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Regional Institutes Intensive Design Sprint based on UW-Chicago model

General Description
Intensive 3-day experience (Design Sprint) leveraging the specific approach TPSD Design co-developed in partnership with
The University of Washington College of Education, TFA-Chicago, and TPT. Appropriate for any region that is exploring,
starting, or continuing a Regional Institute and wants to use this specific teacher training approach and/or learn how to
partner with an external organization to develop your pre-service program. This service is suitable for either exploratory
regions or execution regions.
Comparison to FY15
Moved from non-discretionary menu
Budget Basis
Level 0: Opt
This opportunity is only available as described in Level 1. Access FY15
$0 Per region
out / Baseline resources here; FY16 materials will be available in the new fiscal year along
with a website describing the 2014 regional institute pilot in Chicago and its
Summer 2015 adaptation within a national Institute context.
Level 1:
For 2.5 consecutive days between September-May, a small group of people
Per region
Participate in from TPSD Design will come to your region to work side-by-side in ways that
might include:
Co-constructing or updating a high-level vision with actionable next
Co-constructing or updating a plan to engage external partners in
your Regional Institute work, AND/OR
Positioning exploratory regions with fodder and next steps for their
decision process.
Opting into this service includes one virtual pre-meeting (2-hrs), a 2 -day in
person visit to the region, and 1 follow-up consultative conversation
(individual to region & virtual) during the year (60-min each).
We highly recommend anyone opting into this design sprint also opt into TPSD-07g: Institute Innovation Learning visit
(summer 2015), and consider also attending the spring 2015 staff training visit, especially if your team did NOT attend the
learning visit to the Chicago Regional Pilot in the summer of 2014.
Implications of Opting Out
Decentralized Costs Your Region Should Budget for if You Opt Into this Menu Support
The design sprint itself does not include any decentralized costs. However, if you participate in either of the highly
recommended institute innovation learning visits (TPSD-07g and TPSD-07h), there will be additional decentralized costs.
Scott Painter

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