Career Path

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My name is Kyra Grace Shalikashvili.

I was born in Falls Church, Virginia on August 28, 1997

to parents Tracey and David Shalikashvili. At the time, my dad was a helicopter pilot for the United
States Navy, but he left the navy while I was a toddler to spend more time with the family. In 2000, just
months after my sister Katerina was born, we moved to Lawrenceville, Georgia, where we would spend
the next ten years of our lives and welcome my youngest sister, Alexandra, to the family. Being the
eldest sibling has shaped much of my personality; I am detail-oriented, I follow rules, I often find
myself in a position of leadership, and I value time alone. I had the privilege of attending some of the
best public elementary and middle schools in the state of Georgia and never had a bad teacher during
primary school, so I loved to learn and was constantly encouraged to expand my academic horizons.
Moving to Clarkesville, Georgia in 2010 was a big step for my family, but on that I have yet to regret. I
finished middle school and entered high school in Habersham County, where I have learned the value
of community and the importance of friendship.
My parents have probably been the most influential people in my life. They have raised me to
be the young woman I am today and I am so grateful for them. They are some of my best friends; I can
go to them with anything and know that they will support me, love me, and challenge me no matter
what. Aside from family, I have had several teachers,coaches, friends, and church leaders who have
influenced me in some way, but one who stands out is my teammate Chaselin. She is one of my
favorite people, and I have utmost respect and admiration for her. In tenth grade, when we first played
on the same team, neither of us liked the other but eventually got past that since we knew we would be
playing together for several more years. As we continued playing volleyball together, I was in awe of
Chaselin's work ethic and ability to sacrifice herself for the team. I have never seen her give less that
100 percent, but I often see her give more. From watching her, I learned how to value every moment I
get to spend doing what I love, and to put my heart into what I do. I learned how to respect someone
even if I do not necessarily like them, and know that only good will come out of respect. I learned that
the most valuable friendships are not those that are instant and easy and based off of compatibility, but
those that are earned and are based off of esteem and admiration.
Although I spent most of my childhood in Gwinnett county, the time I have spent in Habersham
has been so important to me. There is something very special about living in a small town and only
having one high school in the county; everybody knows each other and has a unique bond. Local
businesses paint their windows in Raider colors, high school sporting events are a primary
entertainment, and when something happens, the entire community rallies together to support whoever
is injured or hurting or struggling. Sometimes it is easy to laugh at our little country town, but I know
that when I leave home, there is so much here that I will miss.

The most important event in my life was my decision to follow Christ. Although I grew up in a
Christian home, I knew early on that that was a choice I had to make for myself. Over the years, my
faith has grown and developed. I hope to make God my first priority and trust that everything else will
follow. My faith has shaped who I am today. It influences how I see relationships, how I spend my
time, how I speak, and how I react. Another important event in my life was the day my parents
convinced me, despite my nervousness, to go to a club volleyball practice and see if that was something
I wanted to do. Although I had played recreational volleyball the previous spring when I was 13 and
intended to do so again, I would never have made the Lady Raider JV team if I had stuck with that
plan. I attended that practice and decided to play club ball, and never looked back. Having been cut
from the school team as a freshman, I tried out again as a sophomore and made JV, and as a junior and
senior I was a Varsity starter. This will be my fourth year playing club volleyball. If I had not attended
that initial club practice, I would not have continued volleyball. I would not know the value of a team. I
would not see so many different perspectives of the high school stereotype system. I would not have
met Chaselin, who I talked about earlier, or so many of the other girls who have changed my life. I
would be an entirely different person.
Obviously, I love volleyball, but I have other hobbies that have been around for longer and will
still be there when I cannot play anymore. I have always loved to read. I could go on forever about my
favorite books: Little Women, Anne of Green Gables, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Pride and
Prejudice, Les Miserables, Mark of the Lion, The Chronicles of Narnia... I. Love. Books. I believe that
the books I have read have taught me more than any class I have ever taken. They lie scattered about
my room, some barely held together with tape, some in pristine condition with gilded pages and ribbon
bookmarks. They are my worst distractions and my best friends. I also love art. As a little girl, I could
sit for hours with a piece of paper and some colored pencils. In ninth grade, I bought a sketchbook and
began doodling in earnest. As a current AP Studio Art student, I love to try new mediums and subjects
and see what I can do. I am fascinated by people and our wide range of colors, emotions, body types,
and expressions. I am inspired by my grandmother, who took up art around the time I was born and has
since become an incredibly talented painter with the beginnings of a successful art business! I hope to
continue art as a hobby throughout college and after.
I am a straight A student, an artist, a varsity athlete. I am a drama geek, a former chorus nerd,
an ex-ballerina. I am analytical and good at math, and I love to read. I love God and I love to serve
people. I somehow am fearless talking to large groups but have mind blanks when I try to have
meaningful conversations. I stand in the Friday night lights for the football team AND the band. My
interests are versatile and balanced, something I hope to use in my future career. I want to go to a

school where I can continue to develop both sides of my brain so that, in whatever career I chose, I will
be as effective as possible.

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