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-if quotation by itself said by Kelly

-students name next to their quotes.

-my comments/noticings in red italics.
Do we remember the rules when i'm teaching you?"
Jemyah: raise your hand
Parker: if you have a question you can't call out
Joanna: no talking when someone else is talking
Good use of reinforcement
I am learning how to be a teacher" - Kelly points how I am taking ntoes and they don't need to
sit on your bottoms and sit up straight. what do we do when we read a story? zip our lips and
throw away the key. possible classroom routine?
"what do we think brown bear, brown bear is?"
Je: brown bear
Jo: he sees stuff
parker reads it
"2 names what could they be?"
"bryan do you need help. you can pick someone."
Would be good to give more lag time when you ask and wait a little longer for responses.
Eleanor: illustrator and author ("very good.")
what does the illustrator do?
jo: draws pictures
"can i open the book from this side?" No!!!!!
children read along as she reads
joanna says she knows the book.
"what animal is it?, what color is it?"
bryan answers.
hands go up at yellow duck
bryan: "i read books like this.
-"you read books like this? do we tap? parker sit on your bottom."
Blue Horse
2 questions: "What animal is this?"
parker: horse! they are my favorite
"what color is it?"
je: blue
"What does the blue horse see?"

Waiting for Bryan to answer.

"do you want help?"
joanna: a green frog. the yellow duck has pink feet. it's kinda funny
"what animal is this?!"
jo: i know how to read this
parker: i can read this too
"i'm going to read it for now."
bryan: i don't see a purple cat yet!
"well maybe. . . "
purple cat:
children read along
Kelly does not ask questions on this page
white dog:
bryan confused about "black" sheep. "i never seen it before."
children talk about how theyve never seen sheep
Also does not ask questions on this page.
black sheep:
"do you remember when we had goldfish in class?"
referring to worksheet/prior knowledge
"does this look like the goldfish from our class?"
Children: yes/no!
bryan: what teacher!?!
bryan: ohhhh
jemyah reading along
bryan: i see animals. . .
all page:
everyone reading along as kelly points and reads
bryan: we didn't see a monkey
"no monkeys in this book." -could have used that as a jump off point to next activity
je: blue in spanish is azul!
"eyes on me. bottoms on chairs. pull your chairs in. feet on the floor. now did you notice
Im just noticing a lot of emphasis on behavior management versus positive reinforcement. Off

day for the kids?

children: rhyming!
"some of them sounded like rhyming. we learned about that with mr. m."
parker waving her hand like crazy
"i see your hand parker."
eleanor: animals not usually that color.
parker: the words rhyme
"very good of you to notice. it doesn't mean rhyme. it means repeat! you saying something twice,
or threee times, more than one time! do you understand."
jo: i wanna write something!
kelly writes something. kids want to look.
kelly: "sit on your bottoms."
"repeat means you something more than one time, right?"
tell me when i repeat.
"purple cat, purple cat. blue horse."
which one did i repeat? -great way to reinforce the lesson that i did not think of!
je: purple cat
jo: you only said blue horse once.
kelly calls on bryan.
"did i repeat bluue horse?"
bryan sits straighter and looks intently unsure. kelly writes repeat.
"can you say repeat? purple cat purple cat. i repeat. blue horse. did i repeat that?" "very good."
kelly calls on bryan and asks him about blue horse and then purple cat. bryan gets correct.
favorite animal:
je: dog
eleanor: red bird. which is a cardinal
bryan: blue horse. "what is blue in spanish. do you know horse? no? thank you for teaching me."
kids count in spanish
jo: purple cat
fingers on lips. get's paper towel to wipe white board
"were you quiet? wow. you guys were so good. let's review."
uses character cards to recall animals from story
eleanor: red....cardinal!
when it gets to teacher card kelly points to her self. kids smile.
"i wanna test. i wanna make sure you know what repeat is."
je: you repeat a word more than 1 time
"tell me what i repeat. black sheep. or blue horse, blue horse. which one did i repeat?"
bryan: black sheep.
"did i repeat? which one did i say more than once? "very good. i repeat blue horse."
"which didn't i repeat?"
joanna who got upet she didn't get to answer, "black sheep."
Note on tone being even/good slow pace.

"today we are going to add to this story. did you notice hwo it goes 'animal, animal what did you
see?" - comments how she didn't say that well. "it says green frog, green frog, what did you see?
yellow duck, blue horse. did you notice what was the same on every page."
eleanor: every color. purple cat , purple cat, blue horse, blue horse, goldfish goldfish.
"you are going to make your own animal."
jo: "i don't know how to write that!"
"what does mr m say?" "kid writing!"
"where can you look to see letters?"
child: sound it out?
"where can you look?"
children: word wall and alphabet.
parker: vocabulary wall!
kelly shows kids the paper and the instructions. divides white board into 2 and writes animals
and color
"give me some animals and colors?" "who can give me colors?"
"now give me some animals."
cat, horse, dog,
"no baby, we have to leave it like this so we can see."
jo: i can't see!
"joanna. you don't have to see. remember, kid writing."
"what does pink sound like? p-p-p-p-p-p-p. should iit be capital? Yes."
goes through and helps them sound out letters. "Peand" is written.
Cow. what does cow start with? "c-c-c-c-, o-o-o-o" "u?" "ok!" joanna hears other letters, kelly
says "hmm it sounds like it stops here."
points them to structure of story & how it repeats.
"now i'm goingot draw a cow."
parker: I don't know where cows live.
"It's okay. it doesnthave to be a cow! whats your favorite animals?"
eleanor: purple cat
parker and jemiah tell kelly what they are going to draw.
once you finish writing and drawing i am going ot let you color.
kelly goes to grab pencils. Remember to grab materials beforehand to avoid this lag time.
kids complain that pencils aren't sharp "parker. . .we get what we get and we don't get upset."
"we don't need erasers."
"don't even writing about erasing. kid's writing you're fine!"
parker still upset, not doing work.
"parker you need to write for me. i would hate to have to give you a check."
kids helping each other to sound out words
jemyah asks if correct. "i'm not answering spelling questions!" "you don't have to be upset if it's
spelled wrong."

"it's okay sweetie. i forget sometimes too."

"oh remember, color comes first! oh it's okay. you can cross it out. don't forget kid's writing.
jemiah don't forget about your animal. oh you want it to be black? okay put a line through white.
kelly goes around and helps the children.
towards end of this lesson 2 other classes come in and start singing and crap. distracting.
parker: "it's a capital H!"
kelly: "mmmmnmm it's in the middle of the sentence."
parker looks intently at the board to spell "horse" correctly.
parker: mutters something i didnt catch
kelly: "you don't have to do anything you don't to with your drawing."
let's children sit on the rug when they are done.
lesson done at 10:15

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