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Name: Megan Woolford

Lesson Plan
Target Age Group: 4-6 years old
Theme: Christmas
Title of Activity: Thumb Print Reindeer!
Curricular Area: Art Table
Date to Use Activity: December 17th 2014
Developmental Goals
Fine Motor Skills - Using
their small muscles to push
and roll their thumbs in ink
they will also print their
thumbs onto a piece of paper.
Intellectual - The children will
use their thought process on
how their thumb prints will
look like a reindeer with
connecting sticks.

Learning Objectives
Using an ink pad the student
will learn and think about how
their thumb prints and
drawing skills can adapt to
look like reindeer.

Materials Required
Ink Pad
Brown Marker
White Paper
Small Red Pom Pom

"Let's go make a reindeer!"

1. Gather materials needed
2. Gather students in groups and help demostrate what we are doing
3. Help each student with stamping their thumb
4. Also show them an example of the reindeer
5. Attach the two thumb prints and attach the red pom pom as the nose

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