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Balqis Nabilah

Summary Of Infinitely Yours (Novel)
Jingga, a girl who loves everything about Korea very much. She is 25 years old but
she still like a teenage girl. Her fashion style is very cute so it didnt show her age. She likes
her tour guide, his name is Kang Yun Jae. He is very handsome.
Last, year Jingga visited Korea. In airport she was lost because she didnt check
itinerary. She was found by Sir Damar. She was in hurry and she hit a men and her Ipad
broke. She was angry but he immediately left her. And it turned out that jingga sitting next
to that men. Jingga asked him for compensation and He gave money to her.
On the plane Jingga introduced herself to that men. And finally Jingga knew his
name. His name is Rayan. Jingga called him as uncle altough he was 28 years. Only three
years older than her. He told everything about Korea to Rayan. And Rayan felt so
uncomfortable. Actually, Rayan visited Korea to meet his girlfriend but Alif, his friend gave
the ticket to him. And Rayan wanted to run away from group tour. And finally they reached
Korea. Rayan levied Jinggas passport and he saw her age, and Rayan didnt want Jingga to
call him Uncle. And Jingga changed into Oppa (in Korea it means Brother). And in a group
tour Jingga and Rayan become a couple tour. And Rayan didnt like because Jingga was very
In Gyeobok Palace, Rayan ran away and stopped the taxi. Suddenly Jingga
approached him. The reason why Rayan did that because he wanted to meet his girlfriend.
But in his way, he saw his girlfriend passed with someone else. It turned out that his
girlfriend had another fiancee. Rayan was so sad. Her girlfriend only considered him as a
brother. And she felt so uncomfortable with him. She had the same character with Rayan.
Smart, wise, and shy. Her girlfriend felt that she didnt need a fiancee like Rayan. Rayan felt
so sad. And Jingga tried to entertain him. And Rayan felt better. And both of them sitting at
the side of Han River. And no words out from their mouths.
And the next day Jingga invited him to go around Korea. She named this tour with
Korean Romantism Tour. The goal was to make Rayan became a romantic couple for the
girl he loved. Jingga started his tour to N Seoul Tower. There are padlocks were paired by
many couples to make their relationship become eternal. Rayan shock and didnt believe
that. But Rayan and Jingga locked a padlocks with their name were written there. And she
locked that and threw the key. Jingga took a picture of that with her polaroid camera. She
glued the picture in her book and she wrote Love Locks in N Seoul Tower below that. And
next they took cable car. Accidentally Jingga wrote Jingga and Rayan winter in Korea and
she took picture of that. After that they ate in Dongdaemun street. Then they went to Doota

Shopping Centre. Jingga bought a couple t-shirt to Rayan and herself wore. But Rayan didnt
want but Jingga pushed him and finally Rayan wanted to wear that. And Jingga bought a ring
couple. And Jingga put into his finger.
Kang Yun Jae as a tour guide was very angry to Jingga and Rayan because they ran
away from their group tour. Rayan explained what actually happened. But Kang Yun Jae
denied that. Because actually Kang Yun Jae liked Jingga. And Yun Jae asked her to avoid
Rayan. She was confused. Eventough she liked Yun Jae before, but at that time she liked
Rayan as her boyfriend. She only become Yun Jaes fan not more than that. And finally the
tour was end. Yun Jae accompanied Jingga to airport. She saw Rayan from a distance. Yun
Jae asked Jingga to go back to Korea as soon as possible.
Rayan told Alif about his feeling to Jingga, but he was afraid to state his feeling to
Jingga. After three months, Jingga went back to Korea for gave Yun Jae reason why she
didnt accept him. After that she went to Cheonggye river and imagined her memories with
Rayan before. Suddenly, she saw someone like Rayan. And he was a real Rayan. Both of
them still wearing their couple ring. She hugged Rayan and both of them said their feelings.

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