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Unit: Exploring music, cultural, and

artists of the 1920s

Grade: Sixth
Class: General Music

Mrs. LeNoir

UNIT: Exploring music, cultural, and artists of the 1920s

Unit Concepts:
1920s music
Listen and analyze music from the
genres: jazz, blues, and (folk is
1920s culture
city life
impact culture had on jazz music of
the 1920s
1920s fashion
1920s historical events
immigration comes to a halt
southern folks migrate north for jobs
women gained the right to vote
stock market crashed
1920 inventions
gramophone/records/record player

Unit Objectives:
Student will be able to:
listen and analyze music from the
evaluate a song from the 1920s using
music terminology.
explain the link between music, culture,
and historical events .
explain and demonstrate scat
discuss, identify, and explain the
impact of musical inventions of the

Created by: Mrs. Danielle LeNoir

Unit Music Standards and Grade Level Expectations

VI. Students will listen to, analyze, and describe music.

GLE: 6.7 Identify the elements of music within a musical composition.

VII. Students will evaluate music and music performances.

GLE: 7.1 Express personal preferences for specific musical styles.

GLE: 7.3 Explain personal music preferences using appropriate terminology.

IX. Students will understand music in relation to history and culture.

GLE: 9.3 Describe how elements of music are used in various historical periods, cultures, genres, and styles.

GLE 9.4 Identify sources of American music genres; trace the evolution of those genres and well-known musicians associated with them.

GLE 9.5 Classify and describe distinguishing characteristics of representative music genres and styles from various cultures and historical periods.



Process Component: GMS-Analyze - Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their implications for performance

Anchor Standard: Select, analyze and interpret artistic work for presentation.

MU:Pr4.2.6c.Identify how cultural and historical context inform performances.


Process Component: GMS-Select - Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or context.

Anchor Standard: Perceive and analyze artistic work.

MU:Re7.1.6a Select or choose music to listen to and explain the connections to specific interests or experiences for a specific purpose.

Process Component: GMS-Analyze - Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the response.

Anchor Standard: Perceive and analyze artistic work.

MU:Re7.2.6b. Identify the context of music from a variety of genres, cultures, and historical periods.

Process Component: GMS-Interpret - Support interpretations of musical works that reflect creators/performers expressive intent.

Anchor Standard: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work

MU:Re8.1.6aDescribe a personal interpretation of how creators and performers application of the elements of music and expressive qualities, within genres and cultural and
historical context, convey expressive intent.

Process Component: GMS-Evaluate - Support evaluations of musical works and performances based on analysis, interpretation, and established criteria.

Anchor Standard: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.

MU:Re9.1.6Apply teacher-provided criteria to evaluate musical works or performances


Process Component: GMS-Connect #11- Relate musical ideas and works with varied context to deepen understanding.

Anchor Standard: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical context to deepen understanding.

MU:Cn11.0.6a Demonstrate understanding of relationships between music and the other arts, other disciplines, varied contexts, and daily life.

Unit Music Essential Question

In what ways did historical

events, inventions, and
cultural changes influence
music of the 1920s?

1920s DAY 1 Agenda

Student need: their folder, pencil, and a piece of paper.
WARM UP: In your learning log, students will write

and answer the following question: What do you

already know about the 1920s?
Students will:
write and answer the following question: What do you already

know about the 1920s? (activating strategy).

learn about 1920s music, culture, and artists (instructional
activity) .
view 1920s video clips and take notes (instructional activity).
discuss 1920s music, historical events, fashion, artists of the
time, and fashion (instructional activity).
answer the following essential question: How would you
describe the 1920s? (summarizing strategy).

1920s DAY 1 Think-Write-Pair Share

Activating Strategy
Direction #1: In your learning log,
students will write and answer the
following question using complete
sentences: What do you already know
about the 1920s?
Direction #2: Students will discuss
what they know about the 1920s with
their table partner.

1920s DAY 1 Essential Question


would you describe

the 1920s?

