Doct Practice of Church Growth

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Small Group Meeting Planner

Date: ___9-14-14_____

Small Group Leader: Courtney Goodrich

Opener (5 min)
What will my opener be?
- Name a gift you will never forget?
-Does your name have a special meaning and/or were you named after someone special?
-What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about the word, Disciple.?

Bible Study (10 min)

Lesson: _What does it mean to be a Disciple?
What verses, questions, or statements from the lesson will I choose to discuss? (Content: 5 min)
-Print out the lesson and go over the four characteristics necessary for a disciple and the questions to ask

Covenant Time (10 min)

- Explain the covenant.

Prayer/Share (15 min)

How will I structure the prayer time?
Members write requests on 3x5 cards and take them home to pray for throughout the week.

Post-Meeting Summary
Attendance (Indicate if Tardy)
1. Anna
2. Sofia
3. Diamond
4. Trista
5. Rani
Did I start and end on time? (Explain if no) Started a little late & ended a little late because I had to practice for the
special and print out stuff.
Did I keep the scheduled times for each segment? (Explain if no)
Did I spend approximately 5 minutes for application of the study?
I didnt have an hour and didnt really set time goals for each time section except I knew the Bible study portion was
supposed to be only about 5 minutes. I didnt time myself though.
Did each member report on each of his goals? Since this was the first meeting we havent set goals yet.
To what extent did I follow my plans for the meeting? (Explain if necessary) I think overall I was able to accomplish
the important parts for the first meeting.
Evaluation of meeting (strong and weak points): The icebreaker is definitely a great idea!

Small Group Meeting Planner

Date: ___9-28-14_____

Small Group Leader: Courtney Goodrich

Opener (5 min)
What will my opener be?
-Does your name have a special meaning and/or were you named after someone special?
-Why do you think people tell new Christians to read their Bible & pray everyday?

Bible Study (8 min)

Lesson: _Gods Word
What verses, questions, or statements from the lesson will I choose to discuss? (Content: 5 min)
-Read these questions and have the verses read to find the answer:
A. What are we to use when fighting the devils schemes? Everyone read Eph 6:17
B. How does Scripture memory help us? Psalms 119:11
C. Why is Scripture application important? James 1:22-25
- Give the 3 steps to studying the Bible and have the girls write them in their journal.
1. Ask, What does it say?
2. Ask, What does it mean?
3. Ask, How does it apply to my life?

Covenant Time (10 min)

- Go over everyones goals.

Prayer/Share (5 min)
-Pray Joshua 1:8 for the girls.

Post-Meeting Summary
Attendance (Indicate if Tardy)
1. Sofia
2. Diamond
3. Trista
4. Rani (Tardy)
Did I start and end on time? (Explain if no) Started and ended pretty much on time!
Did I keep the scheduled times for each segment? (Explain if no)
Did I spend approximately 5 minutes for application of the study?
I didnt pay attention to exactly how long I took for each section, but I think that my Bible application went a little long
and my covenant time and prayer time were shortened as a result. .
Did each member report on each of his goal? Everyone shared their goals and we will start reporting on them next
To what extent did I follow my plans for the meeting? (Explain if necessary) I tried to follow pretty closely what I had
intended to do in the meeting. I did change some things here and there, but overall it went good.
Evaluation of meeting (strong and weak points):
- I think I did too much talking this time. I want next week to be more interactive and more input from the girls. I dont
want it to be like a Sunday School class! Another weak point is that we had it outside and the mosquitos were annoying
the girls!

Small Group Meeting Planner

Date: __10-5-14_____

Small Group Leader: Courtney Goodrich

Opener (10 min)

What will my opener be?
-What has been your worst experience with food.
-What is the most difficult thing for you as a Christian.

Bible Study ()
I wanted to give the girls more time to talk instead of just listening to me today.
Covenant Time (15 min)
- Report on everyones goals.

Prayer/Share (forgot to set a time)

-Take request and have each person pray for one particular request.

Post-Meeting Summary
Attendance (Indicate if Tardy)
1. Anna
2. Diamond
3. Trista
4. Rani
Did I start and end on time? (Explain if no) Started about five minutes late because I was practicing for the
evening special. Ended on time.
Did I keep the scheduled times for each segment? (Explain if no)
Did I spend approximately 5 minutes for application of the study?
I didnt pay attention to exactly how long I took for each section, but I didnt have a Bible study portion this week. I
Did each member report on each of his goal? Everyone reported on their devotion goals and I encouraged some of
them to reevaluate their goals if they were too much and drop them down a little bit because I dont want them feeling defeated
every day. It would be better to up them later than to get discouraged early on.
To what extent did I follow my plans for the meeting? (Explain if necessary) I tried to follow pretty closely what I had
intended to do in the meeting. I did change my icebreaker to talking about fall since we were already talking about the coming
winter. The music also started a few minutes early for service so I just prayed a quick prayer before we went out to service. I also
allowed them to chat for a little bit at the start and then transitioned into our time together.
Evaluation of meeting (strong and weak points):
- We tried having our meeting in the nursery since outside didnt work well and the other classrooms were in use. The nursery
wasnt the best place because it is right beside the womens restroom and so we didnt have as much privacy there.
-I think it was a really great idea to let the girls talk about their most difficult thing as a Christian. It gave me insight into what the
girls are facing right now so I can better pray for them and help them.

Small Group Meeting Planner

Date: __10-12-14_____

Small Group Leader: Courtney Goodrich

Opener (5 min)
What will my opener be?
-What has been your worst experience with food.
-How is someone tempted? James 1:13-14

Bible Study (10 min)

- Is it a sin to have a desire to do something that is wrong? Hebrews 4:15
-Who likes to bring temptation to us? Matt 4:1-11
-When does temptation become sin? James 1:15
-When does sin make us backslide? James 1:15
Why is it important to resist temptation?
What should we do if we yield to temptation? I John 1:5-2:2
We overcome by practicing things that keep temtpation from leading into sin. Psalms 119:9,11; Matt 4:1-11; James 4:7, 2 Tim
2:22, Ephesians 6

Covenant Time (10 min)

-What is a specific temptation you are faced with frequently?
-How will God help you to escape?
-What goal are you going to set?
-Report on everyones goals.

Prayer/Share (3 min)
-Pray for each others areas of temptation this week.

Post-Meeting Summary
Attendance (Indicate if Tardy)
1. Anna
2. Diamond
3. Trista
4. Rani
5. Katie
Did I start and end on time? (Explain if no) Started about eight minutes late because I didnt get to church on time.
We were closing in prayer when we heard the prelude music.
Did I keep the scheduled times for each segment? (Explain if no)
Did I spend approximately 5 minutes for application of the study?
I didnt pay attention to exactly how long I took for each section, but it helps me to know when each section should be
completed by. We probably spent a couple of minutes on the application section.
Did each member report on each of his goal? Everyone reported on their devotion goals except for our newest
member who hasnt set goals yet. I encouraged some of them to reset their goals because they werent meeting them. I realized
afterwards that I need to be a little bit more pointed in my questioning so they dont get away with vague answers. And I dont
them everyone reported on all areas of their goals.
To what extent did I follow my plans for the meeting? (Explain if necessary) I tried to follow pretty closely what I had
intended to do in the meeting. I did do without the icebreaker since we got started late.
Evaluation of meeting (strong and weak points):
- We switched locations again for our meeting and it was okay, but we still had a few distractions. :-( I think that God led me to
the topic for this week, and I intend to continue it next week and allow the girls more time for discussion.

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