Professional Knowledge

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Artifact Reflection Health and Human Performance Portfolio

University of Wisconsin- Platteville

Title of Experience/Artifact: Level 1 internship clients

Date Experience Completed: January - May, 2014

Educational experience/artifact:

As a level 1 intern with the Health and Human Performance Department of the University of WisconsinPlatteville, I was in charge of meeting with two clients for two hours a week apiece to help them reach
their goals and develop a healthier lifestyle.

UW-Platteville Health and Human Performance Standard Alignment

Professional Knowledge was met during this experience. Professional Knowledge is defined as the
health promoter understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of health promotion
and creates learning experiences that make specific aspects of health promotion meaningful to the
In my case I demonstrated professional knowledge with my two clients and created meaningful
learning experiences for them.

I demonstrated professional knowledge by using a questionnaire to determine the clients goals and
then developed a program to develop them towards those goals. My program involves a beginning,
middle, and end assessment that way I was able to change the program if necessary. The program for
both clients included aerobic, resistance, flexibility, endurance, and plyometric training. I demonstrated
professional knowledge in all of these areas by demonstrating proper technique to the clients and
educating them on the health benefits of each.
KSD1.b. Demonstrate Knowledge of Clients. The candidate displays knowledge of the typical
development characteristics, learning styles, skills, interests, developmental backgrounds, and cultural
heritages of clients and is always aware of the broad ranges and variety present for each of these client
characteristics and lifestyles. I have demonstrated knowledge of my clients throughout the program by
catering the program to help them reach their goals while still keeping them interested and motivated.
Also, I have been able to keep the program within the range of physical development appropriate to
each client.

What I learned:

As a result of this activity, I learned that it is very important to individualize programs to the client. I also
learned that professional knowledge of what I am trying to teach my clients is necessary to ensure they
reach their full potential physically and in their understanding of the content.

What I learned about myself:

I learned that as a prospective Health Promotion Specialist that professional knowledge is needed to
keep up to date with the latest findings. This is done through continuing education. My clients have
presented many questions throughout our time and I have needed to conduct research to find the
answer. I have also learned that I wish to pursue personal training as a career once I graduate. I enjoy
the challenge each new client presents and I like working with people to help them reach their goals.


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