Fresh Concrete Some Can Be Diverted To Others Sites Within The Lifespan Period But If It Exceeds Its Lifespan

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fresh concrete some can be diverted to others sites within the lifespan period

but if it exceeds its lifespan, the concrete is dumped and defined as solid waste for
particular concrete plant. Hanson truck driver is not allowed to dump concrete
outside our boundary and bound with our company policy which doesnt allow selling
excessive concrete.
This solid waste will be transferred to landfills or dumping area using disposal
truck for a proper disposal of concrete waste. Issue arose when, landfill becomes
limited and waste disposal cost increases while contributing a large margin on
disposal cost for each plant. Thus for these reason, a proper method of concrete
recycling need to be considered in order to utilize the raw material with maximum
recovery and minimum wastage.

Our concrete plant often facing some crucial problem which are limited space
for concrete waste storage with increasing cost on disposal which influencing the
profit and loss of a concrete plant. Various measures is taken by plant managers
such as diverting returned or reject fresh concrete to other sites, casting concrete
blocks for plant use or quarry, using for plant remedial works and adjustment for
minimum grade supply such as G40 to G10 in order to minimize plant wastage for
aging concrete.

This alternative is very minimal as it requires a consult from Quality Control

and Plant Managers decision on taking risk. Our concrete plant receives very high
amount of returned concrete from site which varies from 1m to 50m depending on
plant production. This returned concrete is then dumped in our dry pit or on hard
surface for it to be hardened or inert before scheduled disposal by plant. This
wastage concrete requires continuous care from plant staff for it to be disposed from
manpower (loader operator), fuel (loader), loader wear & tear (loader maintenance),
case machine (special cases) to arrangement of disposal truck (trip/hourly based
rates). This much unreturned plant resources are being wasted in order to maintain
and dispose a concrete waste which at the end contributing to an increase on plant
running cost.

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