Womens Fashion of the 1920s

Mens Fashion of the 1920s

1920 Day 1: Instructional Activity: Video Clips

Direction #1: Students are asked to write
down and answer the following question
their learning log: What did you learn about
the 1920s?
Direction #2: Students will use the
knowledge gained from watching the video
to answer the question: What did you learn
about the 1920s?

DAY 1 Summarizing Strategy

Directions: In your learning log, students
will write and answer the following
question using complete sentences:
How would you describe the 1920s?

Students will need:

Your folder, writing utensil, and a piece of
On your paper, please put your name period
date in the upper right hand corner
Students will:
Learn about music, culture, and artists of the
Review EQ: How has completing the Singing
the Blues crossword puzzle made you more
knowledgeable about the 1920s?
Complete the Singing the Blues Worksheet
(Instructional Activity)
Discuss music, historical events, fashion, and
artists of the time, and fashion. (Summarizing)


has completing the

Singing the Blues
crossword puzzle made
you more knowledgeable
about the 1920s?

1920s DAY 2 Agenda

Student need: their folder, pencil, 1920s notes from yesterday, and
a piece of paper.
Warm-Up: Students will discuss the following question with their table
partner: discuss the following question with their table partner: What is
one fact you learned about the 1920s from yesterdays class?

Students will: .
discuss the following question with their table partner: What is one fact you

learned about the 1920s from yesterdays class? (activating strategy).

review EQ: How are historical events and inventions of the time influential to
music of the 1920s? (instructional activity).
view 1920s video clips and take notes (instructional activity).
read and take notes 1920s Music Alive Oct. 2007 article (instructional
participate in listening activities (instructional activity).
discuss with their table partner three facts they learned from the 1920s Music
Alive Article.. (pair-share: summarizing strategy.)

DAY 2 Pair-Share Activating Strategy

Directions: Students will discuss
the following question with their table
partner: discuss the following
question with their table partner:
What is one fact you learned
about the 1920s from yesterdays

1920s DAY 2 Essential Question

How are historical

events and inventions
of the time influential
to music of the 1920s?

1920 Day 2: Instructional Activity: Video Clips

Direction #1: Students are asked to write
down and answer the following question
their learning log: What did you learn about
the 1920s?
Direction #2: Students will use the
knowledge gained from watching the video
to answer the question: What did you learn
about the 1920s?

1920s Day 2: Pair-Reading Instructional Activity


Students will pair-read, discuss the article,

and take notes on the who or what is important in each
paragraph. Students need to write down at least two
important facts from each paragraph you would test your
students on.

Students will
pair-read paragraph 1 with their table partner.

write down any unfamiliar words they encounter in the

answer the following questions in their notes:


is an historical event that takes

place during the 1920s?
What was the 1920s referred to?
Who were the Flappers?

Day 2: Pair-Share Summarizing Strategy

Directions: Students will discuss with

their table partner three facts they
learned from the 1920s Music Alive

1920s DAY 3 Agenda

Student need: their folder, pencil, 1920s notes from yesterday, and a
piece of paper.
Warm-Up: Students will discuss the following question with their table
partner: discuss the following question with their table partner: How are
historical events and inventions of the time influential to music of the 1920s?
Students will:
discuss the following question with their table partner: How are historical
events and inventions of the time period influential to music of the 1920s?
(activating strategy).
review EQ: What genres and musical artists were popular during1920s?
(instructional activity).
read and take notes 1920s Music Alive Oct. 2007 article (instructional
participate in listening activities (instructional activity).
discuss with their table partner three facts they learned from the 1920s
Music Alive Article.. (pair-share: summarizing strategy.)

1920s DAY 3 Essential Question

What genres and musical artists

were popular during1920s?

1920s Day 3: Pair-Reading Instructional Activity

Directions: Students will pair-read, discuss the article, and take

notes on the who or what is important in each paragraph. Students
need to write down at least two important facts from each paragraph
you would test your students on.

Students will

pair-read Radio and Records page 1 to the end of the

Jazz Age section with their table partner.
write down any unfamiliar words they encounter in
the article.
answer the following questions in their notes:

Who invented the record player and when?

