The Secret of Light Newsletter - February 2013

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February 2013

Greetings to all:
We are pleased to issue our 6th newsletter from the SOL
(The Secret of Light).
*If you wish to no longer receive emails from the SOL, please reply with UNSUBSCRIBE.*

"It (Science) is, at long last, realizing that the action

universe of motion must have a fulcrum which does not move.
This will lead to the placing of energy in the fulcrum Source of
this universal mirage of motion instead of in the mirageextension where Science now places it. When that day comes,
science will first question the universal vacuum for CAUSE
rather than search within effect for cause. When this
transformation takes place in man's thinking science will have
leaped ahead one thousand years in that day."
~ Dr. Walter and Lao Russell - from "Atomic Suicide?."

We would like to take this opportunity to update everyone

on the technical progress concerning the new Secret Of Light
website currently being designed by our Russellian Webmaster,
Mike Connors. Mike is leading the redesign effort and
streamlining the sites usability across many different OS
platforms as well as integrating a more user friendly interactive
video and overall experience. We intend to create a new forum
as we have permanently closed the existing forum due to many
dysfunctional aspects that made it unusable and defunct.

The new forum will feature two sections, beginner and

advanced. The beginner members section will cover all basic
aspects of Russellian Science and Philosophy, and the
advanced members section will serve to bring together like
minds to further the scientific research that was begun by Walter
and Lao Russell in the early 1960s, as they worked in
conjunction with NORAD, developing the Russell Optical
Dynamo Generator and coil research. These advanced students
and researchers desire to further by demonstration, the
principles which are the basis of this Cosmology and research
associated with it, in order to bring about a true Free Energy
Device as well as improved coil designs based on Natures
Principles. We will appoint moderators to help in the beginners
forum for assisting with basic questions and discrepancies
often encountered when undertaking the process of unlearning
the sense-based misconceptions which current scientific
models repeatedly demonstrate. We understand the difficulty
that unlearning brings with it, and so the beginners section will
assist in this regard.
A recent letter went out to a Quantum Physicist who
inquired as to Russellian Sciences compatibility with
mainstream academic physics which we thought would be of
help to you when attempting to understand the kinds of
inconsistencies which differentiate Russellian Science from
mainstream academic science and why the two cannot marry as
Russells cosmology is based on Nature and Natural Law, and
academic cosmology is based on the illusions of Mankinds
After taking some time and reviewing the links you sent, there are
grave differences between the models of Dr. Walter Russell and the
data assembled within the links you provided. Dr. Russell saw the
Universe in a way that mainstream academic science has not yet
recognized--this being the awareness of stillness from which all
matter springs from and returns to, which is fundamental in
Russellian Science.

These points of Still Magnetic Light in space are locatable by the

electric motions which move around the gravity shafts extended from
Current quantum physics models do not account for stillness as the
fulcrum of motion, which unfortunately puts the scientists some many
years away from discovering the reality of the Cause of electric
motions in this 3D cosmic light cinema universe. As there are no
instruments which can detect stillness or silence, except for the Mind
itself, this, unfortunately hinders the progress of civilization in many
Russellian science and materialist science cannot be married due to
the many misconceptions which current scientific models rely on.
Please allow us to list some differences between the two. For
instance: Gravity is not an inward pulling force as defined by
academia, electricity is the only force (there is no negative electricity),
magnetism is stillness not a force (so-called magnets are created
through electrical processes--therefore they would be electric as
well), light is the only substance as elements are simply different
gyroscopic pressure conditions of that one substance, there are no
fundamental quantums of energy as believed in current models, nor
is the nuclear theory of the atom consistent with the workings of
nature. All mass is doubly charged which contradicts the idea of
singularly charged particles now accepted as gospel by the scientific
community at large. The law of Entropy is conspicuously missing its
twin - Syntropy or the up-hill flow of electricity which constitutes this
two-way motion Universe in which we find ourselves. Russellian
science places the Creator at the heart of all motions while
simultaneously bounding all motions. It is the simplest, most
seamless explanation of Creation ever given to mankind, through
illumination, that rarest of all human experiences. This natural
science cannot help but invoke Occam's razor. Silence and stillness
stare every scientist directly in the face, yet is the least of all noticed
places to assign the beginning and end of electric motion due to it's
undetectability in motion via the senses.

This understandable oversight has led scientists down a long

unillumined path of continual groping in the dark trying to make sense
of a very beautifully simple Universe using incredibly hard to
understand sense based theories which are unnatural and hold back
the progress of civilization to its own peril.
As with all new researchers who encounter the works of Dr. Walter
and Lao Russell, we implore you to fully and deliberately read and
reread the last distillation of the science found in "Atomic Suicide?."
This science book is worth the effort considering Nikola Tesla's
warning to Walter asking that he "lock it in a sepulcher for 1000 years
as humanity is not ready for it." To have that kind of response from
the greatest electrical engineer to ever walk the face of the
Earth requires, if not begs further investigation to say the very least.
Great discoveries do not come through the Universities nor the
curriculums associated with them--they come by way of the Mind
within man. For truly something new cannot be taught in this world of
repeating and remembering techniques which are graded en masse
in a hive like environment. It must come from the light of Mind itself,
or the fulcrum of stillness and silence within man himself, the Creator.
Please understand and respect the Russellian science position as a
stand alone cosmology as it is in direct opposition to anything
considered mainstream, which ultimately includes Quantum
Mechanics/Physics, String Theory, the Entropic Big Bang Falsehood,
Einstein's Relativities, Nuclear Atom, etc.
May this letter find you in good graces, sincerely and with all regards,
matt presti and Robert Otey

So, as you can see, we have demonstrated some major

invalidities in mainstream science that can serve to help
deprogram the incomplete unnatural sense-based falsehoods
now pervading it. Russellian science will take its rightful place
as the most complete and natural science ever given to
mankind. It is simply a matter of time.

We work knowingly for that great day with earnest and dedicated
intent, and the hopes of putting a firm foundation underneath
the feet of a misguided and blind, fledgling science now working
against the interests of mankind (Coal-Oil-Nuclear or CON).
Combined with the Living Philosophy, mankind cannot fail to
give birth to the greatest age ever known--The Age of
The conference on September 7th and 8th, 2013 will be held at
Swannanoa, in Waynesboro, Virginia, the former home and
location of the University of Science and Philosophy. Visit the
conference page for perpetual updates and information
regarding speakers, times, etc.

In the future, we will also be holding more SKYPE Sessions TBA.

Add science.philosophy to your SKYPE contacts.

A reminder also, our first webinar at the School of the Holy

Science is set for March 4th, 2013 at 7pm CST.
Click here for more info.

We thank you for your continued interest in the works of

Dr. Walter and Lao Russell and wish you the very best in all
endeavors of life.
We remain true to the message as always,
matt presti & Robert Otey
*We are aware of several new words being used in this newsletter which do not appear in
standard dictionaries. However, using these words connotes applicable obvious meanings as we do
not limit ourselves to the existing English language which is limited.*

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