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Task A

How did the cold war affect Latin America? Why did the United States get involved?
Depending on a nation being democratic or communist in Latin America depended on that nations ally
being Russia or USA. Whether or not A Latin American nation is communist or democratic, Latin America
still holds a ruthless and violent government.
What is the difference between left and right wing? And why is it confusing?
Left and right wings refer to people with opposing political views. The left wing holds liberals which
means people being a part of the government. The right wing holds the conservatives. This means fewer
people making the decisions.
Why did the United States get involved in Cuba?
The U.S was greatly involved in the economy there. The U.S controlled the sugar products. Castro was a
communist so he immediately became U.Ss enemy.
Whats a banana republic?
A banana republic is a government that barely holds any power.
How did the CIA get involved in Guatemala?
The U.S got involved when Jacobo Gunzman enacted land reforms. The CIA overthrew him in 1954
What is the other infamous September 11th?
Augusto Pinochet overthrew Salvador Allende in 1973. But under the rule of Pinochet, many people died
and suffered.
Who were the disappeared in Argentina?
These were people who were taken out of their homes and killed because they opposed government
rule. This was under the rule of Peron.
Why was it controversial when the United States intervened in Nicaragua?
It was controversial because we secretly shipped weapons over to the Contras even though we could
not support them any longer. The contras is an organization that is against communism.
What violence occurred in Brazil and El Salvador?
Civil war started in El Salvador in 1979 between the left and right wing. In the end, 75000 people died.
If Democracy is a goal of the L.A nations, what does a nation have to have in order to achieve this
A democracy is a government by the people and is a form of government in which the supreme power is
vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral
system. If the nations in Latin America wish to be democratic, everyone must have a say in government.
Also, every person living in a Latin American nation must have their own human rights and voting laws.

A democracy also needs federalism, separation of powers and judicial independence. If a nation in Latin
America wishes to be democratic, they must follow these democratic rules and guidelines.

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