Who invented the wireless radio and how did it impact the
way music was heard?
Who is George Gershwin?
What Style of singing is Duke Ellington famous for?
Who was a popular woman singer of the 1920s?

DAY 3 Pair-Share Activating Strategy

Directions: Students will discuss
the following question with their table
partner: discuss the following
question with their table partner:
How are historical events and
inventions of the time period
influential to music of the

1920s Notes a

1920 Music Inventors

1887 `Emile Berliner invents the

Gramophone and Records


Marconi: invented wireless Radio

Technology-THE RADIO


and Radios allowed music to be

heard by all

Day 3 Instructional Activity

Records in comparison to todays


Show students record player and a

Records are a new technology of the
Impact of records- more exposure to
Relate back to hand written books to
the printing press-same kind of thing

1920s Notes B

Music and Artists of the Time

Music of the time period: JAZZ,
George Gershwin NY JAZZ pianist/
composer wrote for Broadway
Duke Ellington:
was from Washington DC but his music
was influenced by the Deep South

1920s Notes C
Music and Artists of the Time

Louis Armstrong
was a New Orleans trumpeter/vocalist/composer
he is known for his scatting skill.
Mamie(Bessie) Smith: female Blues artist also
know for scatting.
Scat Singing : improvising without words just
syllables style of singing

Day 3 Listening Instructional Activity

Mamie (Bessie) Smith Crazy Blue

Which instruments do you hear throughout
the accompaniment?
How do you think the sound quality of this
old recording affects your perception of the

1920s Notes d

Record: was a flat vinyl disc inscribed

with spiral groove
Radio: (1924) is a machine
that receives wireless sound waves
the first radios were called telegraphs
radio was used to relay information and
expose people to music

Historical Events

1920 Women gained the right to vote

1929 stock market crash-but music never

DAY 3 Learning Log Summarizing Activity

Directions: In your learning write

and answer the following question
using complete sentences:

What genres and musical

artists were popular

1920s DAY 4 Agenda

Student need: their folder, pencil, 1920s notes.

Warm-Up: In your learning logs, students will write and
answer the following question using complete sentences:
How will you create an illustration that will express your
understanding of 1920s music, culture, and artists?
Students will:
write and answer the following question using complete sentences: How will
you create an illustration that will express your understanding of 1920s
music, culture, and artists?(activating strategy).
review EQ: How were you able to express your understanding of 1920s
music, culture, and artists of the through your illustration? (instructional
read and take notes 1920s Music Alive Oct. 2007 article (instructional
participate in listening activities (instructional activity).
review and create a 1920s advertisement pair-share: (summarizing

DAY 4 Pair-Share Activating Strategy

Directions: In your learning logs,
students will write and answer
the following question using
complete sentences:
How will you create an
illustration that will express your
understanding of 1920s music,
culture, and artists?

1920s Day 4: Pair-Reading Instructional Activity

Directions: Students will pair-read, discuss the article,
and take notes on the who or what is important in each
paragraph. Students need to write down at least two
important facts from each paragraph you would test your
students on.
Students will
pair-read the last section Ups and Down page 2 with
their table partner.
write down any unfamiliar words they encounter in the
answer the following questions in their notes:
What major event took place during 1929?
How did this event impact the 1930?

1920s DAY 4 Essential Question

How were you able to

express your understanding
of 1920s music, culture, and
artists through your

Directions: In your learning logs,

students will write and answer
the following question using
complete sentences:
What is your 1920s advertisement
project going to look like and
what graphics are your going to


Grading Rubric

EXTENTION: 1920s Illustration Grading Rubric

Title The Roaring 20s

Musical Genre

Musical Artists

Historical Event

Musical Inventions


the Standards

Approaching the

the Standards

Students created a colorful

illustration that included
The Roaring 20s title.
Student created a colorful
illustration that fully
represented two musical
genres from the 1920s.
Student created a colorful
illustration that fully
represented two musical
artists or groups from the
Student created a colorful
illustration that fully
represented two historical
evets from the 1920s.

