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Topic: Islamic Architecture

-Yasaanth Kirishnamoorthy


Do you think the mosque follows all the 7 principles of Islam in the spaces and










A: I think it follows all the principles. The mosque describes Allah in every form
through all the rooms and spaces. So the Principles of Islam is followed even through
big spaces, which makes me feel like I am smaller than god.
What are most significant spaces in the mosque?
A: The prayer hall is the significant space in the mosque, i would say is the first floor
level praying space (not inside the prayer hall, but outside) which allowing natural
lighting giving the space a very spiritual sense.
Why is it significant than other spaces? (responding to Q2)
A: Its significant than other space due to its spatial vastness with natural sunlight
while praying to Allah.
What is your view on the design of this mosque?
A: My view of the design is very intimate and beautiful. The patterns and the feeling
of the prayer space is very nice. The additional prayer space which has skylight,
makes us to feel the presence of Allah. It makes one person feels alone and creating
almost like this direct connection between man and god.
Do you think it has any strong influence on Islamic history with some western
A: Yes. The old Islamic mosques are more traditional, this mosque is very modern.
Whats your perception about Proportionality and scale in the mosque? How
does it relate to the people coming to the mosque?
A: Very large in scale. Not as large as other grand mosques. But enough to make
you feel small.
What do you think about the dome and the prayer space of the mosque?
A: the dome is exceptionally beautiful. The lighting, blue-ish, and soulful. Just
Do you think the dome has its spiritual importance to the mosque?
A: Spiritual importance, through its feeling of allah above everyone and equalizes the
whole prayer hall making every person feel of the same i. Terms of status or profile.
How do you think the mosque helps surrounding community?
A: The mosque creates a landmark, strengthen the islamic believes of the people as
malaysia is an islamic country. Also helps people in having a place for prayers. Some
people can even rest or sleep in the mosque. One can find peace. Brings people
How do the environment of surrounding community and the people in the
mosque conserve the condition of the mosque?
A: By respecting the environment of god . Keeping the surrounding clean. No
vandalism. No noise pollution.

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