
just vote for leaders
without studying the
background of the
people who run in
office, is it because
they are famous you

just vote for it? We

must not depend if
they are famous we
just vote them, we
must study how them
like their plan , or
how they will help
people or how they
solve the problem of
our country.
Lets see how our
country can become
great again.
Think and work

We may have a bad

government, traffic
and a dirty country
but it is not
immutable. We can
all change the fact
that our country is
corrupt and dirty.
Secondly what we
could do is call out
politicians who only
spout nonsensical
b.S. Or who are
obviously corrupt
and useless, and
take them to task.
The other way is
look for candidates
who are
representative of
the best qualities
Filipinos have.
Thirdly, get your
children to love
reading and
learning. The
smarter people
there are; the more

our country will

Continuous Growth

It wouldn't come as
a surprise if that
happens. The
economic growth
momentum is
higher, and is
expected to grow
seven percent this
year, according to
reports. It continues
to thrive despite the
fluctuating growth
in Southeast Asia.
Two factors that the
Monetary Fund
(IMF) has seen that
contributed to the
country's robust
economy are: (1)
"resilient remittance
inflows." Also, given
the improving
employment rate
due to the advent
of the Business
Process Outsourcing
(BPO) industry,
providing a 35%
growth in
employment by the
end of the year.
The industry is
expected to bring in
about $25 billion in

revenues at the end

of Q4.
Nielsen revealed
earlier this week
that the Philippines
ranks as 2nd most
"bullish consumer
market," next to
sentiment can
breed economic

I would argue that

the Philippines,
being a democratic
government, can
achieve a first world
status provided that
both the
government and the
mass citizenry work
together for both
social and economic
development, along
with the
participation of the
private sector.
There's no harm in
saying that by
having another set
of leaders, the
nation can move
3rd World People

together. The
Filipino does not
have this. Why?
Their own
Government can't
be trusted because
of corruption.
Democratic? The
Filipino people
barely have a say in
their country. The
only way they will
become a 1st world
country is by
getting rid of their
3rd world good for
nothing politicians
who instead of
helping their
people, steal from

Which Philippine

Heres what Ive

President Caused


the Downfall of
the Philippine's

Which president
actually made us
the Sick Man of
Asia? I decided to
take a look at one
indicator the
Philippine peso US dollar
exchange rate. I
looked for the rise
and fall of the
Philippine peso
from 1965 (the
Year Ferdinand
Marcos took
office) to 2012.
Luckily, I found a

The only way a

country can achieve
1st world status is if
the people in the
country work

that actually
calculated for
historical Foreign
Exchange data.

This chart seems

to indicate that
my parents were
right. If you view
the chart, you'll
notice that
between 1970
and 1972, long
before Ferdinand
Marcos declared
Martial Law; the
Philippine peso
plummeted by a
staggering 40%.
So, was this the
start of our
downfall? It would
seem so.
However, Ill let
you be the judge
of that.
Yet, a question

still lingers in my


mind. If Ferdinand


Marcos did cause

Rate (USD

our downfall, why

to 1-PHP /

havent any of the

other five


presidents after
anything to bring

Product -

our economy up?

GDP (in

In fact, theyve


brought it down


Well, Benigno P-



On the other

hand, I think I

Data Source

owe GMA an

for Debt-GDP
Ratio: The

to GDP

still has a chance

Ratio (perc

to make it right.

entage %
of Debt /

windfall in terms

accused her of


bringing our

Data Source

but, after looking

Exchange Rate

at the World Bank


Looking at this
new chart still
seems to point at
Ferdinand Marcos

downfall. During

early 2012; yet,

his term in office

somehow, it just

we hit our highest

doesnt seem to

Debt-GDP Ratio of

be enough. P-Noy

more than 90%

cant afford to

(which is

rest on his laurels

extremely bad)

right now. Hes

and our currency

got a great big

exchange rate

mountain to

plummeted by


nearly 80% (really

bad) during his
term. Our GDP did

here's an updated

improve during

chart containing

his term; but it

the following

was too little an


improvement to
cover for our
Line: PHP-

data, I may have

been wrong.
During GMA's


investments since


economy down;


causing the

of foreign

apology. I openly

World Bank via


Line: Debt

Noy Aquino Jr.

Yes, weve had a

World Bank via

Line: Gros
s Domestic

Data Source
for GDP: The


him done

even further.


massive debts
and a falling

term, our GDP

rose to around
170 Billion USD
from a mere 71
Billion USD when
she took over. She
also managed to
bring down our
Debt-GDP Ratio to
44% from a high
63% when she
first held office.
She even
managed to
improve our
exchange rate a
little bit. It might
be a stretch, but I
believe that the
economic windfall
we are enjoying
today may have
started during
GMA's time. PNoy may be riding
a wave created by

I suppose many
are still
wondering why
havent felt these
economic boons. I
have two suspects
for you...
population and
corruption. I'm
already looking
for data on these
two indicators and
will post it here
Thats why this
coming national
election we must
choose who will
the the best
candidate for our
leader. We must
learn from the
past experience
and choose better
leader that can
lead our country
to prosperity WE
1. Our Knowledge
consulting Asia

3. from 3rd world to

1St world by Lee
Kuan Yeu

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