Students created an
illustration that included
The Roaring 20s title.
Student created an
illustration that fully
represented a musical
genre from the 1920s.
Student created an
illustration that fully
represented an musical
artist or group from the
Student created an
illustration that fully
represented a historical
event from the 1920s.

Students included an
illustration that included an
incomplete title.
Student created an
illustration that did not
represent a musical genre
from the 1920s.
Student created an
illustration that did not
represent an artist or
group from the 1920s.

Student did not include

The Roaring 20sTitle

Student created an
illustration that did not
represent a historical
event from the 1920s.

Student did not create a

historical event illustration.

Student created a colorful

illustration that fully
represented two musical
inventions during the

Student created an
illustration that fully
represented a musical
inventions during the

Student created an
illustration that did not
represent a musical
inventions during the

Student did not create

musical inventions

Student did not create a

musical genre illustration.

Student did not create a

music artist illustration.

Summarizing Activity

Students will create a colorful

1920s advertisement/billboard that
The Roaring 1920s
two musical genres
two musical inventions
two 1920s musical artists
two historical facts about 1920s

1920s DAY 5 Agenda

Student need: their folder, pencil, 1920s notes.

Warm-Up: In your learning logs, students will write
and answer the following question using complete
sentences: What is your 1920s advertisement
project going to look like and what graphics are
you going to include?
Students will:
write and answer the following question using complete
sentences: What is your 1920s advertisement project going
to look like and what graphics are you going to include?
(activating strategy).
review 1920s advertisement requirements (instructional
finish their 1920s advertisement: (summarizing strategy.)

DAY 5 Think-Write-Share Activating Strategy

Directions: In your learning logs,

students will write and answer
the following question using
complete sentences:
What is your 1920s advertisement
project going to look like and
what graphics are your going to


Grading Rubric

EXTENTION: 1920s Illustration Grading Rubric

Title The Roaring 20s

Musical Genre

Musical Artists

Historical Event

Musical Inventions


the Standards

Approaching the

the Standards

Students created a colorful

illustration that included
The Roaring 20s title.
Student created a colorful
illustration that fully
represented two musical
genres from the 1920s.
Student created a colorful
illustration that fully
represented two musical
artists or groups from the
Student created a colorful
illustration that fully
represented two historical
evets from the 1920s.

Students created an
illustration that included
The Roaring 20s title.
Student created an
illustration that fully
represented a musical
genre from the 1920s.
Student created an
illustration that fully
represented an musical
artist or group from the
Student created an
illustration that fully
represented a historical
event from the 1920s.

Students included an
illustration that included an
incomplete title.
Student created an
illustration that did not
represent a musical genre
from the 1920s.
Student created an
illustration that did not
represent an artist or
group from the 1920s.

Student did not include

The Roaring 20sTitle

Student created an
illustration that did not
represent a historical
event from the 1920s.

Student did not create a

historical event illustration.

Student created a colorful

illustration that fully
represented two musical
inventions during the

Student created an
illustration that fully
represented a musical
inventions during the

Student created an
illustration that did not
represent a musical
inventions during the

Student did not create

musical inventions

Student did not create a

musical genre illustration.

Student did not create a

music artist illustration.

Summarizing Activity

Students will create a colorful

1920s advertisement/billboard that
The Roaring 1920s
two musical genres
two musical inventions
two 1920s musical artists
two historical facts about 1920s

Jelly Roll Morton:

Shreveport Stomps
Which instruments do you hear?
Is the tempo steady or changing?
Does this piece sound optimistic
(hopeful) or pessimistic (doubtful)?

Duke Ellington: Prelude to a

Which instrument is featured?
Do the instruments blend and play together
or do they compete for the spotlight and
contrast with one another?

Musical Selections: How you heard any of

these songs before, if so, in what?
Im Sitting On Top of the World
Indigo Mood
Rhapsody in Blue
Aint We Got Fun
What a Wonderful World

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