Developing World Assignment

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Developing World Assignment

Assignment You are to research one of the countries in the Low Human Development category of the HDI
(Human Development Report) and prepare a brief 2-3 page report. This assignment is due on Friday, January
9th. The goal of this project is to better understand the developing countries that we have been discussing
and make recommendations on how to help.
Specific Components of your assignment:



Basic facts about your country. Include a map, its current head of state, its type of government, its
top 3 imports and exports, its GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
Population Study:
a. Include a recent population pyramid and explain the make-up of its population in your own
words. What stage in the DTM is it? What is likely to happen to its population in the future?
b. Does it have a high birth rate and death rate? High infant mortality? What is the populations
approximate doubling time? What is the life expectancy?
c. What is the countrys dependency ration & what does it say about the countrys needs?
Living Standards & Recommendations:
a. Write a one page (single-spaced 500 words) brief on what life is like for people in your
country and your recommendations for improving its HDI ranking.
i. Include women and children! Is AIDS affecting the population? Are there
environmental issues? Are there drug or war problems?
ii. What kind of aid would you support? Which significant organizations are involved?
Explain specifically where money should be spent and why it will make a difference.
*Make sure this part shows a clear and deep understanding of the underlying causes
of the countrys problems and how your investments will help solve them.*
Citations and Bibliography
Throughout your project you must accurately cite your sources of information. You must include
a properly formatted bibliography utilizing Chicago style citations. 3 Sources required.

An excellent CIDA brief:

Research & Facts
Completely and accurately details the relevant aspects of your
It includes an effective summary that helps the audience easily
understand the problems facing this country. The recommendations
for how your money will be spent are detailed and clear. They
thoughtfully justify your spending priorities showing how your plans
will make a meaningful, long-term difference in the lives of your
countrys people.
The brief is written clearly and correctly in your own words and uses
appropriate citations to credit your sources.




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