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Township of Georgian Bluffs and Township of Chatsworth

BioGRID Joint Board Agenda

Friday, December 19 2014, 8:00 AM
1. Call to Order
2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof:
3. Minutes of Previous Meeting July 14, 2014
That the Joint Board minutes of July 14, 2014 be adopted as presented.
Resolution (Verbal)
4. Hearing of Delegations or Deputations
1) Rick Chappell Ministry of the Environment
5. Correspondence
1) Veolia 2014 June to November, 2014 Wastewater reports
2) MOE Hauled Sewage Disposal Sites
6. Reports and Recommendations:
1) Action Items Report
2) Replacement Netting
3) Engineering Fees and Site Operational Review by WSP
1) Revenue and Expense reports year-to-date
2) 2014 Financial Impacts
3) Capital Life Expectancy Budgeting Schedule
4) 2014 Draft Budget
7. Public Question Period:
8. In Camera Session:
9. Accounts:
Approval of accounts for the period of July 10, 2014 to December 16, 2014.

10. Unfinished Business:

1) Georgian Bluffs draft By-Law to regulate the collection and disposal of septic
2) Aeration Electrical Supply Quote
11. New Business:
12. Adjournment:

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